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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Big Cass is also cleared. Might hold him off til after WM (I'd suggest the Andre Battle Royale and have him win it). I wonder if they'd waste Lashley's return in the battle royale...probably not. Also they had a strong 3rd hour last night in terms of viewers, which is good news for Matt Hardy as the Ultimate Deletion drew well. Interestingly, the 2nd hour outdrew the first hour (and the Roman/Brock segment).
  2. The worst angle ever. A show that is 6+ hours long where literally everyone appears and Jon Cena might have to buy a ticket and sit in the stands. Yeah right.
  3. They could have held him off until the night after. And assuming he slots into the Shane match (and at the very least, Shane going on hiatus made sense for Bryan's return), they've known for a little while. There was a lot of scuttlebutt around Rumble about Bryan as a surprise entrant. But the people that would usually know (the ones we smarks think of as Gods) reported it was not happening as he was not cleared "then". But I think they were on their way to that inevitable end. Internally, WWE's line up had Owens and Zayn in the Andre battle royale and Shane vs Ziggler. The Ziggler match, I can almost see, but the Andre thing, made little sense. I think they were optimistic he was being cleared and they were keeping it quit, even internally.
  4. So the story is, as most people know, it was WWE's doctor Dr Maroon that iced him. The lousy thing was, WWE sent him home and used a contract clause to roll over any time he missed. In other words, they sent him home and said "since you're hurt indefinitely, your contract now rolls over indefinitely". ie. he had an eternal contract. Clearly illegal but he'd have had to sue to get out. They eventually smartened up a bit by using him on screen, allowing his contract to continue running down. Bryan saw his own specialists including, IIRC, the doctor for the Cardinals and was cleared by everyone. He began doing hyperbaric chamber therapy. WWE finally relented and Dr Maroon sent him to see several hand-picked specialists for his last chance to be cleared. They cleared him so Dr Maroon did as well. Thus, he's back. His contract expires in September. Assuming he slots in as Shane partner at WM, its a good come back spot for him. I wonder if the WM crowd will hijack the show wanting more of him. Here's some fantasy booking. Roman beats Brock and then cuts a heel promo, a "How do you like me now", and arrogantly says he will never lose...he'd take on anyone at anytime...if anyone had the balls to come down here right now and face me, I'd put this belt on the line. Cue Bryan's music. He beats Roman and WM ends with 70,000 people doing the Yes chant.
  5. Its real interesting because Charlie Ebersol made the XFL documentary last year with Vince. Vince and **** Ebersol are (were?) close. I wonder how much Vince and Charlie talked about the mistakes of the XFL and what Vince thought would make it a success... Certainly, this new group didnt have a flashy presser to announce their "plan", they kept it quiet and went public when they had something major...a Network deal. Vince has to be pretty irate today.
  6. Montreal should immediately lower their offer.
  7. Its amazing that Meuller was willing to give Trump an idea of questions they would ask as a way of showing they arent setting up a perjury trap. They just want answers to questions. And Trump's people are still petrified that he cannot give truthful answers to simple questions without perjuring himself. Oh and the fact he's guilty as sin...thats a problem too. Trump's team wants to know if he can lie and get away with it. Telling the truth would get him impeached. Lying and getting caught will get him impeached. He's ******.
  8. WWE confirms Daniel Bryan is cleared (why they'd announce it before tonight, I dont know). Edit: I guess it makes sense to pop a number tonight. Good for Bryan. The reaction tonight should be unbelievable. Perhaps on the level of Hogan in Montreal after WM X8.
  9. I recommend following @SethAbramson on twitter. He has tons of news and insight (he's a lawyer) and breaks down a lot of the news. He's definitely anti-Trump but he's been pretty fair in dismissing "news" that isnt or being critical of the other side when appropriate. But he writes these long, very detailed threads with dates, names, links. If you want to see the depth of Trump's problems, spend a few days reading through Seth's feed. Here's a bit of background: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/james-comey-fbi-director-letter So really...any issues with the FBI were in trump's favour and being the idiot he is, he managed to make an enemy out of a friendly organization.
  10. Yup very slow news on this front https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5853330/mh370-alien-theories-doomsday/
  11. Just what the NRA needed! A resource officer shoots a student shooter. Im sure they won’t politicize this though The bigger take away is: hand gun = one victim. Thankfully he did not have an assault weapon.
  12. That's a reasonable post. So to summarize, you cannot be critical of Harper's deficits. In fact, you agree with them (is that because the Liberals wanted them?) They cut the GST because its unpopular and they campaigned on it. They won based on that promise (among others). You can disagree with the idea of a GST cut but you can't be critical of Harper for following through on his promise. I'd much prefer zero income tax and higher consumptions taxes/sin taxes etc. But the Liberals arent doing that either. Well, they are taxing us, a silly useless tax that wont stop global warning but its certainly well framed in that you either support the carbon tax or you want the earth to explode in a fiery ball of man-made destruction. No middle ground. Seems the Liberals (or NDP at other levels) inherit good economic situations, spend their way into oblivion, are rightly kicked to the curb and then the big bad conservatives have to clean up the mess. After a few years of tough decisions, people forget and get all starry-eyed at the prospect of gold boats for everyone and vote for the large promise/small plan Liberals/NDP. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  13. Oh I see what you did there. Okay, if you dont want to have a mature discussion, dont take part. If Harper's deficits really bother you so much, you must have been irate at the opposition for wanting even larger ones. Thank goodness Harper held them in check ;-) By the way, the "someone else's fault" thing is usually a lefty mantra.
  14. Again (tiresome since talked about in this very thread), Global recession, minority government and an opposition demanding larger deficits.
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