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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I forgot about Alzner. My bad. Otherwise point still stands. Both were top targets at their position and both signed with the Jets.
  2. I dont disagree. Too many questions to even consider. The idea of a teacher in a classroom of 30 students wearing a sidearm is so moronic it would be laughable if it wasnt being seriously suggested. It just makes everyone unsafe from Second One rather then unsafe when a shooter targets them. Its mind boggling to realize the NRA and their bought & paid for puppets are turning a mass shooting of children into an opportunity to SELL MORE GUNS. Outrageous.
  3. Among...Alzner and Kulikov? Well, Kulikov came with a shorter contract and less money. I recall some people thinking he sucked but most people had him highly rated as a talented D man. Im not sure Jets would have wanted Alzner for his ask but certainly he was the top D. But my point was clearly the Jets identified D and G as weaknesses and went after "AMONG THE" best available. We dont have to turn this into a six page discussion over semantics. Both Mason and Kulikov would have had multiple offers. lol
  4. "Among the" can be retroactively added to my statement which doesnt change my point whatsoever but might make it easier for you to digest.
  5. Exactly. I bet the majority of gun nuts couldnt quote the 2nd amendment to save their lives. The Constitution is not sacrosanct. It's been amended numerous times.
  6. Its insanity that this is being talked about seriously. At a time when the actions of experienced, trained cops are being questioned, this idiot and his NRA pals want to give guns to teachers and have them enforce law on school grounds? Its absolutely insane. It also tells you where their heads are at in that they will gladly find money for this. What in the blue hell is a teacher supposed to do when a guy with a military weapon is shooting up a school, go out into the hall with their colt and take him on? How many school shooters kill themselves or engage in a shootout with police knowing they will die? And this clown thinks "cowardly" shooters will avoid schools? Ridiculous
  7. Shattenkirk was always linked to the Rangers. Elliott was talked about a lot, not so much Miller in my recollection. Elliott was believed to be a Jets target but I definitely recall Mason's name being mentioned but it being deemed he was out of the Jets league so to speak. We can argue Elliott vs Mason. Most everyone around here was happy to get Mason though. Also, thats why I wrote arguably.
  8. Jets signed arguably the #1 goalie and #1D available in Free agency.
  9. Interesting case. Agents routinely trespass on his property. I suppose he could just shoot an agent or two. I imagine that would be okay with the feds.
  10. Amazingly that was played for laughs by a "bigoted" character decades ago and is actually being talked about seriously today. 100 years from now, people will look back and wonder WTF was wrong with society.
  11. Imagine that shooter walking the halls of his school pointing his finger at people and making a pew pew sound...because he couldnt get guns in the first place. Imagine that. There are people who feel 17 dead people, mainly children is an acceptable by-product of a "right" that was drafted in the 1700's and is considered archaic by the standards of the rest of the friggen world.
  12. Plenty of politicians dont take funding from the NRA. But there are always special interest groups willing to throw money around. Would love to see that eliminated. Will never happen though. Can you imagine a politician putting forward a bill to eliminate those kinds of donations?
  13. So it would seem to be a possibility that his dispute with the team led to his sudden decline? Maybe a Buffalo player should have tossed his clothes into the tub to force his exit. Kane is only hurting himself. Wherever he ends up at the deadline, he needs a really strong rest of the season and playoffs to cash in this summer.
  14. Any henhouses that needs help protecting the chickens, please call Rent-a-Fox and we’ll send a couple of them right over.
  15. Did it coincide with his "disagreement" in practice? Seems his team might have got sick of him and he's sulking.
  16. That sentiment is so ridiculous. The NRA has done a fine job of making people think they have a God-given right to weapons. But there is obviously a red line. You cant have a nuclear weapon. No one has a tank. People dont have rocket launchers. Why are assault weapons okay? Because they're fun to shoot? Its ridiculous. Until Americans stop seeing the amendments they like as sacred and are willing to have an honest conversation about it, nothing will change. A Democratic Pres can bring in weapons bans and the Republican Pres will undo it. And anyone here who defends Trump's position, dont forget that while he tries to manipulate people by suggesting the mentally ill should not have guns, it was he who undid an Obama policy that made it more difficult for the mentally ill to get guns. He's a liar. And they dont care. Mentally ill? Children? Doesnt matter. Let them have guns. Because the NRA is a lobbyist group for gun manufactures who have successfully made the general public *think* they know what the 2nd amendment meant while stuffing cash into the pockets of the people that know better who can do something about it.
  17. Ross Perot had an interesting quote: The second amendment was adopted in 1791. 1791! It was based on the English common law right to bear arms. The UK, by the way, has gun control now. The amendment reads: Are we to assume teachers are to be considered a well-regulated militia? Certainly, a bunch of people running around with assault weapons are NOT well-regulated nor do they represent a militia.
  18. lol I thought you were serious. This is the US politics thread. Protect innocence. With guns! Guns for everyone! Teachers, kids! How about big boxes of guns on street corners that people can help themselves to! lol
  19. Ummm...I went to school for many years. You're damn right I wouldn't trust many many many teachers with a gun. Nor would I expect teachers to engage in a friggen shoot out at school. If there were guns at my kids' school, they would not be going to that school. What do you even mean by "confiscating guns"? This is the wild chicken little doomsday NRA narrative that Big Brother is coming for your constitutional rights. Its idiocy. Why do you need a military weapon? Do you really believe that an assault weapon ban would change your life? Or the lives of 99.9% of Americans? What do you need a military weapon for? For killing people. That's what its for. For killing people. Read a book or something. More guns = more deaths. Every other country that has gun control has way less mass shootings. Australia came fro the guns and have no had a repeat since. And if evil is evil, let me tell you, if a guy walks into my office with a gun, I'll be quite pleased if its a six shot or a hunting rifle over an AR-15 every damn day of the week. There is absolutely ZERO rational argument in favour of legal military weapons.
  20. When will the long (inter)national nightmare be over.
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