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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah to me, even the responses here, tell me that the obvious thing is for companies to not be so rigid. You have X people who prefer being in the office and you have X people who prefer work from home. Seems like an obvious win-win. This pandemic has shown us that it would be foolish to have 100% of your work force trapped in close quarters in an office anyway. I do think my company will declare everything safe eventually and do just that which is absurd. It reminds me of when I started for current company. Quick aside: I started in a department that was open 7am-9pm and on weekends. Probably 50 people or so. Every week or two the schedule would come out and it was like it went through a randomizer or was pulled from a hat. Two weeks later, new schedule comes out, same thing. So you could be days one week, evenings the next etc etc. And when the schedule was released, half a day was spent with everyone frantically trying to switch shifts to make their life work. So being the new guy I asked about this and everyone said "thats how it is, it sucks and they wont change it." So I go to the dedicated scheduling person to ask and she says, everyone would want days if they had a choice so this way, its equally crappy for everyone. I said, how do you know everyone would want days. And she said of course they would. Because SHE wanted days, she assumed everyone did. But we had students who had school, people with second jobs, people with kids with spouses working opposite shifts etc etc. I even raised it at our quarterly session with the VP and he deferred to the manager who said "its too hard to accommodate everyone's requests." and shut me down. A year or so later, new scheduling person. First thing he does is send out a questionnaire asking people for their first, second and third preferences. When I asked him he said "why would I want to build a new schedule every two weeks when I can build a master schedule, give most people their preference and only have to make adjustments? Ummm yeah, exactly. He told me 90% of people got their preference and whomever didnt, it was by seniority. And it vastly cut down on the shift swap emails (increasing productivity). Sometimes, management gets so used to doing something, they simply cant see why a different way is better. In my current department, when I arrived I was shocked at how toxic it was, how miserable everyone was, people sobbing at their desks etc. Its only slightly better but I always think of the saying "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink."
  2. Personally I find myself more productive working from home. But if I had to have endless video conferences that would get annoying. I do hope my company allows people to work from home who want to. There’s no good reason not to allow it now. And it makes sense to have a percentage of workforce split between office and home. Other things too. Our company has field workers and over the years many would have their work vans at home and go straight to their first appointment. Company got rid of that. You have to meet at an area office every morning for manager face time. During this pandemic they reverted to home dispatch. Only makes sense to continue. Far too much connectivity to think your staff is ditching work without you knowing.
  3. Vegas’ new marketing slogan. “Las Vegas: Lets see how many people die”
  4. Its funny cause a few times this season, im watching an episode and I think 'this isnt that good, Im really not into it' and then by the end of the episode, Im dying for the next one. But it is VERY different from the original concept. And I find the trips back to the park most intriguing. Whatever they do, keep Tessa Thompson...
  5. This is much funnier than I thought it would be. Also Savage was one of the greatest promo guys of all time.
  6. I agree 100%. And you'll see it, I think. You'll see companies allow it and you'll see a lot of push back from employees when companies dont. I know among my co-workers, some prefer being in the building, either because they feel more productive or miss the social interaction. But for others, its amazing. Totally changes the work-life balance. I think companies just feel like, if they cant see you every second, you're probably up to no good. But its really no different then managing employee productivity in an office. I have a feeling my workplace will fight tooth and nail against it, with no real reasoning. I hope Im wrong.
  7. For those that like to do deep dives into the business of wrestling. This discusses the issue of WWE's fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to be as profitable as possible vs moral responsibility to not lay off talent and employees in the midst of being super profitable.
  8. Thats true. Capturing those "wont vote" people is important. There will likely be little to no protest vote AGAINST the Dems (everyone who is an alt right person would vote for Trump anyway. Its those center-right that have voted conservative their whole life who dislike Trump but cant bring themselves to vote for a Dem that need to be captured. Hopefully they can do it. Plus, energizing the left, many of whom may not usually vote if they feel their vote doesnt matter. It will matter this year. And just wait...Biden will be up in the days preceding the election and the talk will shift to "stop saying Biden will win..." as some people dont go to the effort of voting if they assume their guy will win (and I have no doubt the government will make it as difficult as possible for people to vote).
  9. Good article breaks down the details of the shut down and scuttling. Vince is a piece of...work. https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/SB-Blogs/Breaking-News/2020/04/XFL.aspx?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpVd1l6ZzNPVEprTWpOayIsInQiOiJaUGtRVTVyRzZwOUZNR1FlUnVJc2pFdDlVQTlKaWJNUDM4bFVhMUk4WXV2S1ZucElyQ21qK2pkZENhNTFcL0h1dEdvbnBDZklEOWRWQTkwSkswQ0NYR2pESjd1Zk9ZUVZ5YXhBWW8yVkE4YTdCd0t5Tm5TcVo2NW1zaHVBdGZSWkQ1ZmNkK1A2ZXM3Z05hXC9uMHJkdE1HQT09In0%3D
  10. Helpfully, my workplace said "hey since the state of emergency was extended, we're going to keep working from home". I wasnt in the meeting so I couldnt ask the obvious follow up of 'um, are you suggesting you were planning to have us back in the office in May?' I sure hope they arent stupid enough to bring us all back into the office in the next month or two. I think its this weird aversion to Work from Home. Some businesses just despise the notion of employees being happy and comfortable.
  11. Is there still a doubt somewhere ?
  12. Not pay walled https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/04/21/oliver-luck-sues-vince-mcmahon/
  13. So the Trump nuts and pandemic deniers' new trick is to try and make the virus a man-made biological weapon? To what end? I assume they just want to blame a non-white person or nation. But you have the WHO saying all evidence supports the virus originating in animals and then you have people saying "no! We NEED more evidence it didnt come from a lab!" Whats next, you want evidence it didnt come from aliens? The small chance that it was a lab issue is worth exploring but the efforts the nuts are going to try and make that happen is...curious.
  14. Either he's lying (he's always lying) or he literally cant remember that he held a rally last month. Does he even know what day it is?
  15. In terms of sports or any re-opening, I think we will have to wait and see what happens when areas begin to re-open officially and properly. We can see why the idiot rallies that the end result is more sickness and spread. Even the Church services. Vegas desperately wants to re-open May 1 in stages and assuming they take big precautions it will be interesting to see. Its not like there will be zero new cases or that they will wait for zero new cases. There will be COVID for...well, maybe forever. But widespread until there is a widely available vaccine. And then you'll have the debate over mandatory vaccines and all those trump nuts refusing the vaccine. Sports will be back in the summer, with no crowds. And it will again be a measuring stick as to how successful it can be in terms of managing illness.
  16. You hit the nail on the head. Johnson killed the trilogy dead. Jj did the best he could. I’d have been thrilled if they made skywalker a two parter actually.
  17. Very NSFW but man...I feel this guy
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