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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Jets need to bounce back today and make a statement. Should be well rested.
  2. I don’t think the dems are forcing a shut down due to the health of the economy. Five republicans voted against the deal. It’s complicated. Trump is on record previously saying any shut down lies at the feet of the president. He has to wear that. Trump also publicly declared that he’d sign any bipartisan agreement put in front of him. There was a bipartisan agreement and he was enthusiastic about it. He then changed his mind on the time it took the drafters of the agreement to visit him. Speculation is Stephen Miller changed his mind. Miller is, to be kind, a hardline on immigration. To not be kind he’s an out and out racist. Further you had GOP leaders saying they don’t even know what Trump wants on an agreement. That would seem to indicate Trump favoured a shutdown. Remember it was trump that set a deadline on DACA. And I think we can speculate that his admin doesn’t want the dreamers here. That’s the red line for dems. On the flip side, the way the senate works there has to be bipartisanship. So it’s true the dems would not get on board. But since some dems did vote in favour and some republicans voted against I don’t think we can say “dems blocked”. more accurately the senate as a whole did not come up wirh a suitable agreement. And it rests with Trump who orchestrated this If the two big issues on each side are finding a wall vs helping dreamers, isn’t one of those way more important that the other?
  3. I thought you were shutting down the thread symbolically due to the government shutting down.
  4. California Golden Seals. Became Oakland Seals. Became Cleveland Barrons. Merged with Minnesota Northstars. Relocated to Dallas.
  5. Yeah. The word is Ojibwe so unless rheee is a meaning I don’t know (very possible) it would seem to be not worth the hassle. In fact it’s a silly name for a team anyway. Of those listed I think Sea Lions or seals works best. Ofcourse the NHL had a seals team once which is now the Dallas Stars.
  6. Yeah back to back concussions? Yikes. He can come back fully but it might take awhile. And this is why the jets weren’t quick to trade Hutch.
  7. Exactly! I assume target had an elevator for their own use. I never went so I don’t know if there was one for consumer use. Doesn’t homesense sell larger items too?
  8. Trump being responsible for the economy over two years is an amazing feat for a guy who’s been president for a year. Lol anyway...
  9. The 13 names are the Cougars, Eagles, Emeralds, Evergreens, Firebirds, Kraken, Rainiers, Renegades, Sea Lions, Seals, Sockeyes, Totems and Whales.
  10. imagine being so personally hurt by criticism of Trump that you attack a news anchor and post silly memes. Trump supporter. Lol
  11. They’re building a new entrance. It’s quite large. To allow entry of the different businesses. I know there was a thought Lowes might be interested but with the building being on the second floor, it didn’t have the correct weight allowance for a big hardware story. a terrible scenario. Amazing they found anyone to take the space.
  12. Has he had concussion issues before? If this is his first experience I don’t think it would be career ending.
  13. Yes, but a pretty large one and I believe its an additional 500 person call centre, not moving people from their other locations (I could be wrong though). But 500 people (plus management etc) is a good number of people to feed the local retail and restaurants every day.
  14. Yup. And his man Miller? Big racist. Its Trump's advisers that are pushing this. They're manipulating him. Trump goes from publicly declaring he'd sign any bipartisan agreement put in front of him to refusing to even look at it in, what was it, two hours between phone calls? The Republicans are out saying they dont even know what Trump wants. Its be3cause its the advisers pushing this thing. What do they care, they arent elected. They arent answerable to the public. Miller? Huge agenda. He's a fox in the henhouse and answerable to no one but Trumb.
  15. 1) Don didnt look stupid (and I say this having previously ridiculed Don). The "you can say and do racist things and not be racist" thing is absurd and silly and rather meaningless anyway. if anyone looked silly, it was King's nephew. 2) Doing the jab and run is lame. 3) Taking part in discussion in this thread while also ridiculing the thread itself comes across as lame also. We all know you're very right wing (I've often agreed with you). But if this is an "echo chamber" its because your pal Trump is consistent in his ignorance and shallowness. I find it amusing that investigations and criticisms of a right wing idiot offends some conservatives. For me, the last thing I want is an idiot like Trump representing my political perspective. As a conservative, I'd want him gone, not defend him blindly. But it does expose those who hide their true nature. I guess if Trump isnt racist, then his defenders arent either. uh huh.
  16. One of the retailers to go into that building will be Homesense/Winners combined. Rumours had it the third tenant would be Cineplex Rec Room. But that is not confirmed.
  17. And a lot of State department employees have quit and they've had trouble replacing them. Applications are way down as well according to a story I read (cant recall where).
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