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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. They've filed for bankruptcy protection as a result of declining sales (gun sales have declined rapidly over the past year). They were protected in the lawsuit by a federal law that prohibits suing gun manufactures when the gun is used "as designed and intended". And since it's designed and intended to kill people, I suppose the Sandy Hook massacre actually is their best defense... (I say with horrified sarcasm)
  2. Im comforted to see several anonymous tweeter users saying Brassard sucks and Pens were robbed. So Chevy! Dodged a bullet! Sounds lke the 1st was a requirement by Ottawa. Will be interested to hear (if we do) what Chevy might have offered and if it was Brassard's choice to not go to Winnipeg.
  3. Those soldiers were clearly not trained or armed properly. They should have sent in the teachers.
  4. The only child of Elvis. How do you spend all that money?
  5. Here’s a great snapshot of what FOX tries to do. The headline makes you think something sneaky is going on but the resort is they the “one” referenced in the headline IS Mueller himself and of 17 attorneys working the case, 10 are democrats. The rest are unknown which leads one to wonder “who cares?” If the headline was “10 out of 18 attorneys working the case are dems” it wouldn’t mean much would it?
  6. Manafort offered to work for free which certainly implies he expected to make money through other means
  7. The no-trade clause issue is worth noting in this more focused scenario. If you're Brassard and you can choose Pens or Jets, what do you choose? I mean, he might choose Winnipeg (maybe he likes Canada). But its hard not to see the Pens as the better chance to win the cup and a better place to spend next season. Thats the problem with the deadline, you have to bid against other teams. Grabner would have been nice as he has a small cap hit and is a UFA (I think), has speed and would help the PK etc. Brassard is the better player (but more expensive). Grabner doesnt drive possession as well. Maroon would be okay too. He might be a "disappointment" if we only get him (if we get anyone) but be a big deal in the playoffs.
  8. Ys its the most idiotic discussion point put forth. There is not a person alive making that argument who comprehends what the founding fathers experienced in the 1700's when they debated the 2nd amendment (and there was a debate). The fact that some people stockpile weapons waiting for when they have to over-throw the government for the good of the nation is proof that they shouldn't be considered mentally healthy enough to own those weapons. And again, how do so many other nations WITH gun control, manage to remain free? The NRA is laughing their asses all the way to the bank.
  9. If you're directing that at me (which I assume since you quoted me), you're barking up the wrong tree. I come from a Christian family that were regular Church goers for years and years until my dad got too sick. The pastor regular (like weekly) visits my parents at home. I used to go to Church with them. Its not my thing so much. I wear a cross. I pray from time to time. I defend religion (it works whether you believe in God as a reality or believe in the spirit of religion as a guide to good living). That being said, I think there is a religion thread. Ill back you up on Religion. But if you attempt to imply we need to be armed to protect ourselves until such time as Jesus returns to save us all, you've lost me and its a silly point in the discussion. I bet those kids were doing a lot of praying for Jesus to help them when they were being gunned down. God gave us free will and common sense for a reason.
  10. Yup. Let's just imagine this in Parkland: I dont know how many teachers they have but lets say 10 are armed. Lets assume they are armed with hand guns (imagine teachers caring assault rifles all day). Let's also assume they have those guns loaded and ready in a holster on their person at all times (that's a big assumption rather then having the guns locked up). Shooter begins shooting. He has a weapon that shoots through people, walls, doors and windows. Student body is now in chaos. Fire alarm is pulled. Those 10 teachers ALL react heroically to "shoot the hell out of" the shooter (as Trump claims), assuming none of them freeze in the moment (as MANY people do instinctively). Those teachers have to get the shooter in site to return fire (God forbid they also have assault weapons and begin firing indiscriminately through doors, walls, windows etc). So a teacher with a hand gun has to get within X range of a shooter with an assault rifle who doesnt even have to take aim - he's firing indiscriminately. Those teachers have to see him. And let's assume those teachers dont see a kid with a book bag running around a corner and shoot him because they're not sure if its the shooter. Now, let's say it all goes according to plan. Crazed gunman with an assault weapon, 1000+ kids in chaos evacuating and running for safety and 10 TEACHERS (not cops, not military) see him and begin opening fire. Nothing could possibly go wrong right? But it's ok, the cops are en route. They know there is an active shooter. You have regular patrol cops responding and, likely, swat style officers too. They arrive at a scene with 1000+ kids, chaos and 10 additional people with guns who are firing. Nothing could possibly go wrong right? But hey, maybe one of these teachers used to be John McClane and manages to, with his hand gun, pick off the shooter and no one else, its a great story. Now tell me how those 10 teachers stop the Las Vegas shooter (or any number of other shootings involving assault rifles that dont happen at schools)? The NRA will have an answer for that too. Shooting at a 7/11? Arm the slurpee kid. Shooting at a McDonalds? Arm the burger flipper. Shooting at a hotel? Arm the bell hops. Shooting in a public place? ARM EVERY MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC. That's the end game for the NRA and their bought and paid for politicians.
  11. Wrong. Its a great argument for the 2nd Amendment in the 1700's. Its a ridiculous argument on its face in 2018. This bubble argument of the US as if its the only nation on earth is hilarious.
  12. So if your child was at school when a mass shooting incident happens and 10 teachers return fire and your child is killed inadvertently by a teacher, you will be okay with that right? Firstly, you need people that instinctively react in an heroic way. Calling a cop a coward is one thing (because it's his obligations). But to assume handing a teacher a gun will empower that teacher to get into a shoot out with someone with an assault rifle is certainly premature. I mean, we could debate this forever. But the fact not one single rational explanation for how this would work has been suggested proves its NRA bullshit designed to distract from the real issue. Of course the NRA wants a solution that involves BUYING MORE GUNS. That is the NRA's job! This is the goldmine they have been waiting for - a government sponsored program to arm teachers. The gun manufacturers will be lining up to supply that contract.
  13. Its not evidence of arming teachers or that more guns is the answer. Of course guns can stop criminals. Thats why we arm police, military, etc. We have a body of people that are trained and entrusted with the use of guns to use for law enforcement. That some people with guns are in the right place at the right time and act heroically is great...but certainly not evidence that more people should be armed. In fact, its really the opposite. We already know there was an armed officer at the Parkland shooting and he was not able (or willing) to stop the shooter. The fact we're discussing this is ludicrous. Its an idea floated to distract from the real discussion of banning assault weapons. If people want to talk about increased security in schools, thats great. But the easiest way to stop someone from shooting people with an assault weapon us to ban the assault weapon. Period. Case closed.
  14. That confession should be thrown out. If they cant make a case against him without it, then they should never have been allowed to being him to trial.
  15. I read it as importing more due to their own decline in mining.
  16. Pens have cap issues and Ottawa reportedly wants no part of retaining salary or taking back much salary. For the Pens, they'd need a second deal to free space or have to have Ottawa take back a player with some salary. Winnipeg has a *little* bit more wiggle room (if they want, they can push their bonuses to next season). I like Brassard but I cant speculate on what I think he's worth. There are better people here to speculate on that. I would think Petan would be attractive to Ottawa as a cheap player on his ELC. Dano would be decent as well. I'd guess our 1st round pick does it, maybe with a lower tier draft pick. But would Chevy give up the 1st for Brassard?
  17. Yes, I also read that India is getting out of coal and its even dropping in China of all places. Hanging your hat on coal is a fool's errand
  18. Can you site your source on coal sales to Europe? Im not saying you're wrong, Im legitimately interested in this. I read an article that stated over half of US coal plants closing since 2010 with 1/3 of coal plants in the EU closing by 2021 and all plants in Britain closing by 2025. I cant confirm if those stats are true but if you're saying coal is growing in Europe it would seem to defy that. As for broken promises, if you're implying that the Dems have a monopoly on that, you dont know politics.
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