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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Nope. The original "no one wants to sign in Winnipeg" thing is vastly over blown. Or else all of our players would have left and no one would have come here. That some players dont have Winnipeg on the top of their lists is not a surprise as many teams are included on no-trade lists all the time.
  2. I dont think Trump knows what chain migration is. He's been riled up by his racist pals to simply be anti-immigration. But Malania isnt that dark skinned so her and her family are probably the "good immigrants".
  3. These measures are brain dead simple. The only reason you’d be opposed is because you’ve been bought off. No one needs assault weapons and no one legitimately things banning them is an attack on the constitutional. When I talk about red line issues, this should be one. If you oppose this you have lost the moral authority to serve public office and should be voted out. Regardless of whatever else you have done. It’s that simple.
  4. Well presumably Trump would pardon Gates too. But he flipped. Same with Flynn. But Flynn did so to protect his son. NBC reported that Trump was telling friends he was confident Manafort would not flip. And the only reason he'd say that is because Manafort could incriminate him. The issue is, Gates is likely knowledgeable of Manafort wrong-doing. And could be a witness in any Manafort/Trump wrong-doings. Since Manafort is obviously a serious target of Mueller, Gates flipping is bad for him. If Manafort feels Trump will pardon him no matter what, so be it. But imagine the push back should Manafort be indicted for some very serious treason-ish behavior and Trump pardons him... So if you're Manafort you have to really be comfortable in that pardon. If Mueller gets enough on Manafort that he wont take his chances with a pardon, then he flips. If Mueller gets leverage on anyone Manafort would protect, such as a family member (which has been rumored), he flips. And there is also a New York investigation going on. If Trump or his allies get indicted on state charges, there is no pardon option (Trump can only pardon federal crimes).
  5. Its an old argument. There are players who control their destiny and being honest, if you could do you current job in Winnipeg, Las Vegas, Tampa, Vancouver, New York etc, would you choose Winnipeg? Now would you if you had never lived here before? Especially if you knew nothing about it? But...add in the fact that that you had a better chance of getting a big bonus in Winnipeg, does that change things? We've seen the "no one will sign in Winnipeg" thing is over blown as the Jets have signed their free agents and brought in some others. Winning changes everything. And Winnipeg is new to winning. I would suspect the Jets could change the minds of some players though. They are routinely linked to Nash and havent been dismissed like with Hoffman so either they werent on Nash's no-go list or they feel they can convince him otherwise. Nash is a pending UFA so coming to Winnipeg would be a brief move for a chance to win.
  6. The attacks on the kids in Florida are particularly despicable and indefensible. But we are now in an age where everything is fair game. Its quite sad. The likelihood is nothing changes but boy I'd love to see a movement that attains critical mass that sees 18-25 year olds who dont normally vote end up coming out in full force for change.
  7. That a player would not consider a top 4 team in the league at the deadline? Lol
  8. Being a top team doesn’t change anything. Jets have to be good consistently to change minds
  9. In fact those are two of my favourite things.
  10. Cold hearted monsters and not even dead children will move them to turn away from their NRA masters.
  11. He did say his finances were a red line. But maybe Kushner's are okay lol As I recall, the idea of Trump pardoning himself is not something that he is forbidden to do. But even if he were, I'd suspect a Nixon type deal. Trump resigns and Pence pardons him. But I think we're a long way off from Trump being criminally charged with anything.
  12. Might be more pressure on Manafort to flip.
  13. Anyone have Amazon Prime? Im considering subscribing. Which would officially make me a streaming guy as I'd have more than just Netflix. Looks like some good shows. American Gods. The Main in the High Castle (anyone watch this?). Lore. Plus, I order things probably monthly or so from Amazon so the free shipping would just about pay for it.
  14. Can we get two for the price of one and Wab goes too?
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