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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Domestic violence charges against Rich Swan have been dismissed. I believe that loosely translates to "wife wouldnt cooperate".
  2. Laine shoots right and Vesalainen shoots left. Both have that great shot. Defend that!
  3. The issue is Trump could be subpoenaed. And his only recourse to refuse that would be to plead the 5th which is a very very bad look. So his better bet is a negotiated questioning. But if Trump tries to demand too much in his favor, Mueller can simply say forget it and issue the subpoena and force him to plead the 5th (or risk lying under oath). Its definitely riskier, I'd say, for him to submit to questioning because he WILL lie. And he has no idea what Mueller knows. Mueller might be satisfied with his case already and agree to Trump's demands for written answers to advanced questions. If the answers are useless, so be it. Perhaps there might be a hidden jewel in them. If Trump has done anything wrong, Mueller will know, based on the people he's questioned. If I recall, he still has Hope Hicks to interview (she was scheduled and the White House pulled her). She could be a key witness as she's *very* close to Trump (some suspect a bit too close).
  4. The secret Society stuff is nonsense. It was a joke. Even republicans are backing off it cause it’s so stupid. But this isn’t:
  5. I guess when the liberals tried to pain this as a Conservative problem they spoke too soon also, I realize “honourable” is the guys title but I’m not sure, if I was JT, I’d have used that word to describe him while announcing his resignation for sexual harassment allegations.
  6. So can we assume a January start will coincide with the very end of the NFL season? So they want NFL fans to continue watching. Thats a good idea...you're used to doing something every Sunday and Monday...play on people being creatures of habit (other than Monday being a no go). Interesting remarks about contracts being 52 weeks. One attraction for players might be if they are all one year contracts. Done by March and you can go to the CFL or NFL (though neither is handing out contracts allowing you to go back to the XFL though).
  7. For sure. Cant say no to the cash, especially publicly traded. But its a consideration for pro sports too if you're drawing. But a two hour game fits the schedule easier as well. If Vince is serious about hiring people to run the league and will just be a hands off owner, then good for him. Its also important to note his age. if the league is a success, odds are against him being there for the ten year anniversary. He needs to have the right people in place and a succession plan. Although, as a private enterprise, he doesnt need to tell anyone. He might relish the opportunity to run a private business again.
  8. It concerns me that he had very little information. Presumably he's had informal talks. I mean, no TV deal = nop XFL. That simple. The other concern is that he claims it has zero impact on his running WWE. Now, even if he intended to slow down, he wouldnt say so (to preserve WWE stock). He was VERY careful to separate this from WWE, Trump, and his wife.
  9. I agree. Perhaps doing a big pre-game show (especially if they arent going to do a half time). You can play the anthem for the fans but make it part of a pre-game fan experience and have the players rush onto the field and begin playing immediately.
  10. January 2020 8 Team 10 week schedule. 40 man roster. Vince is sole funding source and sole owner of all the teams. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22213241/vince-mcmahon-gimmick-free-xfl-return-2020
  11. I love that he thinks 3 hours is a long time to watch football but not wrestling lol
  12. "Will Trump support this?" Vince: "I have no idea. Our league will have nothing to do with politics or social issues." No initial talks with anyone. Vince not stepping down from WWE. No cross over with WWE. Q: "Will you suspend players, will there be no free speech?" Vince: "National anthem is a time honoured tradition. Players will know our rules and abide by them. Plenty of other opportunity for players and coaches to express personal views. We're here to play football." Will go to cities where there is interest. No where near choosing cities. Vince getting annoyed with questions about specific cities...lol Might not be a half time. Wants the game to be faster viewing experience. Wants the game to be two hours. Been considering this for "many many" years. Considered different names but felt the name was "cool" and had "equity" (ie. is already known). All options open as far as broadcasting (related to streaming etc). No talks with anyone yet. Wants to simplify rules to make it globally accessible. Q:"Will you allow names like He Hate Me?" hahaha Vince: "Not sure yet, but amazing people remember that." Hasnt decided about nicknames, will listen to experts and fans. Regarding national anthem, he was directly asked if it was a requirement to stand and Vince said he believes its appropriate to do so. Asked about national vs regional feeds, Vince says everything on the table but could customize feed for regions. Team names likely to be all new, but if they like an older name, nothing stopping them from using them. No criminality whatsoever in players. If you have a DUI, you wont be in the XFL. No crossover whatsoever (in answer to "will there be wrestling announcers?") Vince will hire professionals that know what they're doing and he will take a back seat and wont be out front. Will be a lot of differences between XFL and NFL, primarily based on what fans want to see. Q: "Did you seek Linda's (his wife) opinion on this?" Vince: Smirking "No." Vince will own every team.
  13. Shorter, faster paced, family 10 game regular season, 8 teams Quality of human being important to choosing players Customize viewing experience 7 months of no football. Going to have experts to ensure its as safe as possible.
  14. Rousey tells TMZ she will NOT be in the Rumble and wont be in the US as shes going to Columbia to finish shooting a film. IF she was a surprise, she couldnt say so anyway. She said she wont be back til mid February. Im not sure I believe her. Mid February...if she's to work the Rumble, that doesnt give her a ton of time. She also said she does not have a deal with WWE (Hunter said the same). We know she's been training at WWE facility so this seems a bit...it might technically be true but likely doesnt much matter. There will be fans expecting her on Sunday...
  15. Hmmm...I would think series with strong syndication would be indicative of modern popularity and be ripe for revivals. Thats apparently what led to Star Trek Discovery. Viewership for the other series' on Netflix was high and Netflix approached CBS about producing a new series. On the other hand, if an old series isnt doing well in syndication, a revival might spike interest and thus create lucrative new revenue for the old series (which cost nothing to syndicate).
  16. Funny thing is, whenever Shatner is mentioned in regards to Star Trek, a segment of the fan base is triggered into saying how old and fat he is. And Im like...well, I hope all those people post photos of themselves at 85 cause none of them will look as good as Shatner. Heck, there's a lot of 50 year olds that wish they looked that good.
  17. No clue but he didnt practice and thats what was said on the radio.
  18. Radio said Toby and Kulikov both possibly out tonight but both hopeful to play.
  19. Yeah, 90210, I watched the first season or two of the revival as I was a fan of the original. Not really my wheel house now (my age). But it was ok. Same with Degrassie, which did a good job with the first revival because it was basically the original Degrassi High...15 years later. So you had those characters we remembered and the hook being Emma as the lead. It was good. Youll always find an audience with the kids. I guess the key with the more adult shows is if that audience will come back and/or will a new audience care. Like Magnum for example. Great show. But is the key to draw all the 40-70 year olds who watched it or to get the 20-40 year olds who dont know what it is? The West Wing would work with the same people in charge because of the quality of the writing was so good. So you dont even need any of the original actors. And the world today is wide open for new stories. It was nicknamed the Left Wing so Im not sure those guys would do a Trump-esque Republican show but to me, thats the interesting hook. If a media personality wins when he didnt think he would and is essentially surrounded by West Wing staff with little to no experiencing all pushing their own agenda.
  20. WWE stock? Its the highest its been since the launch due to expectations of increased TV rights fees. Expectations being 30%-150% increase. Vince is a control freak so to me, the sensible thing is to have partners. But is that the Vince thing? And I agree, if you're a major TV network or investor, and Vince is THE key aspect, are you investing in a guy at his age? He needs to bring in key business people. He has **** Ebersol last time. He needs another Ebersol type. WWE was hurt by Vince's focus on the XFL last time. If this is part of the plan to transition WWE to Hunter and Vince can devote more time to just the XFL, you cant count him out. He's tenacious. And with Linda sitting at Trump's table, they are legit and have many friends. I agree with you, this has a chance to work (saying that with no idea if its going to be NFL-lite, 7 on 7, arena league or whatever),.
  21. Yup. Facebook already with the mixed tag stuff. WWE will want a legit TV outlet for THEIR programming (I think FOX is the leading candidate other than USA which has first look rights). FOX has an NFL deal though. Unless Alpha partners in some way with the NFL, I'd imagine no current TV partner would be able to air XFL games. I think the deals are up in 2021. Amazon Prime paid $50 million for 10 weeks of NFL programming in 2017. The key thing is, XFL ratings were bad for the time but would be good now. Can they deliver that now? If someone believes they can, they will pay for programming. Thats the big thing. The TV deal. If they get a good TV deal, it could make all the difference.
  22. The idea that they shouldnt do revivals because they should only focus on original ideas is silly. The goal is to make money. if the revivals are popular and make money, why not do them. Clearly they have garnered an audience. With so many TV viewing options, the hard part is standing out and hooking an audience. Revivals automatically hook the audience. And in many cases, the world has changed enough that there are interesting ways to explore the "old" characters. For one, I think this season of the X-Files is way better than last season. Mulder & Scully seem more like themselves...but of course, aged. They are tackling ideas and issues interesting in modern times. I suspect Roseanne will be really good too. Plus the new way of doing TV with less episodes makes production cheaper and makes it more attractive to the actors. The world is begging for a West Wing revival... I think people get comfort from nostalgia too. The revivals that didnt work, didnt feel right. Knight Rider was awful and shoehorned in a cameo by the Hoff because they knew it sucked and were trying to connect it to the original.
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