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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He won’t lose the idiots. But the politically smart people who don’t want to be seen betting on a loser. They’ll jump.
  2. Real nice of the owner there to throw his “family” under the boss by publicly saying they’re declining work to stay on CERB. He’s upset his “family” won’t come back to work to keep the business open. Meanwhile he laid them all off when the pandemic hit. And expects them to work for less than the CERB payment? Pay them more pal. Then they’ll come back. When you get away with paying minimum wage or thereabouts for years and years because your service staff get tips you can’t be surprised when they don’t want to work without their same tips. Again. Pay them more. That simple. Or quietly explain that you’ll make sure they only work for $1000 a month so they can still collect.
  3. Also what does it say when you lose Piers Morgan? I think you’ll see more of this right wing people jump off the titanic as the polls gets worse and trump gets crazier.
  4. Hesitated to even post this but Dream issued the statement and it’s the number one topic on Reddit or something. Allegation Dream DM’ed with minors sending **** pics and asking for them in return.
  5. Curious! Still working with a small crew. They are looking to go back life beginning of May and will have a larger crew. Everyone they need for the PPV basically. Will start the hard push for DoN.
  6. Yup. And talk that the southern district wants him for money laundering. He likely won’t be slapped in cuffs the day after the inauguration but it won’t take long. He’s toast. And do you think he’s done himself any favours with his attacks on literally everyone that will investigate and prosecute him.
  7. Im a bit surprised Winnipeg wouldnt be among the cities. If the plan is one city per division, where better than Winnipeg? But I suppose they want US sites...?
  8. Well, he could be impeached for new crimes certainly. But the impeachment showed that the Senate really doesnt care. Trump could be caught in bed with Putin discussing the selling of America to Russia and the Senate wouldnt convict. Plus, too close to an election now. Trump will pay for his crimes, but its going to lay in the criminal courts now, I think. The only thing to change that would be if he somehow won re-election but the Dems kept the House and won a huge majority in the Senate. They'd have him impeached and removed by Easter.
  9. Only took 2.5 years for you to come with it. We better stop believing all women and chalk it up to be boys being boys.
  10. He doesnt attend the shows as often but he's still the same in terms of control and never sleeping. He will often call a creative meeting and everyone sits around waiting for him to start the conference call and its sometimes 3am before he does. He's a mad man. Still a workaholic. He just relies more on Heyman, Prichard and Hunter to run things backstage. Scripts still have to be approved by him and he will make changes last minute (very WCW like). For example, his most recent craziness was WWE decided RAW & SD would be taped. So friday afternoon they taped SD and during the show, he decided to scrap it and go live. One of the ways XFL was supposed to be different was Vince being more hands-off. WWE, he's still hands on and even more so now because he fired their two co-presidents and havent replaced them. So he's Chairman, CEO and de-facto President, head of creative etc.
  11. Nygard had a rape charge a long time ago. It was dropped...I didnt know that so I too was surprised by this but when you look at his past, he has a history of this.
  12. She';s the wife of former Mayor Oscar Goodman who is pretty famous as a mob lawyer. So its some weird Vegas thing where they voted for the wife of eccentric mob lawyer rather than someone who wasnt a stark raving lunatic.
  13. I think old guard, more accurately meaning people who have always done something a certain way, not necessarily age. People younger than me prefer being in the office. Im 40-ish and I never want to be in the office again. lol Some managers are all about gotcha. If someone does their job well and effectively and you catch them checking their emails or making a personal call, is that really something worth disciplinary action vs someone else who might never do anything remotely "wrong" but isnt as good or effective? Happy workplaces seem more efficient. One good thing about my area is it IS casual (too casual sometimes) and people do surf the net or listen to podcasts or whatever. Hence why I spend too much time on this forum 😉
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