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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Wish we could have got that condition. Oh well
  2. I guess we have to wait til next summer and see what kind of first round pick they get! lol
  3. I always joke to my gf if I had kids their first word would be "lawyer" because you can talk yourself into trouble when you're completely innocent. Cops are trained to screw with you. "Why do you need a lawyer if you're innocent". Well, any time a cop is questioned, the first thing they do is ask for a lawyer and union rep. So... And even if you're not innocent, you need to be protected. Questioning Dassey was like questioning an 8 year old.
  4. Definitely, the film makers had an opinion. And you have to take that into consideration. I've read some of the "response" to it by the DA and I still feel like it was a rush to judgement. Actually I DO feel like the police were up to no good. I generally have a hard time believing cops would plant evidence to an extent that they'd plant the car. But there is an eye witness to a car being driven down an unused back road to the property as well as police cars being there when they said they werent. The people who found the car, well it could be a coincidence that they found the car almost immediately in a junkyard full of cars but you have to take into account the connection of the woman who found the car (she was a PI who had worked with the police and she downplayed that, suspiciously). I cant recall the details but the one cop on the stand was acting incredibly guilty and they played his dispatch call where he asked about the License plate number. The theory being he found the car abandoned and then planted it on the property. Its entirely possible Avery DID kill the girl AND the cops planted evidence because they really wanted to get him. The police theory of the girl being raped and slaughtered in Avery's bedroom is ridiculous. He'd have to be the greatest crime scene cleaner in history. Same with her being shot in the garage. They'd have had to scrub the garage AND put dust and dirt back. She wasnt killed on their property. Cops wanted that to be the narrative because they wanted Avery to have done it (whether to get out from under the lawsuit or because they just hated him or because they really thought he did it). Dassey had no idea what happened. He repeatedly gets details wrong unless being lead by the police. My position when debating it is, I dont know if Avery killed her but from what I saw, its hard to believe he was charged let alone convicted. Dassey's statement should have been thrown out. Let them make a case without it. But thats the problem - hey had ZERO case without his confession. I had a theory that it was Dassey's step-father. He went hunting or something around the time the victim left and he was gone all night with an alibi (hunting). There was also something about the timing with the school bus (I cant recall) that pitted Dassey's statement against his step-dads which meant one of them was lying. I dont believe Dassey lied. There's only one reason for his dad to lie.
  5. Their fans seem happy too although lots of "so who's going to be our 1/2C rest of the season and PLAYOFFS?" *chirps* But fans on both sides are happy so win/win. Hopefully. I mean, it remains to be seen on our end...
  6. Maybe I missed something about St Louis but I went to HF boards and the first post after the trade announcement is someone saying that this is good because it makes room for them to add Tavares today. lol
  7. I think they'd like a depth D man, but probably nothing crazy. Someone better (or with more playoff experience) than Chiarot (who has been very good in his role) and Poolman (who is a rookie). But hard to say who that might be. You're essentially trading for someone you hope doesnt have to play. I could see them liking Maroon but not sure they do that now. Essentially you'd be wanting a Maroon-Lowry-Copp 4th line. Which would be pretty damn good actually. Jets were connected to Max Domi too which seems like a summer deal to me. He's the right type of player for them (restricted and young and cheap and local doesnt hurt).
  8. Check out (the insufferable) Peter Tessier's blog for some fancy stats and comparisons for Stastny. A really good player who is centering a pretty poor line right now...so one expects his stats to only improve with the Jets http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Peter-Tessier/Statsny-a-Jet-Jets-Deadline-Thread/161/91296
  9. Would be a nice pick up but cant see the Wild trading with us...
  10. Would not trade Niku. And they cant trade their 1st next year as its part of the conditions in the St Louis trade.
  11. If Foley does NOT sign with the Blues, they get the 2020 4th Rounder. If he does sign, they do not get that second pick. By the way, if the Jets pick 1-3 in the draft this year (which would take a monumental collapse), the first round pick becomes a 2019 pick as opposed to this year. Assuming Jets make the playoffs and Foley signs a contract, its a 1st this year plus Foley. Thats it. At least as I understand it,. Interesting, some non-Winnipeg fans consider it a lot to give up and a big score for St Louis. I suppose its one of those deals that is good for both teams. Having a late round pick on a team with so much youth means little compared to Playoff success right now. And we're hardly hurting for young players so Foley, while a good prospect is expendable.
  12. Some chatter that Jets are in on Ryan McDonagh...
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