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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. So the Hardy Compound match will be next week on RAW. Will be interesting to see if they edit Jeff out of it. WWE is so lucky the mainstream media doesnt care about them or they'd be roasted for the Fablous Moolah crap. She controlled women's wrestling for ages and treated her girls like crap including pimping them out. If it was a mainstream sport, she'd be blacklisted.
  2. It seems like something trump would brag about and probably does privately. The issues for him are that it means he’s a liar about conduct with women and that reignited the 19 sexual assault/harassment allegations against him. Plus campaign finance issues. And he can’t afford to give Mueller even the smallest legal issue to pounce on. It would be something if paying off stormy sinks him in the end.
  3. Leia says she had a vague memory of her mother. We assume she was referring to her birth mother because she'd likely have more than a vague memory of her adoptive mother. An easy explanation is simply she retained that vague memory from her birth as a result of the extremely strong Force power she had (If I recall correctly, she touches Luke when he is born but I always thought it would make sense if she had touched Leia and was the cause of this "memory"). As Jcon said, C3PO was created from other protocol droids. im sure Anakin would have preferred a maid droid or butler droid but as a slave, he was limited by what he had access to. About the Force, Yoda was being spiritual. Qui-Gon was being literal. Was Yoda surprised Anakin was Vader? I thought he admitted lying to Luke (the real reason was because when A New Hope came out, Lucas had not decided on the "Father" twist). Meh, Vader was a Sith and used the "Jedi" weapon too. I suppose it would have been more special if only Jedi (and fallen Jedi) used the light saber but then you wouldnt get the cool sword fights in the Prequels. Ben referring to Yoda as his mentor makes sense. He was a padawan when Qui-Gon died. While he was advanced to Jedi Knight as a result of his death, he clearly looked at Yoda as a mentor (going to him for advice). And it was Yoda who assigned him training at the end of Sith (to learn how to return as a Ghost). The Prequels sucked but those complaints are nitpicks.
  4. As expected Kid Rock announced for Hall of Fame
  5. World wide issue. Causing lots of problems including some cancelled flight and a lot of delays. Some passengers report manual check on others say not being checked in at all. Others say they are onboard but sitting and waiting. If the delay goes on long enough flight crew work hours will come into play too. Ouch
  6. She should wait til trump denies the affair under oath. It would be hilarious to see the GOP reaction to trump being impeached for the same thing as Clinton.
  7. He's played the back up in big situations before. I guess there is a psychological strategy there, I dont know. I could see Helle in both games because they are important games. But Maurice also doesnt like his back up to be too cold. If Mason is out for awhile, Hutch has to play.
  8. So my PVR screwed up and didnt record the OJ confession. But there is a video clip of the confession here: http://www.tmz.com/2018/03/11/oj-simpson-confesses-murder-nicole-brown-simpson-ron-goldman-fox/ Its...well, its pretty wild. Its clearly an admission (to me anyway). He laughs nervously about this being hypothetical and at times almost seems to smirk about it. He also forgets to keep up the hypothetical act and simply starts giving details in the first person. And yet, he was still also clearly lying. I dont believe "Charlie" exists. That was Simpson's deluded way of making it Nicole's fault...that "something" was going on over at Nicole's (according to Charlie and the interviewer never asks what) and "it had to stop". He also uses "Charlie" later as the one who brought the knife in, though Simpson admits he always kept a knife in his car ("because you cant travel with a gun") and admits to putting on the cap and gloves. He says Ron Goldman explained he was there to drop off glasses (Simpson dismisses Ron as "I might have seen him around but didnt really know him"). Nicole comes out and they get into a verbal altercation where she tells him to F off (Simpson seems to imply this was an example of what had to be stopped, like how dare she speak to him that way). Then it gets weird. He says Nicole suddenly fell and hurt herself (almost surely Simpson actually hit her) and then Ron got in a karate stance. Simpson is very specific about what he says and claims he grabbed the knife from "Charlie" and went towards Ron and then "can't remember" anything until coming to and being surrounded by blood. I found it very chilling.
  9. On one hand, the compound fight seems big enough for WM but it would be a tough sell in the building for people to watch a match on the video screen. And it did draw ratings in TNA so they might slap it on during the 3rd hour of RAW and hope it maintains viewers. WWE is the type that would end up having Matt and Bray team up.
  10. Its a better movie after you've seen it once because your expectations are zero and you've seen all their terrible creative decisions. I actually liked it even less the second time because I saw more things that aggravated me. Its interesting that even people attached to the franchise speculate about thing like Luke's fate, Rey's parents, Snoke...in a way where they think what we got in TLJ wont hold up in the third. That tells you even people there think it sucked.
  11. Plus it’s nonesense. It might play well to trump supporters grasping at straws but most people including here already know it’s a nothingburger. The dossier was originally triggered by republicans doing research into Trump. And it doesn’t matter anyway. FISA doesn’t hand out warrants like candy. I believe it was three different judges. And it’s akin to saying “okay you caught us red handed but you shouldn’t have. We’re guilty as sin but you cheated to find it”. It doesn’t hold water and it doesn’t have any impact on trump/Russia.
  12. I wouldn’t write little off yet. Down year. He does lots of things well still. But I also think the jets would trade him if they had to. We’ll see what happens on a couple years with Laine, Wheeler, Connor. But assuming the cap goes up I have a feeling Chevy figures out how to make it all work.
  13. I like Minnesota as a first round match. Not only because I LIKE the Wild, but *fingers crossed* we win, its less travel on the players. More rest. Plenty of Jets fans going down to Twin Cities. Should be a lot of fun and create a great rivalry.
  14. Guys that are Captains will usually be talking to the refs more. Ive seen many clips online with people saying Crosby is crying to the refs again and either he's engaged in a conversation as one would expect or he's being hooked, held or slashed. But when you're that good, everyone is going to take liberties. The flak against Mario was that he "whined" about how the game was played and then quit. When he came back from his first retirement, he was quite different. I dont recall him ever getting heat for whining but he was also very referred. Its a shame he retired that first time. He was so dominant. Had he been healthy his entire career, he likely broke a lot more records, including points in a season (and maybe goals). Not sure he could have hit Wayne's all time points records but with a few 200 point seasons, you never know. Surely would have finished over 2000 points.
  15. The director told her to do that. She even asked if the glass would break and was told no.
  16. Helle now is the franchise record holder for wins in a season. For both the thrashers franchise and NHL jets.
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