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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Alicia Fox was pulled from wm due to an altercation with Ronda’s husband. It didn’t seem like much but it was filmed and hit the media. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/6000198/wwe-wrestlemania-alicia-fox-travis-browne-ronda-rousey-wwe/
  2. What a surprise. Jimmy’s the bigger man than hannity.
  3. Cody beat Kenny at Roh when bucks tried to superkick Cody but he ducked and they hit Kenny by mistake. Im loving this whole angle. Some people look at “Japanese” or Indy wrestling as being all spots with no story. This stuff Kenny and Cody and the Bucks are doing is next level story telling in wrestling. Tremendous. Watching NxT next but I hear the ladder match was ridiculously amazing and Gargano vs Ciampa was off the charts.
  4. Good grief. Harry Smith and Jake Roberts had an altercation at wrestlecon. Harry was hot about some remarks jake made on a recent podcast about his father. He confronted him at the convention and jake didn’t want to apologize or discuss it. Harry asked him to step outside and fight. Jake is 62 years old. He declined obviously. Apprently his daughter then went after harry. Harry threw hot coffee in jakes face.
  5. He was at titan tower a few weeks ago and met with Vince. So anything is possible. But I believe he has a month or so left on his contract. Not clear if impact released him outright.
  6. Seeing employees being told to be at arena Wednesday and Friday. So there’s a clue.
  7. Alberto was fired by impact today. He’s in New Orleans and did an impact presser yesterday but no showed their show today. Guys a disaster.
  8. Finishing second on the league. What a season. We were talking about the jets a couple years ago and what it would take. I remember saying that I thought last season would be a step back but they wouldn’t slowly get better. It would be a light switch. pretty remarkable. And Helle cementing his legacy in the history books is tremendous.
  9. UFC has a lot of issues. They could be boxing in five years with titles that mean nothing and fights no one cares aboi. The timing of this Connor meltdown is even worse as ufc is in the middle of tv negotiations that will effectively decide the future. They were purchased with massive debt servicing on the basis of increased tv rights fees. Networks will not be happy with the negative pr. And perhaps worse, it effectively eliminates UFC’s biggest star which hurts their value. Probably makes Brock almost a *need* for ufc to show networks they are still bringing in bankable stars. I wonder if it makes fox more likely to go with wwe over ufc.
  10. Netflix spends a lot but is seen in a very positive light. They are spending a lot now to increase original programming. And they keep increasing subscriptions too, in a market with a huge upside. At 100 million subs paying $10 a month, there revenue is ridiculous.
  11. St. Louis plays Colorado tonight. Winner is in the playoffs. Loser is eliminated. Funny how that happens.
  12. Makes me realize what a bargain Disney got lucasfilm for.
  13. At $100 billion valuation, not sure they could afford it.
  14. Netflix is buying a billboard company and increasing their marketing budget for original programming by $2billion. Fierce completion. just wait til Disney launches.
  15. 50/50 proceeds will be going to this as well. Awful tragedy.
  16. Sounds like the FBI searches a storage locker and for some dirt on Manafort. He doesn’t like whatever it is they found and is trying to get it tossed. Unfortunately for him:
  17. The nhl could. There is a reason the nhl keeps team names and logos rather then letting them go with the relocated team. It was just not a thing until the jets came back. The other franchises that moved were around a long time so they have so much more history now. Since jets 2.0 is so new the bulk of records are thrashers. That will change.
  18. It’s pretty crazy that they might actually tie with all the tie breakers. Unlikely but possible.
  19. That’s a great idea actually. Host a party and hand out jackhammers and sledge hammers and tell them to get started.
  20. My predictions! Brock Lesnar(c) vs Roman Reigns - WWE Universal Championship Should be the easiest call on the show. This is Roman's four year coronation as top dog. Brock's contract expires after this (Monday is his last contractual obligation I believe) so one way or the other he has to lose. When they first worked at WM a couple years, Vince didnt make the call to change the finish from Roman over to Seth cashing in until a few days before the show (infuriating Roman's dad) and Seth didnt even know until the show had begun. Could Vince change his mind again? Absolutely. But I doubt it. Its an awful way to close the show, if it closes (talk of the mixed tag closing). But they seem really determined to get the outcome they want. Brock and Heyman have done everything possible to get boo'ed so that Roman would be cheered. Mixed results on that one. I'd expect Roman to be boo'ed out of the building on Sunday unless Heyman has something up his sleeve at the show. The only swerve I could see is because everyone knows Roman is winning and with non-WWE people (like Dana White) saying Brock is leaving WWE, it might make Vince want to do a swerve. When Braun was being held back as Plan B (when there was concern over Roman and a potential steroid scandal), I thought either Brock would win and issue an open challenge with Braun winning for the happy ending or Roman wins, cuts a heel promo and same thing, Braun wins (ala Hogan/Yoko from WM 9). The other option is Brock wins and they announce a Brock farewell celebration for RAW and get the belt off him there. But I dont think. If its me, I'd have Roman win and turn heel. Regardless: Winner: Roman Aj Styles(c) vs Nak - WWE World Heavyweight Championship Gotta be Nak. Does nothing for either guy for AJ to retain. Elevates Nak to the top. And likely AJ moves to Raw to maybe work with Roman. Could be the match of the night (or year in WWE). Winner: Nak Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs Hunter & Steph Should be easy - Angle/Ronda over with the finish being Steph tapping (the idea that all the mainstream sports coverage will show the clip/photo and it elevates Stephanie. Some people think this will be a swerve and Hunter & Steph will win. For a big feud, you usually want the heels to win first. But this is WrestleMania and Ronda is special. If its me, I have Angle tapping Hunter and Ronda tapping Steph at the same time. Another great idea I've heard is Ronda tapping Hunter (the benefit to that is Ronda is put over huge and Hunter can claim the rules dont allow intergender wrestling so the result doesnt count, and either way, Steph didnt lose, setting up a singles match. Winners: Angle & Ronda Danial Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Kevin owens & Sammy Zayn Should be another easy one. Bryan will be so over, it will be ridiculous (and risk the crowd turning on everything else). There is a thought they might put this on last for that reason, for the visual of 70,000 people doing the yes chant. The swerve folks see WWE wanting the super heat of Bryan losing (maybe with a Shane turn). Just play it straight. Winners: Bryan & Shane John Cena vs Undertaker This is the goofiest build to a match ever. And Cenas insults have been stiff as heck. Not just his either, but guys like Elias. Word is this angle is all Vince and he believes announcing the match doesnt increase buys one bit because everyone knows Taker will be there and the intrigue is in the angle "will he show". I figured they didnt want to do a match (either because Taker cant or wont if he felt last year was his retirement) and this would be a glorified segment with Taker getting his revenge. Another thought is, the "dead man" wont be there, but Biker Undertaker will, coinciding with Kid Rock going into the Hall of Fame and performing live. He could perform American Bad Ass life as Taker enters in his old gimmick and kick the hell out of Cena. Assuming its a match, you have to have Undertaker win now. Either, Taker beats the piss out of him. Winner: Undertaker Braun & ??? vs Cesaro & Sheamus - RAW Tag Team Champiosnhip I liked it better as Braun by himself and winning the tag titles. Maybe because I did the exact angle last November in my own promotion with a guy winning the tag titles by himself (one man tag champs). The hot rumour for awhile was Braun's partner would be Rey Misterio but Rey denies it. The safe bet is Big Show who just signed a new contract (after saying he would retire) and he's in great shape. The only thing I hesitate on is, Show makes Braun look smaller and Vince might not like that. The other option would be Lashley but I think they have something else in mind (he was meant for Brock). Other guys ready to return are Joe, Cass (who would be good), Jeff Hardy and Drew Mcintye (which would also be another option. My safe bet is Show. My long shot (and better idea I think) is Drew. And of course, maybe the champs retain. Winners: Braun & ??? Charlotte vs Asuka - SD Women's Championship If I HAVE to have a swerve its here. If they feel the big money is in Charlotte vs Ronda for the title down the road (as originally rumoured for WM) but realistically, its nuts to not have Asuka go over and build to next year's WM of undefeated Asuka vs undefeated Ronda. The other storyline is Carmella and the Money in the Bank. She could cash in for a near fall and ultimately lose. It would be crazy and big heat in the moment for Asuka to win and Carmella to cash in and beat her. But long term its terrible. Winner: Asuka Nia Jax vs Alexa Bliss - RAW Women's Championship Im going to go off the board and say Bliss retains the title. Its a bad angle with the fat jokes which should mean the face winning and she's Rock's cousin hence her push. But I have a feeling WWE wants to save the win for later Winner: Bliss Miz vs Seth vs Balor - WWE IC Championship Against my better judgement, Im going off the board again. Miz is too good to lose. By hook or by crook he retains. Should be an awesome match! Winner: Miz Roode vs Jinder vs Rusev vs Orton - WWE US Championship Rusev was a late addition which usually means something. And he's hot right now. Happy Rusev Day. Winner: Rusev Usos vs New Day vs Bludgeon Bros - SD Tag Team Championship Uso are too good. Winners: Usos Women's Battle Royale Too hard to call these. Ill say Bayley with a heel turn Winner: Bayley Mens Battle Royale Same thing, too hard. For fun: Winner: Big Cass Alexander vs Ali = Cruiserweight Championship I dont follow 205 that closely. Winner: Alexander Remember folks, its 7 hours this year!
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