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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The actual travel is comfortable. But the time change and sitting on a plane every day probably isnt the best use of their time. Jets/Wild first round would be great for that reason. I hate when I see people hoping for a specific match up though...bad karma. We'll face who we face.
  2. As I recall JT promised smaller deficits..."reasonable" deficits leading to a balanced budget and then immediately broke that promise. But his promise was not realistic at all. They chose a number they felt Canadians could live with knowing they'd never hit it but as a new government they'd blame the old government anyway.
  3. I saw one GOP Rep on CNN and he looked insane. He had previusly floated the idea there was a deep state conspiracy at the FBI and then walked it back saying the "texts" were just a joke. When pushed last night he doubled down and said "how do we know there isnt a giant conspiracy against Trump?" He wants a special counsel to investigate the FBI. Whats funny is, he really doesnt. The only FBI conspiracy was to aid Trump based out of the New York office where Rudy Guilliani had friends. Its why Rudy gloated about an impending October surprise days before Comey's letter to congress about the Hilary emails found on Wiener's computer which turned out to be nothing. The Republicans were so determined to use Weiner's sexting with a 17 year old to create a narrative of Hilary being connected to pedophiles. Remember the pizza place pedo ring nonsense that actually resulted in someone showing up with a gun? And ironically, McCabe actually pushed back against dropping the Hilary thing. He was as non-partisan as it gets. He's a Republican. But his wife ran for state office as a Democrat and it drove Trump nuts. This class act kept calling McCabe and calling his wife a loser. The New York office were connected with friends of Trump and threatened to leak the Wiener/Hilary email connection unless Comey re-opened it. It managed to get the letter to Congress which really is what handed Trump the presidency even though it was nothing. That was Comey's only mistake. Trump should have sent Comey a fruit basket or something after that one.
  4. It was booked like the end of the program. Let’s hope so. Would much rather Hardy’s challenge for the tag titles. Bray would work the Andre battle royals then. But they like him so who knows. I find him incredibly boring and his weight gain hasn’t helped his work.
  5. The whole family were Democrats I believe. Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton were best friends. Kushner’s family suffer under Trump.
  6. I for one very much enjoyed ultimate deletion.
  7. Wrong about what? Don’t be passive aggressive...
  8. Hahahaha “trust me, this is what happened”
  9. Ryder & Habour remain at $350,000 per episode kids get bumped to $250,000 teens get $150,000 and Millie Bobby Brown gets $250-$350,000 not bad
  10. It would be hilarious (and great) if the Cons won a majority next election and JT was a one & done PM.
  11. House intel committee finds no collusion. I wonder why. Oh....
  12. He would have won no matter what. It was "time for a change". Harper could have personally delivered a gold boat to every Canadian and lost. Harper was a great PM. I'd vote for him for Canadian Galactic Emperor. (No need to flame, just my opinion, I liked the guy, true left wing PC-loving Social Justice Warrior I am, or accused of being by the Trumpologists lol)
  13. Lots of options for back issues. But hopefully this isnt delaying the inevitable and he can come back sooner than later.
  14. As I recall they did not want the comprehensive stimulus package the liberals wanted. And I guess we know what happened. Liberals said "you MUST run a deficit to combat this recession" and then "Can you believe they ran a deficit?" Harper was a strong PM during the worst economic times. Hard to judge him as bad given what he had to work with. I'd say things could have been a lot worse...If we have another recession with JT in power, you'll see. I believe aside from that initial $55 billion dollar deficit Harper ran that JT's deficits have been forecast in the same ballpark but without a recession.
  15. Well again, they had a major global recession and ran deficits at a time their opposition demanded even larger deficits. They cleaned things up and set up the Liberals for a balanced budget...which not only is not materializing but is even worse than they promised during the campaign. It is certainly amusing that they ran such large deficits the part of fiscal restraint. GST cut was a promise they made and lived up to. I disagree with it also. I have no problem with GST type taxes or sin taxes. Lower my income tax. Let me keep more of MY money. Then Ill decide how much tax to pay based on how many purchases of goods I make.
  16. K-Fed gets $20,000 a month on child support but claims it’s not enough to meet the needs of his two children with Brit. Hmmm
  17. I hope by “unexpected” they mean good
  18. They always have. I would assume they still do but I cant say for sure. At the cosmetic counter. They use the "gun". Ears only, I believe (and thats probably all you'd want to see them for).
  19. I vaguely remember getting my ear pierced there when I had gone so long without wearing an earing and one of my holes closed. Otherwise, it was Shoppers for me.
  20. They had a surplus until the recession. They were in minority status so yes, the opposition's desires for increased spending was important.
  21. We're lucky Chiarot has been playing so well. And that Morrow has been pretty good too.
  22. Not much coverage but it’s coming
  23. True. I wasnt implying it wasnt. Just pointing out how easy people make it on fb because of their need for attention. I saw someone tweet the other day that they began receiving ads about a product they mentioned in a verbal conversation they had, implying their phone was always listening.
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