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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Remember Vegas and how everyone wanted bump stocks banned and they were really going to do something this time?
  2. This is nonsense. While I do think someone truly committed to a course of action will make whatever effort neeeed to see it through, the point is if I have to be a victim in a mass shooting id prefer the shooter be coming in with a hand gun or hunting rifle. These are mass casualty weapons this admin will ban people but won’t ban guns
  3. Will the government declare war on these types of groups?
  4. Trump rhetoric coming home to roost. Not a good look.
  5. Need Lowry back. Also, Scheif and Wheeler are both superstars. As is Buff. We're doing alright.
  6. No kidding. Shooting knocked Story Daniels off the front page. But apparently she claims to have a "DNA Dress" (like Monica had) and is having it tested to support her story. Im not sure this would even impact Trump negatively. The evangelicals that support him sold their souls long ago. Women are already leaving him. Will the alt right and the bigots care that he nailed a porn star when his new wife was home with their young son...or that he paid her off to keep quiet? Probably not. I read there were several $130,000 payments made by Trump's campaign around this time back to Trump as "rent", including some odd double payments. Could be several payoffs occurred.
  7. And whats the argument? 2nd Amendment? Thats so silly. Even if you interpret the amendment to guarantee gun rights, which many people do NOT believe it does, people treat that amendment as if it's written in stone. They have changed or added/deleted amendments all the time. They are not written in stone. And one can make the argument that an assault weapon is totally unneeded. If the argument is that you cant cherry pick when it comes to right the bear arms, whats next? Can they walk into WalMart and buy a missile launcher? How about a nuclear weapon? No thats crazy. Civilians having assault weapons is crazy. The rest of the world laughs at America on this issue.
  8. Big star in WWE, WCW and TNA. When he was IC champion in WWE, it was at a high level. WWE IC Champion 6 times. WCW World Champion 4 times. WCW US Champion 3 times. NWA (TNA) World Champion 6 times. So JJ is a 10-time former World Champion. But the WWE HOF is mosly a popularity contest as far as who Vince likes. What they do is, ask around the office for suggestions (key executives) and then Vince makes the final call. And they generally want one big star headliner and then several lower level stars including at least one woman and a black worker. Shane Douglas is definitely HOF worthy based on WWE's criteria. Former IC champion (won it and lost it in Winnipeg), former NWA World Champion (when the NWA meant nothing) and first ever ECW World Champion when it re-branded as Extreme. He was the early top guy in ECW when they caught fire. And had a late career run in WCW though it wasnt memorable.
  9. He was always considered a top prospect from his young days in Tennessee. I liked his Double J gimmick in WWE. He was always a good worker but more in the sense he could have really good matches with other good workers as opposed to carrying poor workers to good matches. It never hurt that his dad was a long time promoter (who was well respected). He was Russo's biggest ally. Russo wanted to push him to the main event in WWE but Austin refused to work with him. Reportedly due to an issue when Austin worked Jarrett's dad's territory years earlier. Austin was given a paycheque that was considerably smaller than he expected and while looking at it, Jeff walked up and said "stop staring, it wont get any bigger", laughed and walked away. JJ also referred to Austin 3:16 as being blasphemous which angered Austin, though JJ claimed he was told to say it. When Russo went to WCW, JJ followed and became The Chosen One and a big pushed star as World Champion. He was involved in the double cross of Hogan. Im not sure JJ knew about it but Russo wanted Hogan to lay down for JJ and Hogan refused, instead insisting he go over and win the world title. Russo came up with the idea of doing a worked shoot where JJ would lay down and let Hogan beat him and angrily leave the company, only to return months later for a champion vs champion match. But Russo double crossed hogan by burying him with no intention of bringing him back. When WWE bought WCW, Jarrett was publicly fired by Vince when Vince cut a promo on screen, with Nitro playing live on a TV behind him with JJ in the ring. The heat with WWE was over how JJ left. They claim he held them up for money to lose the IC belt or he'd jump to WCW as champion. The reality is that JJ's WWE contract expired the day before a PPV and apparently this was an oversighjt on the part of Talent Relations (run by Jim Ross). They asked JJ to stay one more day to drop the belt to Chyna on PPV. JJ agreed but wanted all his future royalties paid up front. Thats where the "held up" story comes from. JJ got paid and was professional in putting Chyna over. When WCW was bought, JJ knew WWE didnt want him so he convinced his dad to fund a new start up, which became TNA. Their idea was to run a weekly TV show on PPV with no "free" TV. They enlisted the NWA as "promoter". No one expected the idea to work...and it didnt. The guy they hired to handle their PPV business lied to them about the amount of buys and thus, the amount of revenue that was coming (PPV revenue is paid months after the show, one of the reasons ECW had trouble too). So the Jarretts operated under the mistaken impression they were making way more money than they were. When they learned the truth, they were essentially bankrupt. Dixie Carter worked for TNA as a sub-contracted PR person. She went to her very rich parents (they own an oil business) and convinced them to bail TNA out. Jerry Jarrett (Jeff's dad) left after a falling out with Jeff over Jeff's instance that Russo be booker. Jerry hated Russo and his style. Jerry and Jeff did not speak for many years.
  10. Yup. He could ban automatic rifles tomorrow, assuming the GOP wouldnt turn on him. He wont though.
  11. Supposedly wikileaks released emails showing Hilary was harder on gun control than she let on and was going to try to end run congress using executive orders. If a Democratic President and Congress enacted strict control, Im not sure it would ever be undone. People who cry about their rights would eventually see that nothing changed. Only the crazies thaty feel the need to stockpile assault weapons for the coming end of times would be mad. And they probably shouldnt have guns at all.
  12. President has limited power. Blame congress. Right now you have a government where the same party controls all three branches. If the GOP (from Trump to Congress) wanted gun control, they'd have it tomorrow. Its that simple. Congress stonewalled many Obama attempts at gun control. They wont even debate it. They are bought and paid for. Period.
  13. Its nonsense. What changed after vegas? They find ways to deflect from the real issue and people forget about it in time. Like the cops can suddenly be mental healthy professionals or lock away anyone they suspect of anything. Its ridiculous. Trump always sounds like he's struggling with these prepared speeches where he has to sound presidential and caring. He doesnt give a ****. Not a single mention of "gun". If this kid bought beer, they'd arrest him. Owning an AR-15? His constitutional right. Americans can change this. There are published lists of congress members who receive money from the NRA. Do not vote for them. If unsure, vote Democrat. This issue is too important to be party loyal.
  14. It’s the citizens fault for not praying hard enough.
  15. Orville is awful. They could definitely launch in late 2018 but I think the early 2019 thing is thrown around for scheduling reasons. Like rather then start in October/November, they might skip the holidays and start in Jan/feb. I think part of it is people speculating based on the lag time with other premium content shows like GoT. CBS hasnt said anything so its possible they get it out for the fall.
  16. Trump delivers a speech about the shooting but DOES NOT MENTION GUNS. Good God. Says he will make schools safer. Music to the ears of gun nuts. Arms the teachers! heck, arm the students! Make schools into impregnable fortresses with military style security. Who's going to pay for that? The middle class of course, through a Safe School tax. After all, would you not pay to make your children safe?
  17. Most fans put a premium on WWE experience even though the best wrestling in the world is not in WWE. But its understandable in that its what most fans in the US and Canada are exposed to. Im surprised that any wrestling fan would only know Jeff Jarrett as a mid carder in WWE. Probably more accurate to say upper mid card since he was IC champion and programmed with guys like Hall and Michaels. He was going to be moved up to work with Austin too but Austin vetoed it. He was WCW World Champion when the Monday Night Wars were...not raging, but coming to a close lol. But millions of people still watched WCW at the time. But its all moot. By the standards of the WWE Hall of Fame, he absolutely is worthy.
  18. Well the WWE HOF is a work anyway. Koko B Ware is in. So if you judge everyone by Koko B Ware standards, than JJ is very reasonable. Multiple time IC champion, Multiple time WCW World Champion, Multiple time NWA and TNA World Champion. Pretty much all world champions should be in...well, maybe not Russo but he should be in as a "builder" for his writing. EDIT: Also, JJ should go in for creating a new promotion in the wake of WCW's demise and giving the boys somewhere to work and somewhere to leverage themselves against when negotiating with WWE.
  19. Talk of Jeff Jarrett going into WWE Hall of Fame this year. His name was apparently on a list being considered. I'd be a bit surprised given his rehab issues so recently. Vince took great pleasure in publicly firing Jarrett when he bought WCW. But time heals all wounds. Plus, he was a fairly big star. It would make more sense if WWE owned the TNA library since he's all over it. WWE will be using some TNA footage as they made a deal with Impact to purchase or license some of the Broken Hardy stuff.
  20. Home protection. Hunting. Does this seem reasonable for either of those?
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