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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It would almost surely mean he's flipped. I know some people here tried to downplay the guilty plea as a nothingburger. But this would seem to counter that notion. There has been a couple of stories that confirm Trump feels Manafort can jeopardize him. So there are two thoughts here. 1) Gates, as Manafort's partner, knows as much as Manafort and his information can hurt Trump and/or 2) Gates flipping leaves Manafort alone in the wild and will be used to pressure him into flipping too. I would think, if Manafort flips, its really the big game at that point - Trump and Kushner. If Mueller isnt comfortable indicting Kushner and recommending impeachment against Trump, it might be that Manafort is his big game catch.
  2. Well they sure act like the old franchise is the new franchise when they want to lol Steen's jersey was retired by the Jets, not the Coyotes. Not that it bothers me. But still, the old rules of raising a jersey to the rafters was that it was retired.
  3. Hmmm I guess he’s not cooperating after all. lol
  4. Im weary of a let down game tonight but this line up should be explosive Isnt #25 retired?
  5. I was trying to remember the Stastny/Jets connection and finally figured it out (I think). Teemu broke Paul's dad Peter Stastny's record for most points by a Rookie in one season.
  6. I dont begrudge someone *not* being a hero and President's *should* let their secret service handle issues. But if you're going to proclaim yourself a hero, more than once, you open yourself up to scrutiny, especially when you avoided Vietnam five times and criticized those who WERE heroes in that conflict. By the way, Mueller went to Vietnam and took a bullet.
  7. My surprise with Hartman is that Chicago is aging out of their window and with cap issues have had to lose good players. Can they reload for one last run or is their run over? if its over, Hartman is the type of player to keep as you rebuild. But I doubt they can do much with the contracts for their top players. They might take a slow decline into oblivion. And will Q want to be there for that?
  8. Most great coaches get fired. Everyone gets fired eventually. And re-hired.
  9. It sucks for Buffalo but they traded high to get Kane and got burned by everyone else who wasnt going to pay fair market value for someone with Kane's character issues. Its that simple. Especially going into the playoffs where you need a guy to NOT disrupt your team chemistry. It doesnt help that he's not been great since that incident with his team mate which could speak to him sulking. He better have a solid last few weeks and playoffs if he wants to cash in this summer.
  10. The obvious question is "what the heck was St Louis thinking" being only a couple points out and effectively giving up on the season (though they can still make it). But what about Chicago? Hartman is exactly the type of player they should be keeping.
  11. So I signed up for Amazon Prime and so far, I love it. We've been binging The Man in the High Castle and its really really good. The quality of the stream is tremendous as well (HDR). There better be a satisfying resolution to the series when its done!! Next up will be American Gods. We watched an episode of Lore also. The gf introduced me to the pod cast last year and its great. The TV shows are an easy watch. Watched a documentary on MH370 and I must admit to binging Roseanne as well (childhood nostalgia). I might not have appreciated the child actors back then but they were good, especially Sara Gilbert who steals every scene.
  12. When when someone rushed the stage during a campaign speech and he practically jumped behind his lectern? He then said he was "ready" for the guy but "its better to let the cops" handle it.
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