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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I filled up 50 large Jerry cans and I hve them stored in my basement.
  2. Well she was 14 when she met Elvis so I'd assume the age difference will come up. And he died of drugs so surely that has to come up. And he loved his momma so Im betting that come sup too (especially as they cast a great actress in the role). In regards to the young girls, they may play it off as more the times. Elvis was 24 and I am going to take a guess that that age difference wasnt unheard of, especially in the south.
  3. Just lies lies and more lies. The reason Im confident is because all Trump can do is play to his base. His only hope to win re-election is self inflicted wounds by the Dems. Sadly, that is always possible.
  4. "If you might get sick, stay home." Great advice. Where do I find out if I might get sick? lol ***Also, people under 50 have died. If you think "facts" are flaming, well, there is a word for that but Im too polite to use it.
  5. That is a hell of an ad. If Biden's team keeps up that work throughout the campaign, they'll have Trump throwing punches at people in his briefings.
  6. We'll if you judge Trump as a great President (or even a barely competent one), then you shouldnt be giving odds.
  7. He is!! Cast[edit] Austin Butler as Elvis Presley Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom Parker Olivia DeJonge as Priscilla Presley Maggie Gyllenhaal as Gladys Presley Rufus Sewell as Vernon Presley Yola as Sister Rosetta Tharpe
  8. https://www.thewrap.com/sopranos-many-saints-newark-will-smith-king-richard/ Man...I need me some Sopranos! First I'd heard of the Elvis biopic, but super intrigued!
  9. I think its more that he didnt feel like playing but didnt want to put in his papers. Jets didnt want it hanging over them. Chevy said he offered a trade a few times and Buff said no. Buff could have submitted retirement papers and its all over. I think he probably feels like he's not ready to say with certainty that he's retired. Once the agent got involved, suddenly there was an ankle injury. I suspect the agent simply said you can do what you want but this is a lot of money and if you have a lingering injury, lets get it taken care. The agent told Chevy Buff wanted to play after surgery. But Buff then quit rehab so I doubt he ever felt like he wanted to play but the agent and the PA probably pressured him to do it a certain way so they could try and get some settlement. In the end, it was the same all along. Buff just didnt feel like playing, didnt care about the money but wasnt willing to officially retire.
  10. Worried about her age because of Joe's. might not be bad considering Trump is old, in terrible shape and prone to looking on the verge of collapse at times. But, the idea is Biden is the transitional leader, the guy that brings the country together, unites everyone and gets things stabilized until a more dynamic person takes over after his first term. I think Warren would be a great President, but then we're talking about her running when she's 75 against a lot of younger opponents and risk a rough primary (which is what the GOP always wants). I'd rather see a younger woman. And all things being equal, a POC.
  11. Warren? I don’t know. 71 years old this summer.
  12. When I initially read it online it described her as a 23 year old vet and I thought that was weird phrasing. Even asked my gf if that made sense. Thanks for the correction. Makes more sense. Still awful
  13. Just brutal. 23 year old female cop killed. Leaves two kids motherless. Wtf is wrong with people
  14. I was really struck by how many people I always assumed were intelligent and reasonable (some I always knew word morons) that are really showing their true selves. Conspiracy theorists. Deniers. People who just don’t understand how contagious viruses are spread. And it’s not even political. I have a friend in Toronto. Very left. She’s all in on this being a hoax and a 5G conspiracy.
  15. America badly needs a clean sweep for Dems and they need to maintain power for at least 8-12 years to chase the racist, gun loving morons back into the holes where they belong
  16. There is a lot of space between “do nothing” and “bursting into homes with guns and forcibly putting people in containment camps”
  17. Manitoba has done a very good job. Definitely can make the case the NHL should use Winnipeg as a staging ground to finish the season. Plenty of hotels and practice facilities.
  18. Makes sense. Racists who lost then. Racist losers now.
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