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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. In a surprise, WWE actually responded to the backlash over the Moolah battle royale and dropped the name. Its now going to just be called the WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal. The backlash was immediate but WWE somewhat doubled down by airing a video putting Moolah over on Smackdown. They just announced the change today. Its for the best but Im surprised they'd give in to complaints like that. They knew it would happen when they made the decision.
  2. Money well spent considering he was a big part of a solid D corp that helped get the team where it is now. If he has a long term injury, they can move the money to LTIR moving forward and insurance kicks in. Worst case scenario. Hopefully he's back. He's had a really good rebound year and Im sure he's excited for the playoffs.
  3. Well thats the issue. It wasnt that long ago he wrestled, WM 29. They wanted him for the Ronda match. He did that segment with Ronda and Hunter/Steph at WM 31 with the idea they'd do the tag match at WM 32. But it didnt work out (UFC wouldnt let Ronda do it even if Rock could make it work). They really wanted Rock this year. Rock loves wrestling. He didnt need to do any of the appearances or matches he's done for years. Pays him a lot less. But he loves it and always said he'd never leave it fully. He tries to "give back". But he got hurt during his last match with Cena and it post-poned filming on one of his movies so the studio was not happy and it made it extremely difficult to get insurance. So basically, to wrestle, he needs to clear his schedule from probably January to May (and then take out very expensive insurance to cover a serious injury). And its just tough financially for him to do it. I would suspect he'd appear at WM though, in a promo segment or something like last year where he just lays someone out. Angle was the back up plan in case Rock couldnt do the match. I think Angle makes more sense. Rock and Ronda have the same PR firm or something so they know each other pretty well.
  4. This is the stuff that made the Hardy gimmick so much fun in TNA. Promo video for the Ultimate Deletion which airs on RAW on Monday
  5. Hows this for good work if you can get it. Wall Street Journal did a story on The Rock negotiating for a role in an upcoming film "Red Notice" and saying the terms are $21 million salary plus $1 million bonus for heavy social media promotion plus a cut of the back end of either 30% of profits or or $1 million for every $25 million it does over $400 million. The story notes that pay like that is becoming rarer than it used to be with studios relying on franchises to draw viewers as opposed to individual actors. Any wonder why WWE has an almost impossible task of getting Rock to wrestle again?
  6. Vader had open heart surgery this week. I looked it up (because we were talking about it before and I had implied people doubted him). It was November 2016 when he said he had heart failure and two years left to live. I think what made people wonder is, he kept wrestling (and kept being big) and said he wanted to die in the ring (Flair said the same thing to be fair). So I agree, WWE should have inducted him this year. Although I guess its a good news story if he goes in next year. I wonder if the fact he still wrestles scared WWE off because if he was in the HOF and died in the ring, they'd be linked to the headlines.
  7. Its worth quoting here for the Trumpologists: When you make JT look like a brilliant elder statesman, you know you're about as stupid as the come. But this is Trump...just makes it up as he goes along because he's used to people kissing his ass and being yes-men.
  8. Figured this would happen. If they all have NDA’s it will be interesting to see if Mueller has any interest in them. If there is any criminality then they can testify without regard to the NDA.
  9. Wrestling Observer released its 2017 awards this week. For those that dont know, the Observer is a wrestling site (encompassing the original "newsletter" with radio shows etc) run by the preeminent wrestling/MMA journalist Dave Meltzer. The voting fans encompass a wide range of fans from WWE fans to Japanese fans to both to everything in between. The awards are a pretty good barometer for what's working and who's achieving, regardless of hype or kayfabe Anyway, the point being, 2017 was a big year for Omega. Wrestler of the Year: 1. Okada 2.Kenny Omega 3. Naito 4. AJ Styles 5. Kento Most Outstanding Wrestler: 1. Okada 2. Kenny Omega 3. AJ Styles 4. Naito 5. Ishii Best Promos: 1. Connor MacGregor 2. Chris Jericho 3. The Miz 4. Kenny Omega 5. Kevin Owens Match of the Year: 1. Omega vs Okada 2. Omega vs Okada 3. Shibata vs Okada 4. Omega vs Naito 5. Omega vs Okada Best Draw: 1. Connor McGregor 2. Kenny Omega 3. Naito 4. St Pierre 5. Okada Feud of the Year: Okada vs Omega Most Charismatic: 1. Naito 2. McGregor 3. Omega 4. Matt Riddle 5. Nak Best Wrestling Move: 1. Omega's "One Winged Angel" 2.Okada's "Rainmaker" 3. Naito's "Destino" 4. Omega's "V-Trigger" 5. Aleister Black's "Black Mass" Very impressive especially since most voters are North American.
  10. Kulikov has been very good this year. Its a shame this is flaring up now. But the Jets are playing really well considering how many players they are missing. Its certainly preparing them for the inevitable playoff hardships that come.
  11. This is really insane what has happened to the Jets. And it’s oretyu awful given the season they’re having. They’ve managed to maintain even with these horrible injured but how long can they do that? depth being tested in a big way.
  12. Tillerson. Trump won’t criticize Russia this has been good cover today for this:
  13. Im surprised but the judgement actually makes sense under their state laws. But either the lottery will have to close those loop holes or everyone will want the same treatment. Even up here, winning $30 million or whatever, I'd prefer to keep my identity a secret. Then again, if the choice is win and be public or lose and be private, Ill take winning every time.
  14. I was a big Teen Titans comic fan. They're making a live action Titans TV show.
  15. Tillerson had said it wasnt the right time to meet. But Trump had surprised all his staff with the NK stuff. He thinks he knows better. And he agreed with the UK about Russia killing its citizens.
  16. Taking Kane at face value, I dont think he's an ******* because he was the victim of racism but if he was the victim of racism its probably because he's an *******. No excuse either way. But he shouldnt make excuses either.
  17. Well, I think STILL being President a year+ after the election isnt really an accomplishment. Is that the measure of someone's success? lol It's true he's surpassed James Garfield and William Harrison but they both died. But I guess its something!
  18. What makes you think that? He barely won the Presidency and has been bombarded on an almost-daily basis with controversy and scandal. He has a special counsel investigation currently going on. I'd say his presidency has been an historic disaster, mostly of his own making. He's already up to his neck in water. The only thing keeping his head from sinking is his constitutionally protected position. His two greatest threats are the next election and Mueller. But Trump is hardly untouchable. He's been touched by scandal and humiliation more than most Presidents (perhaps all but Im not a historian lol).
  19. Helle was unbelievable. Jets are just decimated right now. Likely a trouncing coming tonight but if they can play tight and escape with a point Ill be happy. Need to get healed up. The fact Kulikov is in Winnipeg being evaluated concerns me
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