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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. After great orators like Bill Clinton and Obama, what a refreshing change to have a President so moronic that he needs a team of aids to explain what he meant after he says it and to let everyone know when he's serious and when he's joking. And when they try to say Trump is plainspoken, no he's an idiot. W. was plain spoken and no one had to wonder what he was talking about most of the time. You'd think being able to communicate would be a prerequisite to the job.
  2. Allow me this moment to remind you all that Vesalainen is 6'4, 210lbs. Oh and he's 18 years old.
  3. I dont take it as just a gaffe. Sure, it shows JT isnt the brightest bulb out there. But he interrupted a woman asking a question to essentially say "hey, Im way more of a feminist than you. Ill even make up words to erase "man" from my vocabulary". Its silly. No one says "peoplekind". No one ever will. Its not collusion with a foreign power or anything, but it is a sad commentary on the sickeningly left wing Prime Minister.
  4. This has come up before. Some people will argue til the're blue in the face that it doesnt matter. But in fact it does matter. There are few players who can play either side and a few that excel on their off-side. But some will tell you it absolutely matters. So in the end, yes it matters. And ultimately, if fans want to discuss it, so be it. It is, after all, a discussion forum.
  5. That’s what Bob mackenzie implied as well saying Subban set the new high and now other #1 D will set a newer high
  6. I don’t think contract negotiations will be too contentious with this man
  7. WWE will be doing a Latin America tournament in Chile in August featuring wrestlers from the region. edit: William regal denied on twitter that this tournament was taking place.
  8. I figured $6 million. If you listen to Bob Mackenzie he thinks its more than that. But Bob speaks in generalities most often. The bigger question is, does he want to be here. That will be answered by the length of this contract.
  9. My understanding is, should the White House refuse, that it can be read on the floor of Congress without repercussion. But I imagine they just want it to be released and I also imagine it's somewhat damning and they are sort of messing with the White House on this... it looks terrible if Trump refuses to release it.
  10. If the Jets want him for 7 or 8 years it will. He's our #1 D.
  11. Trump likes to take credit when things go well. We can all assume he’ll tske the blame for this. Lol
  12. Yeah. That would free up money but doesnt seem like a Jets thing to do.
  13. Yeah the first season contained elements of prequel. I imagine the second season will be much the same.
  14. White House considering appointing a second special counsel to investigate the FBI/DOJ. Yikes...
  15. Further to that point, the Big Show guys had a big discussion about what the Jets do in the future. Bob MacKenzie was on and sort of put top pairing D-men in the $7+ million (and compared it to Subban's $9+ million as where it could go) and guessed Helle's ask at $6-$7 million though he said the Jets have leverage as he's RFA. Jets have about $20 million in cap space next year with the following UFA: Matthias, Hendricks, Toby, Hutch And the following RFA's: Lowry, Armia, Dano, Tanev, Trouba, Poolman, Morrissey, Helle And they have to keep money for the next year for Wheeler & Lanie (Conner & Copp are also due contracts then). They do gain an extra $20 million. What the heck do they do? Its going to be tight.
  16. Yup, I would like him as a rental but I wouldnt sell out the future. It would be interesting to know if he'd have the Jets on his NTC. He has a big list, 18 teams. But if he looks at the standings and its purely a rental situation, the Jets would be in every player's top ten contenders. But you never know.
  17. I thought so too a bit. More so, I thought it was unnecessary. If you're just going to grow more, dont make a big deal about killing your entire supply. They also need to knock off the facade of "below decks". I think this was likely a change when Fuller left. originally they said the show would focus more on junior officers like the TNG episode Below Decks. But firstly, that isnt the case. The Captain, First Officer, Admiral are all focuses. We're on the bridge constantly. The issue is, when deciding that your main Doctor isnt the CMO and your main engineer isnt the Chief Engineer, you create problems. Where the heck are they? This was especially glaring during the briefing room scene. Why assemble all these junior officers but not have the CMO, Chief Engineer and even tactical officer (Ash was but surely he's been replaced). I wont break the balls over it now. But season 2 needs to reconcile this by casting a CMO and Chief Engineer.
  18. Im seeing some "so so" reviews of this episode by a couple of the sites I frequent. I enjoyed it though. I do think the crew forgave Ash a bit too easily. If im the writer, I'd have had Tilly reach out to him as she did, but I'd have kept others at arms length. I'd have had Detmer angrily storm off (for no other reason than to create depth among the relationships). But it didnt annoy me either way. They did as i suspected and "classified" the mirror stuff. That explains why its not common knowledge when Kirk & Spock end up there. I like that they have a fairly large cast but it includes characters that pop in and out. A regular network show would probably be more likely to have a regular group that appears all the time. What Discovery does lends itself to better story telling. The Admiral, for example, being a major focus of this episode. Sarek disappeared for several episodes as well. Reminds me of DS9 with the large cast including numerous recurring characters.
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