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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If the Dems take the House, impeachment becomes more likely. You only require a simple majority in the House to actually Impeach a President. Its the trial in the Senate that requires 2/3 and is highly, highly unlikely that the Dems would have a simple majority, let alone a super majority. However, if trump was impeached with compelling evidence, the fact many Republicans go-along with him and dont embrace him, its possible the Senate would convict him in favour of Pence. If they feel that Trump was an anchor on all of them, you never know. More likely, he'd be Impeached but not convicted, just as Clinton was. And by the way, the Senate trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice who was a Republican apointee. I do disagree that Cabinet could remove him tomorrow. Its very complicated and can result in a congressional trial. And I dont think the Cabinet, even if they despised the President would go along with a coup, even if they felt it was deserved. He'd have to be really, really incapacitated, not just an *******. The 25th is for incapacitation, not removing a duly elected President for being a ****. Even if he's a criminal, thats up to Impeachment. And to reiterate my position, if Trump came out tomorrow and admitted he was a racist etc, thats not good enough for me to remove him in any way but an election. But...should Mueller recommend charges for Obstruction, Collusion, Laundering etc, then he should be removed by means of Impeachment.
  2. 1. Yes they did. And launched an investigation. The FBI didnt shrug and say "its just politics". There are multiple congressional investigations and a Special Counsel investigation going on BECAUSE this wasnt politics as normal. 2. Its not. And it's illegal. And the subject to multiple investigations. You seem to think the investigations shoudl be shut down because "nothing to see here" but why not let them continue to their inevitable conclusion? The whole point of what Mueller is doing is to build a case so it doesnt matter what Trump says. Ofcourse he's going to deny. If you were accused of a crime, you'd deny it too... 3. Im a conservative. I supported W. I wish Harper was PM today, tomorrow and forever. I get the right wing perspective. Thats not the issue. 4. Again, the original question posed what what is your Red-Line? What would it take? I dont think Hilary is the nicest candidate. I dont even care. I dont know her. If we dug far enough back, Im, quite sure I was warm on Trump initially. I recall telling a friend (who is gay and hated Trump from Day 1) that he should not be too hasty and I defended trump...to my GAY friend lol But again, its Red Lines. He's vile. Is he MORE vile than Hilary. Thats a different debate. To answer your question, I guarantee it isnt partisan politics. If it is, its REPUBLICANS. You have a Republican FBI Director (who, by the way, sunk Hilary with the last minute e-mails memo to Congress which turned out to be nothing), a Republican AG, a Republican Deputy AG, a Republican Special Counsel. And the only issue on the part of the FBI was out of the New York office which was aligned with Rudy who was aligned with Trump and seemingly buried information in favour of Trump. What partisan politics are you referring to? This whole thing is driven by Republicans.
  3. I sort of see this as historically significant. Like if this forum existed during the time of Nixon. It DOES surprise me that anyone would actually defend Trump at this stage. Though I am very happy if fellow conservatives engage in nuanced discussion. As I said earlier though, and Ill open myself up to attack by saying I was a W. supporter, if I was a US voter, there are several redline issues for me that would make me vote Dem. And one of them, the latest one is gun control. I could not vote for a party that is okay with dead children over banning assault weapons. That would be a redline issue for me. When there is a Democrat President, Im sure this thread will have plenty of use then too. Crappy politics is not the exclusive domain of either party.
  4. Whataboutism isnt an answer. Do the rest of us a favour though, if you are going to drag the discussion down to name calling, just avoid posting. I asked you a serious question with legitimate interest and you havent been able to provide a rational reply. If the intent is to create a scenario where this thread gets nukes, lets try to avoid that. Although I appreciate the comparison to Russia election meddling with posters on a sports forum creating posts designed to get the thread locked lol Essentially you're saying that you are perfectly fine with Russia conspiring with a candidate to get him elected to leverage potential blackmail material to get what they want...as long as the winner is the one you wanted to win anyway? You're perfectly entitled to that opinion but it doesnt lend itself to any legitimate discussion, in my humble opinion. If you ultimately feel like Trump sucks but who cares about the greater issues, than why post here? Let the rest of us who are interested continue to post and discuss. Thanks!
  5. Actually colluding with Russia would be a reason to remove him. So would obstruction of justice. I'd assume money laundering would be as well. It depends on your definition of an impeachable offense. But you cant move the goalines because you dislike Democrat policies. Clinton was impeached for lying about nailing an intern. I do agree that his racism and bigotry are not impeachable. Just things to remember come the next election.
  6. Is your position that "yes Russia conspired with Trump associates to help him win but we know that so lets ignore it and unite"? Regardless of perspective, its not the job of the citizens or Congress to unite. They should compromise as best they can to advance good government but its not the minorities obligation to capitulate. Thats sort of the point. The time to "unite" in your contest is when the people who conspires are brought to justice and washed out of power. If you believe Trump is complicit you cant take the position of "yeah he did it, but lets just move on" as tiresome as the whole thing might seem. Its worth pursuing until justice is served. If Trump is complicit (and he certainly is on some level) should he not be held accountable? The issue is not just Russians meddling or influencing. The allegations are about hacking, theft and other criminality. Trump and his allies being potentially mobbed up. Its far worse than Nixon. If you feel about Trump the way you describe, why would you not want this to continue? Why would you belittle it? Would you prefer a corrupt, criminal "vile wise guy" in power than the average Democrat?
  7. If I liked Trump as a simply the GOP guy...or if I liked some of his policies, it would still be shameless bias to act like the Russian interference is a non-story or that Trump is up to his eyeballs in it. He refuses to enact sanctions that were overwhelmingly approved by Congress (including Republicans). Its disgraceful.
  8. CBS head Les Moonves revealed some info: CBS streaming (All Access and Showtime) viewers skewers 20 years younger than CBS network. Average age of 38. Combined subs are 5 million. On pace to meet or exceed their goal of 8 million subs by 2020 CBSAA subs doubled from one year ago and January 2018 was the biggest month ever (I'd suspect from Trek fans pouring back in after the break) Called Discovery a run away success.
  9. Really? So the answer is that none of the issues are redlines? The racist policies, gun control inaction, criminal associations, Russia collusion, support for nazi's...thats all okay if the economy is good? I mean, I commend you for your honesty if that is the case.
  10. No kids? No problem. City can still generate revenue
  11. That’s true. Very possible. Ofcourse people said Mueller would lead to nothing. Then he charged trump associates. Flipped others. Indicted Russians. So....odds are this is not the end of his investigation. Just the next step.
  12. Yeah. Trumpologists have their heads hurried on the sand. But since he chose to take part I wanted to ask, quite seriously, what it would take for him to change his stance. As a conservative, Russia aside, I’d vote democrat just because of the school shooting. That’s one thing. It’s a red line. His racism and bigotry is another. Just wondering what the redline for hardliners is....
  13. What’s the redline for you as a Trump supporter? Assuming you really are scoffing (and your resort to name calling implies you’re a bit more upset over this than dismissive), what will it take? a guy wirh a string of sexual assault allegations? Nope that’s ok. Racist? Nope that’s ok too. Won’t enforce congress approved sanctions against Russia (in other words actively helping Russia) a slew of connections to people involved in criminal activity. What would it take for you to say “trump should be removed”?
  14. The next big shoe to drop is probably indictments against Don Jr or Kushner. Then its Trump. And I suspect his report about Trump will be very detailed and widespread. He cant indict Trump, just recommend charges for Congress to consider. But Don Jr and Kushner are fair game. The question is, will Mueller get that far and THEN Trump goes nuts and fires him or will Trump feel the heat, panic and fire him first setting off what could be a critical constitutional crises?
  15. Trump doesn’t believe Russia meddled. That’s his AG announcing these charges. Hmmm oh and...
  16. I think something changed significantly in the story. I agree. I didnt mind the idea of the Klingons as they started out in Discovery but the end result should have been a show of honour that ended the war and led to the 24 houses embracing (or seemingly) the honor of Kahless. That would set up the Klingons as we know them through TOS where they were organized but still dicks into TNG where they played up the honor but many werent honorable at all. But they said Ash and L'Rell will be in next season so maybe we'll get more of the transition.
  17. That second story is worth the read. Its from the New Yorker and is a great piece by the talented Ronan Farrow: It really does lend credence to the Stormy Daniels story because of very similar details in how Trump engages with women and how his team covers it up.
  18. I think the season was uneven. But Im giving them the benefit of the doubt because they changed showrunners/executive producers so late in the process. The Klingon storyline, war story, look of the Klingons, design of the ship, design of the uniforms etc was all done by Fuller. then he left. So the current creative team inherited a work that was not their own. And I think these producers are more traditional. When you look at other known aliens that were featured, like the Andorians and Tellerites, they are very traditional looking with minor changes that are mostly to make them better as a result of better make-up effects. Certainly not the large departure that the Klingon design showed. Although, every new film/tv show adjusted the design of the Klingons so it doesnt really matter to me. Fuller had also intended to go to the Mirror universe much sooner. And he had no "Enterprise" showing up at the end. So the new producers are taking it in their own direction and Ill give the uneven writing a pass. Next season though, they have to hit a home run. I do think its the best first season of Trek since TOS. The acting, production design etc is tremendous.
  19. Yeah I agree for sure. There is the potential that this was a crazy conspiracy. Which ofcourse, is not remotely the norm in cases like this.
  20. The story is the usual whining without thinking. Plus, any suggestion of giving Seth Macfarlane control is a non-starter since he's really really awful.
  21. Its a great strategy by the GOP to change the narrative to law & order. They can claim they want to protect kids but those evil Dems wont let them fund prison/schools. Imagine creating schools like that...the cost would be outrageous. How many parents want to send their kids to schools where they are locked in with gun-carrying teachers? Ridiculous. Because in a mass shooting event with 1000+ kids running and screaming, you definitely want a bunch of teachers randomly firing back. And Im guessing if someone can go down to the local convenient store for an assault rifle, they can probably get their hands on a bullet proof vest, Then what? Oh we need more training so teachers can be sharpshooters. Also, give the teachers assault rifles too. These people are soulless, evil, vile devils.
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