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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Forgot about him. 4th round pick in 2016 20 years old. RHD. 6’4”, 192lbs. Stay at home D. No offensive skills.
  2. Jeff Jarrett returning to WWE. He looks happy and healthy. Very happy for him. He looks to be in great shape too. He'd be a good choice for new Smackdown GM, someone who can do occasional matches if the need arises.
  3. One of the issues is no one wants to work for him. He bragged that they'd have the best people and then brought in cronies and kids. And now its so bad, the best people want nothing to do with the admin and who can blame them. Even Bush was smart enough to hire smart people (politics aside). Thats what you do. But with trump, you have to support the fallacy that he's the smartest man in every room on every subject. And former President's say that they might, in the moment, hate being told they're wrong but its very important. I read a story about former Chief's of Staff meeting with trump's before he took office to offer advice and Obama popped into the meeting and said he's never been more angry then when arguing with his CoS but its important the staff feels comfortable offering different opinions and various options....cant do that in Trump's admin. There was a story last week that said Trump acknowledges that Jared & Ivanka are an issue and not up to snuff but he wont fire family.
  4. I believe that was the issue with the former coach and why they put Pascal in there. They wanted Moose to play the same systems and that wasnt happening before. We were talking about this a bit in the office today about the difference in the Moose from before the Jets to now. Before, they hated when the Canucks made call ups because True North wanted the Moose to win every year. Now, they still want to win but its all about making the Jets a success first.
  5. To be fair, I thought he'd be great this year. Was super choked when I missed out on him in my pool. Habs are brutal though. Drouin is good.
  6. Not sure if mentioned yet but reportedly Connor earns a $215,000 bonus for scoring 30 goals.
  7. Morrissey - Kulikov - Niku - Chiarot depth chart for LHD next season?
  8. youtube restricted her content so she goes on a shooting spree. Sort of makes YouTube right, no? What an evil woman
  9. Good for that Fox reporter (or produced or whomever alerted fellow media). But what does it say about Fox News when the government wants to shut out media but allows you?
  10. The North American Championship is the secondary title for NXT. I think the argument by the talent is, if the main WM show is 5 hours long, they can fit all the matches in and its a reasonable point. The main show contains a lot of video packages, concerts and other stuff that limits the actual wrestling and pushes some matches to the pre-show. Taking the 7 hour show and making it happen in a 5 hour window likely produces a more enjoyable event for fans. Or those pre show guys wouldnt get a match, you're right. As it is, be on early and be geared down, showered and in catering before the main show begins and enjoy the evening.
  11. I think they started doing the long pre-show as a means to fill the stadium in a more orderly manner. It gives early-arriving fans something to watch. It can be rough though, performing in front of a cavernous near-empty stadium. Guys have complained in the past about it. Plus, WWE monetizes the pre-show. USA is airing one hour of it and they put the other hour on the Network. Definitely makes for a long day just watching the damn show. That's two full meals and a ton of booze!
  12. WM pre-show matches are the two battle royales and the Cruiserweight final (too bad that match isnt getting the big show). We'll know after tonight if anything changes in the line up and then we can make our predictions. For those watching life, the pre-show kicks of at 4PM and the main show at 6PM scheduled to run til 11. Yes, a 7 hour WrestleMania! (They dont adhere to an end-time like they used to so it could end early or late).
  13. His supper for Sinclair is not surprising. But it is dangerous and akin to pushing a state agenda. When he complimented the Chinese president for his dictatorial power grab, he meant it.
  14. Heck of a bookend for raw tonight. Steph was masterful in the opener and Ronda looked a lot more comfortable. And Paul Heyman is untouchable on the mic and actually had the crowd chanting for Roman. They ended up booing him anyway lol Brock was tremendous too. Great facials. And he bounced around like a mad man to put over Roman’s punches. Really good stuff.
  15. Ummm isn’t this exactly what she was tying to do to those victims of parkland? Silence them through intimidation? All the kids did in response was make her sponsors have to be accountable to her content.
  16. Rian Johnson: “There were death threats. It’s balanced by a few things — 90 percent of the stuff I got online was not only lovely and encouraging but phenomenally thoughtful. Fans would send me essays on the movie. The other 10 percent is just loud and gets amplified. At first I was freaked out but then I realized the things people were angry about are the things I’m most proud about.” now or I don’t condone death threats but If he really takes pride in the things people were most upset with it only reiterated that he was all wrong for the gig.
  17. For the layman, extra stinky when you consider this context What does it say to the UK?
  18. Im a little bit surprised because at their age, one more year with an actual contender would be my wish if I were them. But they are pretty devoted to Vancouver. A pretty amazing story when you consider they only ever played together their entire career and retire together.
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