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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Poolman did play forward for the Moose at some point I believe. I assume this is just to create four lines for practice. Sheif isnt ready yet either.
  2. I cant disagree. I know this goes back a long time but as I recall, they had their approval to do Government Safeties suspended for awhile. My parents had a friend who was a CT mechanic and he ended up leaving because of the pressure to "upsell". When you're car is on a hoist and the mechanic tells you your breaks are in dire straights, most people will go ahead and do the work. My personal story is we used to take tires to CT for patches. One day, the guy did a super hard sell to sell me new tires. I declined. When I picked up the tire, it was flat. When we examined it, we found the hole they had patched and a new hole...a clear knife/screw-driver slash into the sidewall. In the story above, CT's defense will be they did the repairs and the theft had nothing to do with them and was insured. But from a PR perspective wouldnt refunding her the $2000 have been worth avoiding the story?
  3. Yes. I believe the mandate is to release to the public but conditional on what the AG feels is appropriate. Its really interesting because assuming Mueller gets to finish and submits his report, keep in mind Rosenstein is the one that appointed him and by all accounts feels Mueller is doing a fine job. He's also come under fire from the President with his job being threatened. Why would he protect Trump? If anything, if Trump is willing to let Mueller finish, he might fire Rosenstein (or Sessions) and replace them with someone he thinks is more loyal. I suspect that if Mueller submits a report recommending articles of impeachment, that Rosenstein would forward it to Congress to act. Even if the report is buried or Congress refuses to act, things change if the house switches to Dems and eventually if the White House switches, they can release the report. I think Mueller is pretty smart. If he only ends up indicting family members, trump will simply pardon them.
  4. UFC in chicago on June 9. Look for CM Punk to fight on that show.
  5. The CIA told the BBC that the first page of the dossier was true. That was included in a bbc story in January 2017. So surely they CIA had informed the FBI before then. Elements of the dossier are true. Other elements are unproven. There isn’t anything that has been proven to be false that I recall.
  6. I find stories like this very interesting. And have been in similar situations. The gist of the story is woman has $2000 in repairs done at Canadians tire including all new tires. Days later two tires are completely flat. She calls Canadian Tire who suggest she did something to the tires. Finally they agree to tow it in and look at it. Later that day the cops call the woman and tell her the car was stolen from Canadian tire. She wants a refund on the work Canadian tire did.
  7. Haha yes. And those people forget the special counsel is a Republican appointed by a Republican when his boss, also a Republican recused himself, looking into obstruction when the FBI director, a republican was fired for investigating collusion. so many republicans!
  8. Trumps game here is clear. They could have released exerts from Green Eggs & Ham. It’s the set up for him and his allies to scream “see I am totally innocent”. His base won’t read the memo anyway. They just hear his words. The basic core truth is they getting a fISA warrant is easy. Was there probable cause to suspect Carter Page? Ofcourse. They had that in 2013 when three Russians tried to recruit him to be a spy. Carter Page is the last person trump wants to hang his hat on. But he does t care. It’s all about “see look at this menu I didn’t even read. It says in innocent” nunes should be indicated. He’s obstructing Justice right now.
  9. Strzok encourages Comey to revisit the Clinton emails.
  10. That's a pretty weak probable cause to search the car.
  11. The memo is unbelievably partisan to the point of lying. It lies about things that the general public would not necessarily know (or know to question). One obvious example is it states gaining a FISA warrant must meet the "highest standard" of proof in the justice system. That's a lie. The opposite is true. FISA requires only probable cause. But this is an attempt to create a narrative - if the FBI only had some idle speculation, then the warrant was not legal. That's simply untrue. The FBI suspected Page of Russian ties way before Trump was a candidate. Was the FBI conspiring with the Democrats years before Trump ran? Come on. Its hilariously bad fiction. Further, the memo states that all relevant and material facts are to be shown to get the warrant. This is also not true. Its common that law enforcement provides what they need and hold back information. But again, this is part of the shockingly partisan nature of the memo that is, at best misleading and at worst an out an out lie. The memo says Steele prepared the dossier on behalf of the DNC. That is not true. He was hired by Fusion and didnt know funding came from the Dems. This is misleading verbiage designed to make people think he was knowingly working as an agent of the Democrats. Fusion worked for a Republican client for 8 months. They had Steele on the case, and funded by Dems for only 30 days when Steele was so concerned by the information he had uncovered that he felt obligated to go to the FBI. But the memo omits that. They want you to think Steele was working wholly for the Dems to get Trump. The "memo" is a campaign ad. Nothing more.
  12. Steele was so concerned with what he found, he passed the information onto the FBI who promptly did nothing. In fact, Steele was convinced that the New York office was deliberately doing nothing with it. The belief was the New York office had a relationship with Rudy Guiliani and was more focused on pushing the Trump agenda of digging into Clinton's emails. What IS true is that the FBI released info about Clinton's emails right before the election that sunk her chances...and shortly after released a statement that there was nothing to the new emails. In other words, there was no reason for the FBI to have gotten involved publicly at all...but that involvement was absolutely to Trump's advantage. Further, if the Steele dossier was part of a conspiracy between the FBI and the Dems, why didnt the FBI simply leak it before the election? Why didnt the Dems? It surely would have impacted Trump. They didnt. Because this was all done on the up and up. Steele went to John McCain, a REPUBLICAN with the dossier. John took it to Comey, another Republican. This is AFTER the election. We can debate collusion because the investigation isnt over yet and Mueller hasnt released his findings. But to suggest the Dossier was a fake or part of some Democrat conspiracy to rig the election for Hilary is laughable.
  13. You're correct ofcourse. But it's lame. And his lawyer should simply delay until the summer and have the case tossed.
  14. Follow Seth Abramson on twitter if you want a legal dissection of the memo. Its long so I wont post it. But its enlightening.
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