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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You would if you thought it could make a difference in the playoffs. I dont think Chevy would give up much for a rental either, to be honest. So it would be cheaper rentals or players with time left on their deals. But the Jets have a ton of their own players to re-sign in the next two years so it would have to be someone who is an upgrade on someone currently playing.
  2. Probably because whatever staffer benefits from this didnt tell him that part.
  3. Chevy implied that they had Vesalainen at 12 before they traded down in the draft and were happy to see him still available when they picked.
  4. Boone Jenner would be good. Mike green...maybe for D depth. Nash would be good too. Pacioretty and Skinner are interesting but have time left on their deals. The guys above are expiring contracts so the cap hit is virtually nil at this point in the season.
  5. That's painting with a wide brush. Ghostbusters was ripped to shreds. I never saw any effort to make it seem better "because of equality". Comparing that to Wonder Woman isnt even rational, let alone relevant. You can like or dislike what you want. But let's not muddy the waters with silliness. Wonder Woman wasn't praised for "equality", it was praised because it was good. But no film will ever be universally liked or disliked. And that's okay too.
  6. That's interesting casting. She was always fun on New Girl. Good be a fun show!
  7. Yeah but what about Hilary? Or about all the male victims? THAT'S what's important. lol Jokes aside, let's be honest here. The news is all tip toeing around reality. They are covering this story and wondering why Sanders is gaslighting American's, why Trump wont speak about victims etc. The truth is, its consciousness of guilt by Trump. The police technique of interviewing potential suspects and asking them what they think should happen to whomever perpetrated the crime is appropriate here. An innocent person generally would want a perpetrator punished while a guilty person doesnt want their words haunting them and tries to deflect or minimize it. Trump has so many allegations against him that he simply cannot come down hard on the side of victims. Those words would haunt him. He's afraid it would lead to a revival of allegations or new allegations. When he speaks about Porter, he's really speaking about himself: "Its so sad for him" "He says he's innocent". Every day is a new disgrace. But I guess its the FBI's fault Porter didnt have security clearance. You know else doesnt have security clearance? Kushner and 30+ other White House staff. If Trump wasn't President, he wouldnt have security clearance either. And yet these guys like Porter had top secret material crossing their desks.
  8. In the midst of the metoo movement, in a thread about US politics, in a discussion about a top male white house aid resigning over domestic abuse allegations from women, you want to interject with "what about the men?" Holy smokes man. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose a vote from his base, he sure was right.
  9. I thought the Enterprise looked great and they created an exciting way to end the first season. Lots of griping from some fans though. Cant please everyone. I thought the finale was weak over-all and a good example of the season as a whole which was uneven. I think we can say that the change in show runner really impacted the vision. The finale wrapped things up too quickly while wasting time with the Orions. The fact L'Rell rises to power based on a threat to destroy Kronos left me annoyed. An honourable sacrifice uniting the houses would have made more sense to me. Its one thing to say the Klingons respond to strength but what strength is shown by a leader who pulls back the troops when they are about to defeat their enemy? We know from TNG that the final thing that created lasting peace between Klingons and the Federation was the sacrifice of the Enterprise-C while saving a Klingon planet from a Romulan attack. So mirroring that by having an honourable sacrifice being the catalyst for a new found sense of honor among the Klingons would make sense to me. Admiral Cornwall should have been court-martialed. But its all made up for in the end when the Enterprise shows up. Now please dont screw this up... cast a great Pike.
  10. People ripping on WW..its so odd. Opinions vary and quality can be subjective. But maybe its why we get awful DC films when a really good movie is considered awful or boring. Weird. And Gal Gadot being bad in the film? Hmmmm... I dont know maybe its the superhero audience being mostly male feeling uncomfortable with a female hero. WW was great. And Gal Gadot was awesome. Regarding Incredible Hulk, it definitely wasnt very good. But I remember watching it later and having a new appreciation for how Ang Lee tried to make it look like a comic book come to life. And Sam Elliott was pretty good.
  11. Again if this was W or Obama the porter thing is a gigantic story and it could sink them. Certainly would take down the CoS. For Trump it’s just another day. and let’s be honest. The reason he’s so defensive of Porter is because he simply cannot come out and support the accusers because he himself has so many allegations against him. Imagine having to explain why the president keeps defending abusers.
  12. What a surprise. trump won’t release the Dems memo.
  13. Sounds like it will be a different “universe” so to speak. DC has no friggen clue. None. Cause the best way to correct their mess is to create multiple unconnected films with the same characters played by different actors. Ridiculous.
  14. WTF is DC doing? Don’t get me wrong, fantastic actor. But what about Leto? They have to pick a direction and stick with it
  15. I don’t think it’s so much defending the clintons just sort of perplexed by the “yeah but Hilary” stuff from the Trump supporters every time Trump screws up.
  16. Talk about fake news. Mueller was director of the FBI. Ofcourse he was aware of investigations the fbi conducted. People need to stop taking Fox News as gospel. It’s the state news service for trump. Anyway. Hilary Hilary Hilary. Still has nothing to do with trump. It’s fun to talk about this stuff when trump is having another lousy week. But it’s irrelevant Speaking of which, Hope Hicks helped craft Kelly’s statement in which he praised porter. A guy she’s dating. Are these people amateurs or just morons?
  17. There’s gotta be a way to make this Hilary’s fault
  18. Thats true but Jack was never offered a contract. Logan is under contract. Jack was a 3rd round pick. Logan is a 1st. A better comparison to Jack might be Cederholm who was drafted in the 4th round and is also not under contract but has upside.
  19. That would be amazing...if 1) it had anything to do with Trump's bad acts 2) if it were actually true. lol
  20. WWE Year End Financials: They also had their highest fourth quarter revenue ever. Profits are down due to tax changes but will be up significantly next year due to Trump's tax law and TV Rights Fee escalators (and the new TV deal in 2020 will make them extremely profitable). By next year they should be as profitable as they were before they switched from PPV to The Network. Network numbers: And the biggest news is likely: The fact Vince continues to make the point that the XFL wont impact his day to day at WWE makes me think 1) it will and 2) they are very conscious of the impact on rights fees and share price of any suggestion that Vince wont be as involved. We already see changes as Vince has given up producing 205live and given it to Hunter. And the expectation is Hunter will do more while Vince works on the XFL. The feeling in the past when WWE was asked about succession planning, was that Vince dying would knock the share price down significantly and that Hunter, despite being "trained" by Vince simply didnt have enough experience or education to calm investors fears. Barrios and Wilson being promoted, to me, spells succession planning. So they can position the company, in the event of Vince's retirement or death, that Hunter is the creative guy, Steph is the brand ambassador and these very experienced business people run the business end (the reality will be Hunter calls all the shots). They also claim they're still working on a contract for Ronda that will be multi-year and her first priority will be WWE. The interesting news from behind the scenes, is that their intent is for Ronda to work with Steph to get Steph over as a big star in areas outside of wrestling. As ridiculous as Steph vs Ronda sounds...thats the plan. Sort of like Vince vs Austin.
  21. 30 days or ten games played after his call up. So he still had a ways to go.
  22. Coincidentally,. here is a story about Jack Glover today. Too bad he didnt work out. Jets never offered him a contract. So he will be come a free agent this year if they dont. http://www.mndaily.com/article/2018/02/s-through-different-paths-minnesotas-senior-defensemen-provide-consistency
  23. Logan Stanley, Luke Green, Jack Glover, Dylan Samberg, Jacob Cederholm
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