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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. True, but again we dont know the details. It sounds like province wanted to replace Riley and the board walked out in support. Realistically, the province doesnt work for the board.
  2. My initial opinion (which I was going to post) was good on Pallister as we should not be held hostage. But I felt it was an uneducated opinion about a subject with facets we know nothing about. So I didnt post it. I feel your position is much the same. Maybe $70million is well above other pay-for-use deals. Maybe there was a threat to disrupt construction and they feel this is extortion. We dont know. if Pallister's goal is to get a better deal, then good for him. We need to know a lot more before we can really judge it.
  3. They're a team I dont want to meet in the playoffs but last night gave me more reason for hope. Maybe it's so many years of disappointment but its hard to be optimistic until the Jets actually win in the playoffs. But man, they're good.
  4. https://globalnews.ca/news/4096609/manitoba-hydros-entire-board-quits/
  5. Atomic probably means that Stastny won’t want to not that the jets would r want him to. He lives full time in St Louis and very likely goes back.
  6. Lol Yup. It impeached Clinton. Could do the same for Trump. But he probably has worse things to worry about.
  7. You are correct. I withdraw my previous comment. I thought this was still the NDP board because it noted a Con member did not resign. This board was appointed by the Premier. So...this is somewhat baffling. I wonder how bad things are at Hydro...
  8. This was a game I was worried about. LA should have been inspired to put the Jets away, Jets had their rookie back up playing, key injuries...seemed like the perfect recipe for a poor game by the Jets. But, as it turns out, the Jets are good. Very good.
  9. Now that we have a team it doesnt much matter to me. Jets have the richest ownership in the league and are profitable. As long as they routinely make the playoffs, I dont think TN will mind paying. Since the cap is linked to revenues, escrow claws back money anyway. If escrow was small or non-existent, it would mean league revenue was high enough to support the cap and thus the Jets would be financially healthy anyway.
  10. Tongue in cheek a bit with the idea that as badly as Hydro has been mismanaged, everyone should go. It sounds like an NDP-heavy board didnt like what the Cons had in store and quit. Cons will replace them with their own people.
  11. Interesting legal documents for those interested. Karen McDougal suing for a declaration that the contract she signed with AMI is void so she can tell her story of an affair with Trump
  12. Interesting location as there was speculation it would take up some of the old Target at Polo Park to be near the large Cineplex Theatre there. I wonder if they'd consider opening theatres at the Tuxedo location too. The article makes a good point about attracting families. I took my niece to an indoor playground recently and it was packed but it was sort in the middle of nowhere. If it was in or near a mall or other shops, I could see it being part of a "day out".
  13. All the years of the stupid pointing at the WM sign finally paid off when the crowd organically pointed at it during Bryan’s promo tonight. Fantastic.
  14. Also AJ Styles is hurt. Last word was “hopeful for WM” so....potential yikes
  15. Interesting. I really enjoyed Devil's Rejects (House of 1000 corpses was "ok").
  16. I find it odd that they sent him the offer before he visited. He seemed fully engaged in the visit. So he knew the offer, came anyway, was apparently interested. And then was all "so, yeah, sounds great. Anyway, so you were just kidding about that offer right?"
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