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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah true. I guess I figured people would actually look at the policies and platforms and quality of leadership. I recall arguing with someone here about the experience of Harper vs experience of JT and they flat out refused to accept that JT was not as experienced as Harper. I mean, you can like the guy but lets not throw all reason out the window. I was over-estimating people I guess. There was nothing the Cons could have done to beat JT and his nonsense promises.
  2. It should be a wake up call to people who live an open book life on FB. Then again, the people that do likely dont care as they have a "need" to do it. It drives me crazy when I see people post about the food or other mundane things...or worse, when they ask a simple question on FB that would easily be answered by typing the same question into Google. But of course, Google doesnt follow up with questions and reinforcements.
  3. I seem to recall a global recession impacting the Cons' time in office. I also recall the opposition pushing for a larger deficit then was run as they wanted more spending. Harper's Cons fell victim to what KBF noted earlier, the change effect. "We need a change" "why?" "I dont know...just a change" Trudeau is no Obama. I used to be a Liberal and I admit I am a Conservative but I was surprised by how the vapid empty suit got over with voters.
  4. This is really interesting. I assume it kills the market for scalpers and if you wanted to sell your ticket you'd have to do it through an approved process via the original promoter or some other approved manner. I dont know the law but I'd guess they cant prevent you from selling a ticket for face value but this would make it almost impossible for scalpers to sell outside of venues.
  5. I pointed this out in a different thread but its worth repeating given your Game Story and I find it to be an odd coincidence. We like to argue the importance of "franchise" (ie. Thrashers) records vs "Jets" (ie. Version 1.0) record. Well the win record is 43 in a season set 3 times...1 by Jets 1.0, 1 by Jets 2.0 and 1 by Thrashers. Weird. But we are poised to shatter it.
  6. My concern is, as good as the Jets are, can they make the Cup finals missing Kulikov & Trouba? Hard to envision that. Then again, the Pens did it with a worse D corp.
  7. Thats true but if you want to make personal attacks about someone's hockey knowledge as a result of an opinion shared by the veteran head coach, it sort of defeats your argument. We can debate or discuss Tanev vs Roslo but its not a hockey knowledge thing. I was just illustrating that your reply was unfair.
  8. Looks like Mark Henry is the final HOF for this year. No Bam Bam.
  9. Maurice thinks tanev should play over roslo and while we as fans can be critical of the coach his hockey knowledge obviously outweighs anyone here.
  10. Keep in mind any state level indictments are not pardonable by the president. Wink wink
  11. I’ve heard that too. The internal line up has Owens and zayn in the Andre battle royale which never made sense. But a three way doesn’t make sense either. It’s possible but would be a bit weird. That might be the fall back plan if they don’t ultimately clear Bryan. But I think something changed in the last few weeks which coincides with Bryan visiting more doctors. He said this weekend “I don’t know” when asked which is already a huge change
  12. Intersting news. The idea of Bryan working WM is gaining steam. I think he’s going to work. He’s been cleared by every doctor he’s seen. It’s only WWE’s medical head who is denying I’m clearance.
  13. Makes sense as it’s his finisher. I don’t think it’s meant to be the most spectacular or complicated move. It’s about a finisher that is set up and executed in a way fans react to. Stunner was probably a winner too and that’s the easiest move there is.
  14. It would seem his desire to get rid of people he doesn’t like is an effort to get rid of people who might be trying to save his ass because he doesn’t like being told no. On the Stormy front it’s intersting. As soon as Mueller meets with her trump will have a field day saying it’s making a mockery of the process. But the GOP didn’t feel that way with Clinton. If Stormy is questioned her NDA has no effect. If trump ever gets questioned he will have to answer and surely he will lie about her. And regardless of anything else, that’s a gotcha.
  15. Untrue. Trump supporters and trump himself want to crate a narrative that Mueller has only a narrow mandate to investigate Russian interference. That is false. You can do the research if you want the truth. Secondly and more importantly the investigation is not complete. The most hilarious response by trump people is “where is the proof”. There is nothing about the Mueller investigation which would indicate he is being haphazard in anyway. This isn’t unique to his investigation. All police investigations end when they end and rarely are people under investigation given a heads up as to how much trouble they’re in before finally being arrested or charged. Unless you have insight into the investigation it’s a bald faced trump narrative to complain that nothing has happened. The only insight we have is from people who came out of questioning and said “based on what they asked me, they have trump on something”. Time will tell. Why would you want the investigation stopped? Only a trump supporter would, a blind supporter who cares not for the law. Anyway trump is scared to death:
  16. I only know what I read online. As someone that follows it closer, What do you think his ceiling is?
  17. It’s not spending most of his time in office on a golf course but it’s something. And Canadians can judge at the next election.
  18. Well you’ve always jumped to conclusions actually. That trump is great and there is nothing to mueller’s investigation. If you want to hold McCabe to a standard that sees him fired hours before retirement in a petty effort to deny his well earned pension then you’d certainly want Trump removes. And certainly sessions as well. Anyway, back to reality.
  19. For sure. He will land on his feet. But it doesn’t negate the pettiness of Trump. It’s just another example of his lack of character.
  20. Don’t be ridiculous. If you think McCabe’s actions deserves his firing hours before his retirement designed solely to deny him pension benefits then you must believe trump’s actions should result in him being removed. You don’t so you’re being partisan. Trunp demanded this and it happened. That’s what stinks. But he’s got other things to worry about
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