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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It’s certainly a surprise. Is she trying to save herself? or....has she flipped (or planning to?). Keep in mind she was involved in crafting the Don Jr denial about the Russia meeting, in which Trump Sr took part and lies leading to potential obstruction. We know mueller has looked at that. Hope was there and knows. Hope was there for a lot. She knows a lot. She admitted to congress to telling white lies. We know mueller has not hesitated to charge people with lying. I suspect mueller caught her in some lies. She’s young and naive. Remember Bannon (I think) told her to get a lawyer or he was calling her dad. She framed her lies as white lies. If she pulled that with Mueller he likely threatens to charge her. Shes 29. She’d flip.
  2. I believe Sessions has offered his resignation before and Trump declined, which fits this idea. Trump wants no part of firing, pushing, suggesting, accepting Sessions leaving. He's trying to force Sessions to create a reason to go that has nothing to do with Trump.
  3. Its sort of based on MH370 with the twist of "what if it suddenly returned, unharmed"? Lost had one of the greatest pilot episodes ever. And was pretty good for a few seasons. I also liked the finale (many didnt). But its not worth dedicating your time to because the writers admit they created mysteries and plot developments without any clear through as to how to resolve them or what they would mean... so if the writers cant be bothered to give a ****, I suggest you dont either.
  4. I dont know her at all which is good so I dont end up judging the person, just the news. I see nothing wrong with her reporting. She's tweeting quotes and editorializing quite accurately. Accusing a foreign government of something which they deny with no evidence should result in you having to justify yourself. I mean, we expect that of children, why not the PM?
  5. Yeah, the reduction played well and the Cons kept their promise but I dont mind the GST. Yup, lower our damned income tax!
  6. FOX Sports President (and some other FOX execs) were at Smackdown last night in L.A. Adding to the speculation that FOX could be a bidder for WWE TV rights this year. Weird rumor making the rounds that Rey Rey was also at SD last night to finalize a deal to work Cena at WrestleMania. Appears to be BS as Rey was apparently at home (though home is San Diego, I believe). Looks like Braun vs Miz for WM is off the books now and Braun might be saved as a "back up plan" for Brock/Roman (not sure what that would entail as the Brock angle is surely a work). If its me, I'd consider keeping Braun off WM (with some random threat to be there) and have Roman beat Brock and then cut a heel promo claiming he would be champion forever and if anyone says otherwise, they can come out right now...cue Braun who beats Roman for the title (bit of a Hogan/Yoko/Bret angle). The idea would be a "surprise" that ends on a big high rather then risking a massive crowd crapping all over Roman to end the show.
  7. Whenever he goes after Sessions, I honestly think its 1) to throw dirt on the DOJ, even his own people 2) to try and make Sessions quit so he can replace him with someone who will fire Mueller and take the heat. Trump could fire Sessions any time he wants but he knows the political fall out would be immense. But if Sessions quits on his own, then so be it.
  8. Can the Cons be effective enough to make anything stick? Dont we need an election by fall 2019? They have an awful budget, forecasted to not get any better next year, this clown show with JT...I get why Canadians fell for him, especially compared to Harper even though Harper was by far the better choice, but people tire of their leaders after X amount of time, no matter what. We could all be living in mansions and vacationing on gold boats and people would say "I think its time for a change" eventually. But man, JT is all smoke and mirrors. He's cosplaying being PM, just like he cosplayed being an Indian on a family vacation we paid for. What arrogance for a guy who was found to have violated the law with his last big vacation...only to essentially do the same damn thing! He's got to go. Will Canadians actually see through his act at election time?
  9. If only there was some way for trump to ask sessions himself
  10. Yikes. Well they know who’s number one now. Gonna need to be better then that
  11. We had Gord Leclerc do a wrestling show with us. He’s a great guy!
  12. Good to know. Confirms it didn’t get far enough for him to be asked. Vegas stepped in to help pens get it done.
  13. It will be funny when Kushner has to resign and trump goes insane that he can’t even keep his kids employed. But really, trump will just undercut his CoS and order Kushner’s clearance reinstated
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