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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Moe makes a good point and is basically my only concern with the XFL But we have no idea what form it will take. Odds are the cap will be smaller than the CFL, to begin, unless they have a media partner willing to sink a lot of coin into it. They cant exist without a TV deal (they didnt announce the TV deal at the first presser back in the day so no telling if they do today or not). Sinclair has been rumored as a potential TV partner, though they arent a Network, they are huge and rich and right wing (which might be a factor). WWE specifically avoided any mention of Trump in their RAW video packages and Im curious to see how much they avoid politics. They will surely be asked about Kneeling. But keep in mind, Vince's wife holds a Cabinet level position in the Trump administration. Im not sure how conflict of interest would work if Trump began twitting about a McMahon family business. More importantly, WWE are essentially slaves to their sponsors and wont want to risk any sort of backlash. But with Vince, you never know. It might be why this is positioned as Vince project and not a WWE one (although they announced the presser on WWE.com and apparently using trademarks owned by WWE....perhaps WWE will be a partner). Also, keep in mind WWE's very lucrative TV rights fees are shortly opening for negotiation and FOX is expected to be very interested. Might FOX want a piece of the XFL?
  2. Looking at some pictures on google marked "2017", she looks like a great looking older lady. Whats the problem? If she can act, who cares what she looks like?
  3. Very surprised they are using XFL for two reasons. 1) all the bad press associated with it 2) XFL was owned by WWE, which means to use it, Alpha has to license it. That wouldnt matter if WWE was privately owned but they cant just gift the trademarks to Vince because he's the chairman. Word is the launch would be 2020 so they have given themselves some time to do it right.
  4. I agree. He dominates when he wants to. He makes poor decision about length of shift and gets sulky when his ice time is decreased. But he can still dominate at times. If he plays "off" during the playoffs, to me thats the signal its time to move on. Because thats why you put up with him all season, is to have him in the playoffs where he's a weapon no one else can deploy. We shall see.
  5. If we’re going to revive everything can we get Quantum Leap, Magnum, Cheers and The West Wing please?
  6. That explains it then. I dont catch Hustler's show as much as I used to since Lawless left.
  7. As Lawless explained on his last show, its also a paid gig for the guest. He told a funny story how he asked Dreger to come H&L early in their run and Dreger said sure no problem. Then some time later, Lawless asked him again. Again, Dreger said sure. They kept that up fairly regularly until Dreger said "so guys, maybe we need to formalize this..." ie. pay him to be a regular guest. So its a good get for the Big Show and means the station was willing to part with some cash to secure Bobby Mac. Interesting that it's not Dreger (former local boy). But I prefer McKenzie.
  8. So any guesses as to who the 205Live GM will be? The only names I've heard (total speculation) is Goldust and Coach. Goldust because he's involved in the show already and Coach because of the big pop he got at RAW25 and I believe he's available. The fact they announced the GM thing after RAW makes people think its a new idea based on hiring someone at RAW. My own wish would be Eric Bischoff. He'd bring much needed star power to the show, is a tremendous performer and is probably available. But he'd likely be pricey for that role (unless its a deal whereby he gets to continue all his outside projects, he might see facetime in WWE as helping his brand). Bisch got a huge pop at RAW as well and has the WCW/Cruiserweight connection.
  9. Chase Field in Phoenix will host Royal Rumble 2019. They expect 40,000 people.
  10. You mean Phillipa? Sato was the Empress from Enterprise' time. She killed them to preserve the secret of the alternate universe and the genesis of their key weapon: The Defiant.
  11. The White House surely wants it wrapped up before the mid-terms...just in case.
  12. Based on what everyone said about Mueller, the *appearance* is that his investigation is being done well. He's certainly interviewed people close to the president and flipped a couple of people that would know things. If there are any bombshells, one scenario would be charges for someone like Kushner, Don Jr etc, who Trump would then pardon. And recommended charges against Trump...leading to articles of impeachment which the GOP controlled congress would not proceed on. So everyone would know Trump is a crook but nothing happens.
  13. Can’t wait to see this kid in Winnipeg
  14. There is a YouTube video from a former friend of the accused. He’s appeared in her videos before So he does know her. He shows some text messages that he claims exonerate Enzo. I couldn’t really follow (and gave up listening to the kid). The claim is that the accuser left rehab and was in trouble with her father so came up with the rape story. Interestingly I read a story about false allegations today and while they are rare one of the leading causes is a girl in trouble with parents and makes up a story not intending it to go anywhere. Plot thickens. I’ve been told Enzo’s law firm is a really good one. Hopefully this does turn out to be a false allegations and Enzo can rebound (he made some very poor decisions) and the girl can get some help. I read that publicity can result in fast track lab results and quick decisions by DA’s. We shall see.
  15. A lot of people suspected Lorca was Garth. The backstory for him as a Star fleet legend sort of romanticized him as a character.
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