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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Plenty of assholes on all sides. And many people are just ignorant and would celebrate a politician being hurt or killed, having never voted in their lives. Let's not pretend the same comments wouldnt be there if it was a Democrat train.
  2. Yeah but he's a Kennedy, until he kills someone or has some other scandal he's the next President in waiting. And maybe he will be!
  3. Thats interesting. I spent 10 days in Mexico in December at a resort where the overwhelming population was Americans. It was during the time of Moore campaign/election so there was a lot of chatter. And it was slanted largely against Trump with some people offering apologies to the non-Americans (in jest of course, but their feelings were clear). I did meet one couple that was pro-Trump and we had a nice conversation. He was staunchly anti-CNN and pro FOX but when I offered my opinion that I cant take FOX seriously because they are far more biased than CNN (or at least overtly biased) he said "give me an example" and I mentioned Hannity and he agreed and said dont ever watch hannity. He also went on to say that he hated the more extreme methods of FOX and others because it clouded the issue. He felt that a lot of what Trump says/does and who he surrounds himself with and how thats presented by the FOX-type media made it hard for people to agree with. Then his wife took off her top and we did shots.
  4. Despite the obvious baiting post, lets not let this thread be locked. If someone is a right wing supporter here, by all means, explain your position maturely. Im very perplexed why any conservative would defend, let alone embrace Trump.
  5. Next Year's WrestleMania will be in New Jersey (or as WWE calls it "New York" lol). Unconfirmed but thats the story making the rounds. Philly and Detroit were considered as well. Minnesota has been on the short list for awhile too. Im not sure they see it as a great "tourist" city though. And you know they're going to Vegas as soon as that stadium is built.
  6. True. I was spouting a cliche. But I think the Jets are under-appreciated by many. This home-stand might change that. Although I like the Jets being taken lightly. If teams want to start their back-ups every game, go for it.
  7. Was it $6500? There have been wrestling events there too. Im not a big fan. I didn attend a boxing show there once and it was ok. IGAC at the UofM is a great venue with bleachers on both sides (for good site lines) and good facilities. i've run a wrestling show there. Fairly reasonably priced. Holds..., 3000 in the stands I believe and X amount on the floor (400-500). You can opt to open only one side and have the other curtained off. But as you guys said, what venue will give up booze sales? I was the middle man for a few "exhibitions" of boxing, kick-boxing. I cant remember the gym but I knew one of the guys from wrestling and he approached me about getting into the LID Nightclub. Apparently even a smaller venue was hard to come by. So they get the venue for free, keep all the ticket sales money and split "VIP tables" (food etc) with the venue who handles all the catering. Sound, lights, security etc is all handled on site so its an easy set up for the gym. And you're selling 500+ tickets. I got the same gym a couple of shows at Dylans on Pembina too and they rented my ring. Thats when the commission seemed overly interested and was down there with measuring tapes and jumping up and down in the ring to measure the give etc.
  8. I think if they have a test for CTE in living people and they do a wide sample and find young people with no history of injury, concussions etc have CTE it would be a gamechanger. Sure you will always have those parents that will put fame and fortune first, but how many parents would put their kids in contact sports if the end result was brain damage even without apparent injury?
  9. Have to prove we can beat the best teams. Keep it rollin'!
  10. I think maybe its fond memories of going to these places while on vacation or other trips. When I went to Las Vegas for the first time, my friend who had been there once was adamant we had to go to IHOP as it was the greatest thing ever. So we did and he says "hmmm, not as good as I remember."
  11. Rockstar Spud is the GM of 205live. Hunter likes those tna guys.
  12. She should just come out and say it. I saw one legal advisor on CNN saying she was dangerously close to violating the NDA by her acting coy and she was likely daring Trump to sue her. he cant sue her. Can you imagine? The reason he never sues anyone is because he's **** scared of being deposed. Plus you KNOW he loves that people know he nailed a porn star. if anyone should deny it, its her, not him. She's pulling $75,000 a night right now. She should just reveal all. In fact, let one of these TV shows pay the $130,000 back and get the story.
  13. Borash was hired by Hunter for NXT. Probably going to finish up with TNA this week. Big loss for TNA. He was going to do play by play with Callis as colour. thats a good role for Callis but they need a good PBP guy that isnt Josh Matthews. Should bring back Tenay.
  14. This is against the wishes of congress. Keep in mind Justice officials strongly believe Russia will interfere in 2018 and 2020. Trump is telling them “wink wink, please do. I got your back”. Outrageous.
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