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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trump nuts screaming about their rights is pretty rich. Were Hitler's supporters as stupid when he was grabbing power?
  2. You can read the thread to get individual restrictions on each business type. Hair salons opening. Real tough time for businesses that can’t open. Buddy owns a hotel. So it’s hotel, lounge, vlts, restaurant, Banquets etc. Can’t open. Crippling.
  3. Anyone still trying to diminish covid by comparing it to the flu is trolling or clueless.
  4. Yes he probably will. Not much he can do about it unless congress goes even more towards the GOP and they're willing to rip up the constitution. Makes it even more important for the Senate to turn to the Dems. The visual of Trump being dragged out of the White House in cuffs sounds great though. Just wait til he grudgingly accepts the results but refuses to go to the Inauguration or cooperate with transitions.
  5. That does make sense if Edmonton has the hotel and practice facilities attached to the arena. Easier to isolate the whole complex to just NHL folks. Winnipeg has a better location for fly in and out but if everyone is staying, its not much of an issue.
  6. No point in impeaching now. Too close to an election. And I dont think they'd dump Trump this late since he'd run as an independent and split the vote anyway. I could see calls to dump Pence, even late into the election. They might go with a more dynamic running mate to try and juice the polls a bit. But even then, any bump would be temporary with Trump. They'd literally have to dump Pence in October and try to ride a bump. The nuclear option would be Trump accepting he's toast and quitting over "medical reasons" so he can say he never really lost.
  7. Are camp grounds closed for a period of time? I wonder about beaches...for example will they actively prevent people from using Grand Beach. If you're a cabin owner, can you go? If they do re-open or allow gathering, beaches will see a lot of people with everything cancelled, I would think.
  8. Which one is the incumbent? So much for the covid bump
  9. The GoP were so afraid of trump last time that they sold their souls. If the polls continue to be abysmal heading into the election you’ll see the GOP putting their big boy pants on a lot more often and telling him to get lost. The fear was always that he’d split the party. And he will regardless. They’ll be a trump party. Ofcourse if he and his family are all in jail that may not happen. But if the GOP thinks trump is a hindrance they won’t care.
  10. I’m learning that it’s easy to determine whether to give an article any time by who posts it here.
  11. Waco on Netflix is really good, though it does try to paint Koresh pretty sympathetically. Great cast, Michael Shannon (always awesome) as an FBI negotiator and the underrated Taylor Kitsch as Koresh. Also stars Shea Whigham and my favourite, Julia Garner. I had just seen a documentary on Waco so was feeling pretty Waco'ed out but this is really good. They sort of make the point that the ATF really didnt need to bother with Waco at all, but dont spend any time at all on the weapons they had and they under-play the child abuse (or statutory rape if you want to call it there). Though you do get the sense that Koresh is nuts. Recommended!
  12. too bad she isn’t bothered over trumps comments. Amazing how he surrounds himself with these people. Or perhaps they’re just too terrified to speak out.
  13. I believe it would take a constitutional amendment, no? It’s hard wired into the constitution that this term ends on inauguration Day. If there is no election winner that kicks off a big problem. But trumps term ends.
  14. I believe it would take a constitutional amendment, no? It’s hard wired into the constitution that this term ends on inauguration Day. If there is no election winner that kicks off a big problem. But trumps term ends.
  15. It’s virtually impossible though. And he could only delay it to the extent a winner is inaugurated in January on time. If anything a delay would strengthen the argument for mail in votes etc.
  16. I guess the reports that he was finally humiliated enough into quitting making an ass of himself is true.
  17. Garbonzo’s name was bought by Canad Inns. No idea if it’s any good. Remember Shakey’s pizza? Ive been trying to eat local and went back to Tony’s a few times. Fantastic.
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