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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He was so happy but it’s clear he didn’t watch. Because while Roseanne voted for trump, Jackie didn’t. And it’s what causes their rift. So the Jackie character was critical of trump. It wasn’t a 30 minute campaign ad for trump. But he fits. He doesn’t watch. He just repeats what he hears.
  2. Yes. Excellent series so far. I love these period shows based on true stories and done this well. Great cast.
  3. Worth the read. Cohen’s lawyer admits on national tv that Trump has no idea about the contract with Stormy. Which effectively voids it due to how it was written. He also admits Cohen fixed many many issues like this for Trump. Doh!
  4. Big sigh of relief from Miz I’m sure. She was due right around WM
  5. I think more likely KO & Zayn lose and end up “signed” to raw. But a Shane turn and Bryan losing...that would be something. Get the riot gear. Lol it would explain why they “need” to push ahead with Shane in that spot.
  6. My biggest issue with it is that he felt the power and dark side in Ben, was attacked and left. So he knew Snoke had turned Ben and knew how powerful they were. And he left. The same character that was willing to fight Vader in Empire by himself and face Palps in Jedi. If Luke Skywalker was so broken he didnt care who lived and died, fine, but they didnt give us a good enough reason in my opinion. Hamill was so good, that alone should have made them keep him alive. When Fisher died, it was a no-brainer. Im sure he'll be in the next one but its not the same. It seems like a lame reason, them wanting to focus on the new heroes. Meanwhile Disney makes a marvel film with 59 heroes in it. Rian Johnson sucked.
  7. From Latino Review: Of course, Mark Hamill is correct. And it makes me "grieve" how poorly Luke Skywalker was treated in this film. In TFA, the idea of Luke missing and in hiding was so damned intriguing. TLJ was such a let down showing us this bitter, faithless Luke who ran from the fight and abandoned his friends and family to evil. It made his whole arc in the original trilogy mean so little because it just didnt make sense. Im fine with Luke in hiding. But they needed a better reason. Return of the Jedi (or is it Empire) gives us the reason. Luke feels Vader sensing him and says "I shouldn't have come, Im jeopardizing the mission". If Luke felt he was a danger to his friends, family and the universe, that's a good reason to go into hiding (and give him something to do while he's there so its not wasted time...some sort of task or study that is critical to success so it shows Luke's time not only helped but was needed by whatever knowledge he gains). Anyway...broken record. Film sucked.
  8. I certainly dont know anything about the ins and outs of illegal streams. But I do recall UFC (I think it was) suing hosts of illegal streams. They were able to determine a single user (or multiple single users) were patient zero for an enormous amount of illegal views and went after those people. You can bet the big conglomerates will have governments on board to come down hard on illegal streamers. On the other hand, how prevalent is it? I engaged in a debate with a guy over sharing Netflix. He was a big proponent of multiple people sharing one account and bragged that he watched it for free. Netflix encourages household accounts (they believe it creates multiple users down the line when kids move out) and dont crack down on multiple house holds using one account. I read something where they said they didnt feel it was a big issue and most people just get their own account. WWE initially had their network restricted to one device to avoid sharing and I believe they have it set to three devices now. So...in short, I dont know. But streaming is going to be the way everyone consumes content soon enough.
  9. In time, most households will carry multiple streaming services. The hurt comes in that transition period (and its the chief complaint I hear from people about it) where you still pay $100+ for cable AND have Netflix AND maybe want to add Amazon or HULU or this. If 5-10 years from now, people get access to the same amount of content for the same price they pay for cable but its through streaming, its generally a net positive. The big conglomerates will find a way to bundle multiple services (their premium content, network shows, cable channels) into one price. Maybe that will be something cable providers come up with. So, for example, you still have SHAW but you pay one price for multiple streaming services. I think in terms of early adopters and people who have chosen to cable cut, they might be more likely to add more services because of an acceptance of the technology. Disney is going to be force. Hard to imagine Netflix being over-taken, but Disney will a competitor. They have too much "free" archival content to leverage and new content based on their valuable IP to not be. Plus, they own ABC. If Disney had a package that included one price for all their packages (I think they want two new streaming services plus a sports streaming service plus they own HULU plus they own ABC) that allowed you to also get their network shows without delay etc, its an intriguing buy. Viacom (Paramount) moving towards merging with CBS is almost a necessity at this stage and even then, they'll be small compared to other conglomerates. But they need to do it to leverage both sides to compete. Personally, I love tech but even I resisted Netflix. I didnt get it. Why would I pay to watch old movies? And not even get to keep the physical copy? And I assumed it must suck and be buggy. When I finally tried it (I cant remember why I did...House of Cards, maybe?) I was hooked. Just added Amazon Prime recently. I had bought a new TV that included dedicated buttons for both those services. Its a small thing but it does lend itself more to usage. Its as simple as pressing the power switch. Its as ubiquitous as pressing the Guide button and scrolling through cable channels. Whereas in the past, if I was bored, the idea of getting up to find my Xbox controller, turning it on, waiting for it to load, selecting the netflix app, changing my TV input etc...maybe I didnt bother. I like to sit in front of my big TV with surround sound and watch. But younger people are more inclined to watch on any device they have. When you want, how you want and making it easy is the key. I think its going to be massive and people are going to embrace it.
  10. Bohemian Rhapsody? Im really looking forward to it! Queen had such great music and Mercury is made-for-movies story.
  11. Apple is investing $1 billion on original content for its streaming service for 2019. Im assuming this streams via iTunes? Does Apple have a separate streaming service? I've never actually watched anything over iTunes though I have been tempted to buy The West Wing.
  12. They announced Byran & Shane vs Zayn and KO so it looks like, as I suspected, they're hoping Shane can do it. Talked to Kenny and the fear was a busted orbital bone but thats not the case and he's not missing any dates.
  13. Watched the Roseanne revival and enjoyed it. The Trump stuff was a bit much but it made for a fine conclusion and I suspect similar arguments played out in many households. My main concern with a show like this is whether it would remain true to its premise or become a comedy about itself. It made fun of itself a bit but still had some solid observations about middle class families. It hints at some interesting developments - Darlene and David apparently not together, Darlene losing her job was a major financial blow (ie. as with the original, there is lack of large savings) and is there no support from David? The characters are all true to their original portrayal. And after skimming through much of the original series recently and now this, you get the sense that the emotional through-line is the Darlene character and in many ways Sara Gilbert is the strength of the show. She's still sarcastic and rough and very much like the Roseanne character (this was a theme during the original series where Darlene was just like Roseanne). In the original, it was Darlene's "weirdness" as far as being creative and alternative and wearing all black and tom-boyish that was a sign of the times. Now its Darlene's son Mark who likes to wear girls clothes. I thought that aspect was sweet and funny. Becky is much the same as well. Except her husband died and she works at a restaurant (much like Rosanne did) and worries about money which was always a thing with her when she left home. The replacement Becky is also on the show and they do poke a little fun at it. Aunt Jackie steals every scene she's in. She's hilarious but in the later seasons I thought she was too goofy and she has a touch of that here but its more muted and more of an "eccentric old spinster aunt" and it works because its funny and she's great. Interestingly, a running gag occasionally mentioned in the original was the weirdness of DJ. Many jokes made about him one day being a serial killer. He seems to be the most well adjusted and "average" success of all the kids. He's married, served in the military and is now home while his wife is still serving over-seas. He has a young daughter. Another fun thing, there was an episode years ago where DJ wouldnt kiss a girl in a a school play because she was black. He ended up marrying that girl. All in all, a worthy revival in my opinion.
  14. Charlotte had dental surgery due to an infection. Should be good for WM but likely not working before then.
  15. Gargano would be an easy fill in story line-wise and get a great reaction. Im sort of of that mind too, if they need to replace Shane, make it someone who can benefit from the rub. I dont think jericho has ever missed his scheduled Fozzy dates so its unlikely but you never know. Joe, Cass and Jeff Hardy are all ready to return. Lashley is coming in. Could be any of them. It could be 2 on 1. It could be Shane making it but not doing much. Hell, it could be Goldberg. lol
  16. I agree. I saw this on another forum where they are being negative about Ronda. The guy doing the interview does a piss-poor job of phrasing his question and then doubles down by essentially repeating the poorly phrased part - "Would you go back in time?" I'd make fun of the guy too, if I were being interviews. How about "When did you decide to leave MMA?" "Is there any chance you'd consider fighting in MMA again?" Pretty simple questions. Would you go back in time...lol
  17. Ask a stupid question, get a sarcastic answer. “I do not have the ability to go back in time, no” Lol
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