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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Follow up on an earlier story with pics. I hope she wins big. Happened in Winnipeg She has a supporter in Emmy rossum
  2. She has a great story! Akin to Rosa Parks. Very very well deserved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_Desmond
  3. and it sounds like trump has committed to by may. I think NK has played trump quite well.
  4. Yup. Even if he caps out as a good player for the moose it helps others develop. Good to see talent all over though.
  5. Yup. Just to have a back up on the bench in cAse if injury to Helle. The last thing they want is the emergency back up to have to play. Could have just had Wade Flaherty suit up! Lol
  6. I dont doubt it. I was simply saying that his dislike of the game played a role also. I think we agree! ;-)
  7. Yup. They declared bankruptcy. He had deferred tens of millions and pitched the idea of converting his deferred salary into equity in the team. Another cool thing is, his plan was to pay all creditors what they were owed, even unsecured ones and he maintained that position when he took over. He insisted everyone get what was owed to them and he paid everyone.
  8. Definitely a company guy...though he did put the team up for sale once or twice but never went through with it. I believe it was about $30 million that he paid in cash and deferred salary to get majority control. A steal of a deal!
  9. I found a story on the NHL's own website that referred to his being sick of clutch & grab as his desire to retire. But Sweet's story confirms it. Thank you. Maybe younger folks dont remember. Mario was my favorite player. He was very out spoken about the game.
  10. No. He had cancer in 93. He retired in 97. His retired for good in 2006 after a series of health issues and cited his heath (and being able to play at an elite level) for his retirement. He had been a regular critic of clutch & grab hockey before his first retirement. He never claimed its why (as far as I know). You are free to debate that. But the original point is clear, which is that I said Mario was largely free of the "he's so popular so Ill dislike him to be cool" thing but did receive flak for his criticism of the game. Sort of in the vein of Sid being called a crybaby. People said Mario wanted to be free to play a free-wheeling style (why wouldnt he lol).
  11. He didnt retire due to cancer. He took time off and returned in spectacular fashion. He had long been critical of the way the game was heading and felt the NHL wasnt doing enough to protect star players. He then retired.
  12. This was posted in the movie thread but I sure hope it turns into a series.
  13. Its just the jealously thing and the "Im too cool to like the popular guy". Wayne was hated by tons of fans too and people argued he wasnt *that* good. Mario wasnt so much but he played in Wayne's shadow but I remember Mario getting a lot of flak when he retired the first time.
  14. WWE is filming at the Hardy Compound today for a Matt vs Bray match to likely air on RAW at some point.
  15. I always thought this prequel idea would be great! I hope they expand it to a series. The flashbacks to Tony's dad and a young Junior were awesome.
  16. Some GTA 6 news! - Vice City will be the main location. Vice City was based on Miami and was the setting of the original. - They might map current Miami to be used rather then a fictional "Vice City" - Rockstar internally calls the game Project Americas and players will be able to travel to other countries including those in South America - Likely to feature a female protagonist - Tentatively set for release in 2022
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