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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. apparently this would be akin to half the pan am pool leaking onto your property.
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-safeway-strike-mandate-1.4562799 Some scuttlebutt that Sobey's might close Safeway in Manitoba. Supposedly they have told the Union to take a pay cut or the stores will close. Union voted 98% in favour of a strike. They can strike as of March 18th.
  3. Big news Always assumed this would happen as Disney leverages its property for their streaming service. Lucas himself was developing a live action series years ago but I think the issue was the expense of doing so and needing that to come down a bit. Streaming creates a great opportunity to do an expensive, premium content series. Now...will it fit in the "Saga" or be totally original? I suspect original but I always liked the idea of a series between Sith and Hope with Vader hunting the remaining Jedi. I could see them doing a Boba Fett series actually...
  4. I was thinking the same, that Wheeler would move over to centre and they'd plug someone else in at RW on the top line. They could try Copp at 1C as well with some occasional line juggling (keeping Copp's minutes below a normal 1C pace). Ehlers could move up there too with Armia playing with Laine and Stastny.
  5. He's never been held accountable for anything. He thinks he can lie and get away with it. And so far he's right. When he said during the campaign that he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose a vote, he was right. And if Mueller does submit a detailed account of illegal acts and recommends impeachment, it will be glorious to watch because it will be something Trump has never had to deal with. This Stormy thing is interesting. Money laundering is interesting. But there are worse things he's been accused. Really awful horrible things. And if they ever gain traction or have any truth to them...yikes.
  6. What the heck does Trump expect? Well, we know he expects people to lie. He expects Sanders to say definitive yes or no. He's such a clown. Sanders has sold her soul enough, she'd not stupid. If Trump wants lies to be told, why doesnt he hold a presser himself and answer these questions?
  7. Caught this while reading about something else (FOX's interest in WWE) and thought it was interesting:
  8. If the league had suspended him before charges were filed, there would be people saying but but but its just accusations. And I suspect the league felt that way which is a bad look. Ofcourse this was before the Metoo movement. Even if the CFL decided not to suspend, the fact they didnt inform the Lions is rather shocking.
  9. Im sure glad we didnt offer Darling a big contract. What goofball suggested that anyway? (hint: it was me) TSN1290 this morning suggesting that the owner was upset they werent aggressive at the deadline. I suspect the owner sees the struggle to attract fans and wants more "excitement". In his mind, bring in some names, make some deals, generate excitement. But that is always short term excitement. the GM is playing the long game. So...if nothing else, the Canes might be really entertaining to watch (front office wise) over the next couple of years. But hopefully they dont trade away too much youth for when they move to Quebec.
  10. They are ridiculously rich though. 100 million+ subs. $10-$12 per month. And I think Netflix is so ubiquitous that as more streaming services arrive, they will be the one everyone (or most) keep. Like, if you have to make a choice between which services to spend money on, maybe you drop Amazon to get Disney but Netflix is "always there". They also seem really smart. They began this huge spending spree for original content so they are ahead of the game when studios begin pulling content. Ive said before, I highly recommend the book Netflixed which is about the rise of Netflix and the downfall of Blockbuster (which could have bought Netflix cheap but declined).
  11. Stormy certainly hints, in her lawsuit, that she has pictures and texts from Trump....
  12. Apparently the contract has a $1 million per instance damage clause. Im no lawyer but the TV lawyers said its pretty easy. If Trump signed the contract then its binding. If he did not (as Stormy's lawyer states), then it isn't. These kinds of agreements are tough. On one hand, if Daniels made a deal, she took the money, she should abide by it. On the other, there is a huge disparity in power between someone like Trump and someone like Daniels and you wonder if the deal is "fair" to her, even if it was binding. One thing I've heard of in law is, even if a contract was legally executed, if its clearly unfair to one party, the validity can be argued. The White House, by way of the sleazy Sanders, is walking a tight rope here. If Trump wants to say nothing ever happened and he never paid her off, he's in trouble I would think. If he wants to enforce the contract he has to say "yes we had an agreement, yes I knew about it, yes I want her to shut up" which is all but an acknowledgement of the affair (which is obvious at this point and Im almost surprised trump doesnt WANT to admit it) but it also puts him in jeopardy with campaign finance rules. If Trump ever does speak to congress or Mueller surely he will be asked and if he lies, there you go. It would be somewhat hilarious if, after all this, Trump's impeachment was due to lying about an affair. Im sure all the GOP will say thats silly...in stark contrast to what they said when it was Clinton.
  13. North American championship The WWE used to have a North American title in the 70’s. The first champion was Ted DiBiase. He lost it to Pat Patterson. Patterson then unified it with the South American championship via a tournament in Rio De Janeiro to become the first ever Intercontinental Champion, however the tournament and South American title were fictitious.
  14. Some might say firing squad serious.
  15. Trying to get a restraining order
  16. Im very tempted to give it another shot. I think its on Amazon. I was just terribly disappointed they didnt show us more of the fall of command & control. It makes no sense to me that there is no government or military. And if they are hiding out, why they havent tried to assert control. Every so often they hint at something (a fighter jet in an early season, the chopper this season) but never follow up.
  17. Yes and they blew it with Fear the Walking Dead as well which promised to be about the "fall" and never did show much of that before settling into its role as a less interesting copy cat of TWD.
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