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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Also, Steve King is a US rep. He IS the government. Is he saying he wants the populace armed to prevent him and his buddies from turning the US into a giant prison camp? He's literally saying arm the public to stop me. What a nut. Not to mention the "armed populace to keep the government honest" argument is likely the worst one to make in the US in 2018. We're going to over throw the government with some AR-15s. yeah right. Being young, being a woman, being Cuban...oh and looking and dressing the way she does...these people attacking were probably fully erect at the prospect of going after her. She checked all the boxes. Too bad for them she's an intelligent, articulate person as are many of these young people. I hope their efforts continue full throttle and I hope they can gather enough like-minded young people to vote (likely for the first time) and make a difference. Funny how "we need to engage young people in the democratic process" has become "What do they know, they're stupid kids". But many of them now and many shortly will be old enough to buy these weapons. Will they be young dumb kids then? or responsible gun owners?
  2. Its also interesting that when Judge whatshisname was being criticised for his harassment/assault/interest in teenage girls, the GOP was happy to point out they were old enough to make their own decisions and who cared anyway but now 17 year olds are too young and stupid to have an opinion about being shot in school.
  3. Trump would be so entertaining under oath. nbc should air his deposition live
  4. I don’t understand. I thought trump said recently that lawyers were lined up to join his team. Imagine you’re in really deep legal trouble and you have tons of money but no lawyer wants to take your case. Lol
  5. It didn’t get lower than attacking a child victim of violence to further a political cause especially when that cause is utter bunk. They should be absolutely ashamed. And where is the leadership from the White House and nra and gop to demand their supporters stop this? are they that afraid of this young woman?
  6. Just when you think they can’t stoop any lower they do. hes not the only one I’ve seen attack Emma either. I wonder what it is about her that makes her the knee jerk target for right wing attacks. Hmmmmm
  7. WWE reports that Shane McMahon has been hospitalized with diverticulitis. Im assuming this is true even though the WWE.com story references the storyline with KO and Zayn because if you wanted to put Shane in the hospital or remove him from WM with a fake injury, they'd just use the beating. I believe Vince also had diverticulitis and Brock had it which ended his first UFC stint. If Shane needs surgery I imagine he wont be available for WM.
  8. I meant the Ace Burpee one he made when they made the playoffs last. Hoping for an update
  9. I think Ibushi struck his head on the post and was a bit loopy. There was another spot where he didnt quit duck out of the way quick enough when Kenny did a moonsault and it looked like they struck heads. Kenny's timing is ridiculous though. His stuff is incredibly tight. All the guys involved in the Bullt Club break up and the different stories, have been spot on. Making me look forward to Omega vs Cody!
  10. I like the playoffs tweets and memes out there. Has the playoff song been updated yet?
  11. WWE is holding a big event in Saudi Arabia as part of a ten year deal with the government. Its called the Greatest Royal Rumble and will feature a 50 man rumble and 7 title matches. Hunter vs Cena on the card. They're pulling out all the stops. Believed to be a live Network special. April 27th. But... In 2018. I get the business aspect. But it sucks to read that. Women's Evolution y'all. Anyway, New Japan's long beach show was last night. I mostly watched the main event. Omega & Kota Ibushi vs the Young Bucks. If you like your wrestling with a healthy dose of drama and story telling, this is a match for you. The subtle (and not so subtle) stuff they did was tremendous. Kenny had a badly swollen face by the end and suspected a broken bone, hopefully not. I recommend the match especially if you're interested but have trouble getting into "Japanese wrestling". Three North Americans and Kota, who is one of the best in the world. He declined a WWE contract couple years ago. Really good. Jim Ross did commentary. New Japan is returning to California this summer. So they are ramping up their US shows. I imagine its going to annoy WWE at some point here which means big contract offers for some key New Japan guys! lol
  12. He was good last season too. Took a bit of time to get back up to speed this season after spending most of his time not playing. He's solid.
  13. I agree. People here often form a life-long opinion based on one bad play. Not saying he's only made one bad play. Every player makes bad plays. But Toby takes a lot of heat. Plus, if you're small, you're already hated by a segment of fans. My impression was Toby likes it here and the Jets like Toby. Clearly, he's not making $5+ next contract but if they came up with something easy. Realistically, if toby leaves, they are looking for another LHD anyway. So if they re-sign him at a good rate, whats the problem? The only concern is health. If he's in the plans as the #2 or even #3 LHD, he has to be healthy more than he's not. Regardless, Chiarot is playing very well and you have to pat Morrow on the back too. We're missing half our starting D corp right now and still winning.
  14. I watched the Stormy interview and if what she says is true and if what she and her lawyer claim to have is true, it's going to put Trump in a tough spot. Her story of being threatened while with her baby daughter was particularly loathsome. On the show (and I've seen this elsewhere) this discussed how this would be an issue for Trump. Its not really the sex or the affair since Trump's base wouldnt care and the so called moral majority have shown a willingness to ignore the things they hate as long as its their man doing it. But the hush money could be a campaign finance violation. The end result would be a fine so its not a huge deal but if Mueller decided to investigate and ever gets Trump under oath and he lies, thats impeachment. The best part is, the GOP cant really call it a witch hunt since its the same thing that happened to Democrat John Edwards (he was acquitted). While I do think character is a reasonable point to consider in politics, personally I dont *really* care who sleeps with whom. But the stories of Trump's penchant for affairs feeds the larger narrative of his potential blackmail and the Steel Dossier. Not to mention the enormous amount of women who have accused him of inappropriate behavior. Stormy is well spoken. She's good with the media. Between her and McDougal Trump's been painted as a liar and (careless) cheater. Although oddly, while Trump attacks everyone who every opposes him, he's been awfully quiet about these women (save for the official responses by his people).
  15. I guess had Putin had 60 diplomats in the US he wanted to bring back
  16. shockingly the US is also expelling diplomats. I guess that stormy interview really bugged trump and he felt the need to look legitimate today.
  17. It’s a good example of why the separation of church and state is so important.
  18. I generally liked rick Ralph. He’s funny. But he’s doing his best to make this fight a bigger story than it is. Anyone with close friends or anyone who has plaid competitor sports has been in a fight or witnessed fights. It happens. And the description by wheeler that they hugged it out and then joked about it is exactly what I’ve seen many times among my own friends. No conspiracy here.
  19. I felt they’d offfer him a new (smaller) contract but I don’t think so now. What’s the point. Spend the money on a mlre consistent option. Has chiarot done enough to earn the regular 3LD spot?
  20. That isn’t even trying hard. and the coward trump leaves town the day before the marches. I really hope these kids can make a different. I hope some gun nuts and nra puppets get voted out. I really do.
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