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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If the Dems win the House, which is likely, Trump has a greater chance of being Impeached. Unfortunately, it requires 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict and remove him and that wont happen unless a majority of Republicans agree. Trump is likely going to fire the Deputy Attorney General, although it seems most Republicans dont feel thats needed. But if he can get support, he will fire Rosenstein and then order Mueller fired. Even if he's talked out of firing Mueller, Mueller cannot indict Trump. He can simply write a report and detail his findings. If he finds Trump broke the law, the Deputy can refer it to Congress for impeachment. But Mueller's report is confidential unless the Deputy decides what to do with it. By law its up to him to release it to the public as he sees fit. Trump's preference is likely that the DOJ protects him from Mueller and buries his report. Well, his preference is it all goes away and he might yet fire Mueller. But the risk is setting off a chain of events that snowballs into these vile Republicans coming to their senses and putting country over party and firing Mueller could lead to Trump's downfall. The less risky move is replacing Rosenstein with someone who is more loyal to Trump than to his duty who shelves the report. It would be nice if Mueller could indict someone really high up like Kushner or Don Jr. That way, firing him is even more overt of an obstructionist act. I saw one analysis that said Trump wont be indicted because obstruction requires intent and the fact he's so obviously, carelessly and frequently obstructed it proves he couldnt possibly know what he was doing. In other words, Trump broke the law so much he must be stupid rather than criminal. We've never seen anything like this. Its unbelievable.
  2. No thats what I mean. If they use a test to detect CTE in living people without understanding what it means. You start testing 22 year olds with no symptoms and they have CTE, its the end of contact sports. The whole thing needs a lot more research.
  3. I dont think hes over thinking or playing a hunch. He said it was circled for a long time to give Helle the game off. I think it was just taking advantage of All Star Weekend to give him an extended break. If Mason was healthy, he'd be starting. He's not so Hutch goes. They wanted to give helle a break and they're sticking with it.
  4. Ah so hutch must have been delayed and didn’t make practice? Or wasn’t scheduled back in time. Oh well. He’s a pro. Big game for him.
  5. Beat you to it! I wonder if Hutch's flight was delayed and so they made the change.
  6. This is a good point. Anyone know of Hutch’s travel plans?
  7. I was surprised because he's long gotten over it. When the crowd first turned on him it bothered him greatly, then they decided to embrace the "whacky fans having fun". But they definitely seemed unhappy. There was one moment when it was Cena vs Roman face to face with Nak & Balor selling on the canvas. Cena looked pissed and yelled something a couple of times (I caught the word "now") and Nak and Balor jumped them. I think he was angry with the chant and wanted to be cut off sooner rather than stand there and soak it in. They should have embraced it and had Roman eliminate every one the crowd loved. The best part of the Rumble was the booking at the end. Those four were perfect. Balor as the iron man (which the crowd always loves), Nak (who they wanted to win) and Cena & Roman as two guys they absolutely hated but could see winning.
  8. Roode's opponent was originally Adam Cole but they changed it rather than have Cole lose a short match. And WWE has apparently hired Jeremy Borash who was an original member of TNA from day one. Im not sure the role but he was credited as one of the creative drivers of Broken Matt in TNA, so maybe he'll have a hand in that.
  9. Yeah they should have turned Sasha awhile back. They wait too long. Cena was close once, they even made new gear for him. I think the crowd annoys him sometimes, that might be why he acts that way. I thought he looks pissed off in the Rumble with the crowd.
  10. ^^^I feel bad that the woman's poor kids went hungry because Popeye's ran out of chicken. Its sad there was nowhere else to eat.
  11. Hutch better be lights out. Or we better score six goals. Gonna be tough with that D. Maurice said he had it on the schedule as a day off for Helle for a long time. I think even though he played the all star game Maurice felt like it was a chance to give Helle a mini vacation.
  12. We hosted some shows that had kickboxing. They billed it as an exhibition. Is that how they got around the commission? It was definitely a shoot and the fighters were going all out.
  13. Yes Marty will gladly tell the story of anyone asks If the commission still existed and regulated wrestling I’m not sure what the local market would look like but some very good talent might not have had the opportunity to develop. The provoncial study a few years ago looked at bringing it back and fortunately Marty headed the study because I know people that were Pro commission. that study was the result of a drunk wrestler suffering a stinger
  14. Lol yes they have. As you’ll recall I suggested they planned to have a women’s rumble several weeks ago when they brought up a number of women at once. The point being the Rumble, being the main event, elimination chamber and Ronda are all about featuring the women in an even greater spotlight. This all dovetails to signing Ronda and going into TV negotiations. I don’t think Sasha has anything to worry about. She has had heat for being reckless but I don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon.
  15. They’re filming a documentary about women wrestling which was part of the reason for so many names from the past. Also announced a womens Elimination Chamber. With Ronda on board they are going to push their women hard. It would not surprise me if Ronda’s match is on last at wm. Or Asuka/Charlotte but probably ronda.
  16. Trump is going to end up firing everyone and winning this thing with a full court press of PR by the GOP.
  17. So they re-called Comrie just to practice? I assume thats due to contractual roster moves. Just moving pieces around.
  18. Sounds about right, with Kulikov taking Chiarot's spot for the game, hopefully.
  19. Quoting myself. Already announced: Goldberg and Dudley's. Expected: Bam Bam Bigelow, Kid Rock and Ivory.
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