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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Its so insane too. Trump could have walked into that press room and simply said he abhors domestic violence. He could even say "Porter did a great job for us, I liked him very much, but if these allegations are true, he has no place in my White House." add something nice about victims and voila, its over. But he cant bring himself to say it. Its consciousness of guilt. He cant hang his hat on "believe the women" because to him, its an admission of guilt. What does his supposed feminist daughter think of all this? Also, is Hope Hicks still dating Porter?
  2. Personally, its hard to say the best superhero movie. Captain America is very good and maybe among the best of the modern (ie. MCU/DCEU) films. I'd say The Dark Knight would be up for "best". Same with Watchmen which was amazing. On the other hand, the first Superman, while not technically as great as the modern films is really enjoyable to watch. Is it better than The Dark Knight? No. But is it more enjoyable to watch? an argument can be made. Thats why opinions like this are subjective. Ill always come down on the side of WW being a really good movie. And if we want to frame it with feminism, I can still say that's a positive thing. We can debate whether kids should have fictional characters as heroes or role models but its what happens. We grew up that way. Kids today grow up that way. And I like the idea of a female that is a hero because she's strong, smart, independent, athletic and saves everyone as opposed to the usual Princess/damsel in distress female role models. The same can be said for Rey (and I get the sense some backlash is from men/boys who have trouble accepting a female in the hero role). But that isnt why I liked WW. I just liked it. It isnt The Dark Knight or Watchmen. But its certainly the best DCEU film thus far.
  3. This Porter story isnt going away and its amazing insight into this Admin. Recall that when the story first broke, Porter was going to stay on until a replacement was found. Thats how little the admin cared about the allegations. Kelly wanted him to stay completely. When the story blows up, its still Porter quit and was not fired which is really a stunning narrative. It says "we didnt want him to leave." When it became clear the White House knew all along, the finger pointing began. And this isnt about who's fault it was. Its about finding a scapegoat who can take the fall and make it all go away. They dont want to hang that around Kelly because Trump needs him. Remember, its Kelly who supposedly keeps Trump as close to restrained as possible. Imagine if Kelly wasnt there? Sanders does her thing - lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. But this time, no new scandal comes along to knock the original off the front page. She blames the FBI, their usual whipping boy. But the FBI aint taking this one...and says they completed their investigation and provided the info to the White House last year. Whoops. So Sanders, now caught in a lie, has to face the press again. Oh its the fault of bureaucrats at the Personnel office who didnt finish their "process". She wont say what process since this is another lie but those poor public servants can step to a mic and call the White House liars like the FBI can. But since that is obviously a lie, the media presses. Sanders actually begins distancing herself because even this lie is TOO MUCH for Sanders! lol Now it's White House Counsel's fault because he didnt tell anyone. But wait, Kelly knew. So now its partially Kelly's fault. See what they're doing? They are so caught that the usual scapegoat isnt good enough. They now have multiple scapegoats. Which one will stick? All the while Sanders claims Trump abhors domestic violence and supports the victims, she cant say why Trump wont say that himself and meanwhile when Trump does talk he laments how awful it is for Porter. Good grief. Remember when a White House scandal was Obama wearing a tan suit? What a time we live in. I wonder if this is how it was to live through Nixon...and if Nixon had cable news and social media?
  4. Yeah and I wouldnt have minded the female leader thing if that was how they wanted to portray the Klingons. It would make sense if the Klingons respected honor regardless of gender. Hopefully they follow this up in Discovery by showing us the beginnings of the council and embracing honor. I get the impression the team just wanted to close the book on Fuller's vision and get on with it. So be it. The Enterprise showing up is the most exciting aspect to the show thus far.
  5. The only fear he probably has is whittling his base down to the really obvious deplorables. Once that happens, all he is is a crazy alt right bigot with money and the mainstream will ignore him. His concern over Porter is losing women voters. He really cant afford to lose anyone since he won 1) barely 2) with help from Russia.
  6. i like QT but how anyone can possibly defend Roman Polanski is beyond me. So many Hollywood morons defended him. So gross. QT has since apologized. But the talking point has always been that the drugged 13 year old “wanted it”. Polanski should stop being romanticized and should be in jail.
  7. Toss sanders out too. Her job is to be an effective liar.
  8. I need McK back. Slipped to third in my pool. We have a long time group (about 13 years). Somehow Im known as "the guy who knows nothing about hockey but always finishes top three". Its half true! lol
  9. Loved Captain America. But Im a Cap fan from way back. The comic that hooked me was, I think City of Ice story (Cap got caught in a drug den explosion and the meth reacted with the super soldier serum).
  10. I think it means its Kelly's turn to be Trump's sacrificial lamb. Over/Under on Kelly resigning, being interviewed by Mueller, Trump claiming he was fired and then ripping publicly...
  11. Opinions can vary but facts are facts. I think the lord of the rings films suck but I wouldnt be stupid enough to pretend they werent well made and very popular. I mean, its a fact. Wonder Woman is good...popular, well reviewed. That doesnt mean everyone has to like it.
  12. Talk is WWE will be ending the brand-specific PPV's and go back to dual-branded (ie. entire roster on every PPV). I imagine it wont mean the end of the split though as they want to keep multiple touring groups.
  13. Your negative opinion of a good film is your right. Factually incorrect, but your right. ;-)
  14. Yeah I dont disagree. I figured he'd come cheap. He's a veteran with playoff experience. It would be, Chiarot or Green in my mind when considering it.
  15. You've hit on something else here. Sanders can come out and give all the "traditional" talking points because the base will say "they have to say that for the liberals but we know what they really think" because Trump doesnt say it. Sanders is grotesque.
  16. I wont claim that it never happened but no, there was absolutely no definitive sense that if you dont like the film you must hate women. In fact that sounds like a very man-centric narrative, actually. If we're going to drop the pretense of fact when it comes to opinions being subjective then great - if you thought Wonder Woman sucked, you dont know anything about film quality. Was it the fact the lead was a woman that bothered you? I suppose they could have made Wonder Woman a man, but Im not sure that would have worked. lol I find it hilarious that people get bothered by the gender of the leads in film and TV. I like good, interesting, entertaining products. I dont care if the star is man or woman. Why would you?
  17. I'd say he's Moose bound. But since the Jets are playing in Finland, I'd assume the NHL would be pleased if he did make the club next year. He plays in a men's league, yes. He could make the Jets. But I think it will be like Connor and Roslo where he gets sent to the Moose to acclimate rather then be a 3rd/4th line guy.
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