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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. For all those “it’s just the flu and no one cares about that” folks. Covid has surpassed the entire seasonal flu death rate of the 18/19 season in obviously a much shorter time frame. And work obviously massive efforts to contain it. Some seasons were higher (upwards of 60,000). But facts are facts. Logic is logic. And I wonder how much the idiotic anti vaccine people contributed to bad flu seasons.
  2. So buff unsure if he wants to play. Fine with being suspended while he thinks about it. Agent gets involved and suddenly there is a lingering ankle injury and buff wants to play again. I think we can see what happened.
  3. Gonna be interesting to see what the cap is going to be the next couple of years with such a drop in revenue. Players will be escrowed to death.
  4. The only thing that makes me wonder is why he just didn’t put in his retirement papers. He could walk away without all the drama. I somewhat suspect he wasn’t ready to say he was done forever. Maybe just this past season. Maybe more. And the jets couldn’t operate like that.
  5. I generally like Phil but how do these doctors simply not grasp the difference between deaths via accident and deaths via highly contagious pandemic virus?
  6. Saw an expert on cnn say they may have a vaccine ready for front line health care workers by fall. It would be subject to special approval for that reason. And a full public vaccine available widely by spring. Which honestly sound like good news.
  7. Some back and forth on WWE releasing people. Some saying its just business and everyone is doing it. I think what irks a lot of people is WWE has hoarded talent for a long time. They would literally pay someone to sit at home rather then release them and risk them going to AEW. They refused to release anyone when requested, rolled over contracts to keep them etc. And now, when there has never been a worse time to be a free agent, releases people. Also, WWE will be the most profitable it has ever been in the next year even if they run zero house shows and other live events. They claim they're saving $4 million per month but also note the majority of that savings is deferring spending on their new building to replace Titan Tower. Industry-wide, only WWE has done this. The other groups are all paying their talent. AEW is paying per show talent as well. ROH is paying production people they booked for shows they now arent running. The longer this goes, the more likely they will all have to do this. But it's pretty bad timing for WWE who are at no risk of not being profitable, to do this. The one caveat is if USA and FOX somehow get out of the TV deals, but there is no indication of that happening. WWE is flush with money. AEW was running QT Marshall's gym for their recent events. They are reportedly taped up until DoN. No word on where DoN will take place or what the card will be. Probably they realize a lot could change. UFC thinks Vegas will be open in May so its always possible AEW runs Vegas with no crowd. More likely they run their facility in JAX. The reason they went to Atlanta for tapings was because JAX shut down all hotels. If that changes by May, they could run JAX for DoN. Getting everyone in is the other complication.
  8. Best ring announcer of all time.
  9. WWE Producers Billy Kidman, Mike Rotunda, Dave Finlay, Pat Buck, Shawn Daivari,Scott Armstrong, Sarah Stock, Shane Helms and Lance Storm. Aiden English. Kurt Angle. Colons. Rowen, Ryder. Rusev. Deonna Purrazzo. Aleksandar Jaksic Sarah is from Winnipeg. Only heard good things about her in WWE (she was a total pro and totally great person, great talent when she worked here in Winnipeg with us.)
  10. Right now? No one. And hope they dont have to do this too eventually.
  11. When I needed it most, Donald sent me money. He didnt have to do that. He's wealthy and he wanted to help. What have the democrats done to help me? Health Care? Gun Control? Living Wage? Nah, Donald sent me $1200 once. All hail the king.
  12. WWE is cutting salaries to employees. And releasing talent or putting talent on furlough. They want to save $4 million a month. And also, while announcing this, bragged about having half a billion in cash reserves. Feel bad for a lot of wrestlers about to be unemployed with zero options. EDIT: It begins: Gallows. Heath Slater. Eric Young. Shane Helms. Lance Storm. Finlay. Mike Rotunda.
  13. About time. Doesn’t apply to me but people close to me. Good work
  14. Yeah but none of this matters in terms of his core. Who cares about his core. No one wants to win over the core. Racist gun nut morons are pretty stuck in their ways. These important facts, however, will weigh on moderates or people just dumb enough to consider voting for Trump but think maybe they shouldnt.
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