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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Speaking of Eddie Edwards: Check out the 20 second mark... Jim Cornette (and others) ripped Sami Callihan over this spot gone wrong.
  2. Was the smaller guy Eddie Edwards? He beat Lashley for the title in 2016. Edwards is pretty talented. He was in the American Wolves tag team with Davey Richards (who's super talented and worked Kenny Omega for us here a few years ago). They had a try out with WWE a few years ago but didnt get signed (before WWE was signing smaller but talented guys). Lashley improved dramatically in TNA. And he is on his way to WWE and should debut around WM (I'd guess the RAW the next night). There is talk of Brock vs Lashley though Brock's deal is up right after WM so he either will do one more PPV, work the RAW or re-sign of that match is to happen. Lashley beating Brock on RAW to send him to UFC would be great if Brock is leaving. There is a film about Paige and her family coming out, produced by The Rock and WWE so Paige is being kept for that (well, at LEAST for that, they might keep her otherwise as they like her and she got hurt in their ring). Its possible Paige and Del Rio could work the same tour as professionals but last time around, WWE *was* trying to keep them apart. Del Rio on SD makes sense but if they wanted him on RAW they could also switch Paige to SD (although Absolution makes a logical "henchmen" group of Steph's against Ronda after WM)
  3. Yeah she also said Jamele Hill was the victim of a racist phone call but Jamele denies it. So it throws some question onto her accounts. Although the idea that ESPN would be a boys club is likely not a revelation, not that its an excuse or anything. Some guys have a big issue with women in sports for some reason. If this stuff is going on, they should correct it immediately. On the Enzo front, the only news since his release is that he'd being edited out of an episode of Undercover Boss so the investigation is still harming him. Hopefully his lawyer can either get a statement from the DA that there are no grounds for charges (essentially exonerating him) or, if he did it, he gets charged and punished. Either way, a monumental fall from grace and mostly self-inflicted. Im pretty sure WWE does "life training" with their talent in Florida but I guess Enzo wasnt listening that day. EDIT: Oh an amazingly, Del Rio is back on good terms with WWE, taping video for an upcoming Rey project and meeting with Vince...
  4. I figured he'd start in Philly. But they probably want to follow up his Moose game rather quickly and get him back at full speed. Helle's quest for the new Franchise Wins record will have to wait one more game...
  5. The accusations are very different. In the Enzo situation he admits to being there. Coach isnt directly accused in a lawsuit, just sort of back ground information to paint a picture of the culture at ESPN. It wouldn't have surprised me if Coach wasn't on RAW last night but it doesnt surprise me that he was. Enzo's biggest crime (thus far) was not telling WWE about the investigation. That's what got them angry. The coach stuff is a bit tough because the only remotely specific thing I've heard is "sending inappropriate pictures" and telling people he was dating women he wasnt. He reportedly reached out to the woman in question offering to be her mentor and when she said she had a bf, he never replied. So on one hand, some people are saying 'oh he expressed interest and when told no, he did nothing' - a pretty normal man/woman encounter. But if he used his position to "mentor" women with the purpose of becoming sexually involved, that's going to be a problem. Sending pics generally wont be a problem (WWE never punished anyone else for doing it). And I'd expect this to be the end of the story unless other women come forward with stories about him. And ultimately, if any sponsors get involved (which is highly unlikely). On a side note about pictures, I was speaking to a friend who is a school principal and one of the things we discussed was bullying etc. I asked if he had many instances of kids sending pics that would then be used to bully and he said once in awhile but that the sending of pics was so common now that it wasnt often seen as a big deal. ie. they all do it so no one really cares. The smartphone age...
  6. Id bet strongly that Vader goes in eventually. Sometimes its just whomever they're friendly with at that moment, like Jeff Jarrett this year. They have a group of people in WWE who submit suggestions so it also depends who's lobbying for whom. But Vince decides. They sort of make the HOF like a wrestling show...opening act, mid carders, main event. I think Vader was the first Triple Crown Champion in Japan or something (and I think the only person to hold world titles on three continents simultaneously. And HUGE in WCW. Definitely deserves to go in.
  7. I almost wonder if this is some sort of set up. Nunberg trying to jump on a grenade and poison himself as a witness. Or he was just coked out and angry.
  8. Very strong opening segment on raw. And paul heyman is the best in the business.
  9. Piper was her idol growing up and who she modeled herself after in MMA (to a degree). She had his permission to use the “Rowdy” name and the jacket she wore at the Rumble was Pipers. I think the fans will turn on her eventually but angle is very much a face and Steph is very much a heel so you never know.
  10. Good question. I think there is some question as to the validity of Vader’s health. The other thing could be he wasn’t a big wwe star and even though they have WCW stars in, they focus more on WWE. Wendy is in.
  11. Jim was a big star in that he teamed with Hogan a lot. And keep in mind the HOF isn’t a real HOF. Everyone goes in eventually. Koko is in. So pretty much everyone “deserves” to go in lol
  12. And oddly fox is barely covering this. they are covering Emma watson’s Tattoo though So, hot news I guess
  13. This whole thing will make one hell of an HBO series one day.
  14. Is this idiot actually saying it’s a constitutional right to buy a gun at ****’s? Lol
  15. This whole Seth thread is worth checking out
  16. At first I thought he was going to be defending trump then: He also said carter Page colluded with the Russians. Who is this guy?? Lol
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