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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. One year deal. Expires in April. I suspect he's Moose bound next season. Looks too good not to. Might eventually have a Vesalainen - Schief - Laine line. Gettting way ahead of myself but the kid is big and works hard.
  2. @wanna-b-fanboy - I agree. The idea that other doctors cant interpret the test results is silly. This isnt like the Admiral said "Trump reported his knee hurt" and then everyone is diagnosing it. These are test results. When people go for physicals, their doctors often send them for blood tests (or other tests). Your doctor doesnt conduct those test. He just reads the results and interprets them. The really interesting exchange happened between the Admiral and the CNN doctor. CNN asked if Trump had heart disease and the Admiral said no and then gave the technical diagnoses for heart disease. The CNN doctor also repeatedly downplayed this as not a big deal based on age etc. But the Admiral clearly downplayed if not out and out lied. There is no way Trump is 239lbs. Its just not believable. And the fact his height is taller now than previously? Come on. They designed the results to avoid saying he was Obese. The most absurd part is the Admiral saying Trump was overweight, had a lousy diet, never exercised, had heart disease and tests that are predictive for a likely heart attack within 5 years but that Trump was in excellent heath, could live to be 200 and had the greatest genes in the history of genes. it was almost as if this doctor was being so absurd to make a point that the whole exercise was a staged event. Trump could have declined to disclose any info. Ultimately, the end result is Trump is fat and has an unhealthy diet and life style. Has heart disease and is at risk for a heart attack. Thats the reality of the results. Does it really matter? Well, it matters in the sense that it always matters during elections about the next guy up. But who cares. it was a farce anyway. @kelownabomberfan You saying Trump is not a racist carries no more water than anyone saying he is. less in fact because he KEEPS SAYING RACIST THINGS. lol So, is Trump a racist in his heart? Who knows. I agree with the person who said he's more of an ignorant old bastard racist then a "kill em all" racist. The problem is, 1) that's still really bad and distasteful 2) he's surrounded by people that DO have a stronger white pride mentality and use Trump's ignorance and "white preference" to push for white nationalistic policies. Being right wing is great. Defending a racist isnt a compulsory part of being right wing. Based on what Trump says, he's racist. When we start making excuses such as "his words are racist but he isnt", we're going down a rabbit hole. He could be a full fledged white supremacist. or an ignorant old fool. Either way, racist. In the CNN clip, King's nephew essentially said "you might do and say racist things but it doesnt mean you're a racist". So...talk about parsing words. And regardless of whether we're right ring or left wing, conservative or liberal...can't we all agree that Trump's racial views are distasteful? The bigger news this week is that Trump paid hush money to a porn star to bury an embarrassing story. In the age of #MeToo its hard to believe the accusations against Trump havent gained more ground.
  3. This weeks news Roman released a statement saying he doesnt take steroids and has never even heard of the guy arrested. Ethan Carter III is on his way to WWE. He owns the name if WWE wants to use it. Dixie Carter actually tweeted about how proud she was of her "nephew" so Im sure she's angling to make an appearance at some point (lol). EC3 could appear in the Rumble as his contract is up. Bobby Lashley is talking with WWE. He has two weeks remaining on his TNA contract so he would not be available for the Rumble unless TNA released him early (I suspect they would if WWE asked). He previously left WWE on poor terms when they were hot he'd leave after the Trump/Vince push and Lashley was hot over his then girlfriend Kristal Marshall being fired and some racial stuff with Michael Hayes. Lashley is 41. James Storm is also trying to get back to WWE. He had a cup of coffee in NXT a couple years ago but TNA offered him a contract that was 3 times what WWE offered so he took it. He's a bit older so its hard to say if WWE would take him but Storm is pretty good and might be a good player/coach in NXT (or do something with Roode). The betting sites take bets on wrestling and the odds always adjust when the smart money comes in. Daniel Bryan is listed as having long odds to win the Rumble (obviously, long odds) but interestingly, those odds have shrunk considerably. That would be because people bet on the long odds or people in WWE know something the rest of us dont. (Dont count on it). Paul Heyman is scheduled to induct Goldberg into the WWE Hall of Fame. Bradley Cooper was offered the lead role of Vince McMahon in the planned film about him called Pandemonium. If Cooper accepts, it will begin shooting in the spring. WWE is involved so the story will be...interesting. Originally the script was absurd with goofy things like Vince being in a cafe in Paris and discovering Andre working as a short order cook. But the script was re-worked to be more accurate. Nash is off WWE RAW 25 on Monday after he had full knee replacement and complained that it was too difficult to fly commercial (maybe his buddy Hunter could loan him the corporate jet). And Hogan has said he also is not going to be there (a bit of a surprise, he will be back eventually and its been talked about for this show so who knows). Jericho being announced was premature and they hadnt worked out a deal. Jericho will do it if the creative makes sense for him. Bret Hart wont be there. He and Mick Foley were advertised locally but Mick feels it makes no sense to be there after being "fired" by Steph and Hart has an appointment with a hand surgeon who's flying in from Europe that day. Hart has a lawsuit against the doctor who did his surgery saying it was botched and he cant use his hand. Hart is also pushing for the Hart Foundation to be inducted into the Hall of Fame as Jim Neidhart is having some medical issues so now is the time to do it. Its interesting because thus far Ric Flair is the only two-time Hall of Famer and they push that a lot. This would make Bret a two timer as well (Flair could always go in as part of Evolution sometime and make him a 3-timer). Jake Roberts apparently did not enjoy his 21 day Canadian tour. He was in for Winnipeg's CWE and tweeted a couple of times about how horrendous the weather was and having "bad thoughts". I sure hoped they filmed his every move for a documentary! (they are filming a documentary so I would imagine they got some good footage).
  4. I think you missed the point. Why are we bringing in people from shithole Africa and shithole Haiti when we can have nice white people from Norway. That’s the poont
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alfredkonuwa/2018/01/17/wwes-roman-reigns-implicated-in-10-million-steroid-ring/#699379d733b4 Forbes, New York Daily News and others now covering this. The Forbes article is a great reason why WWE hates this as it goes into Roman's previous suspension and the last time WWE was linked to a drug distribution scheme including Benoit and his crimes. Not good publicity. WWE's redemption program is that if you have TWO strikes and stay clean for 18 months, you can have one strike removed. Its called the "Orton Rule" because he had 2 strikes and WWE's policy states a 3rd strike is automatic termination and they werent about to fire Orton at his age then. By accounts, orton probably should have had 4 strikes actually. So...if this turns into something where WWE has to act, it might be what cools them on Roman as he'd have 2 strikes and would need to stay clean for 18 months. A lot of risk in putting the belt on a 2 strike guy.
  6. I hope it’s a premier content provider that picks this up. It really has to be doesn’t it? Could be a great replacement for House of Cards. And get Aaron Sorkin to write it! It could be The West Wing revival
  7. What turned out to be inaccurate? His numbers did drop. Even his own campaign was resigned to defeat. But Hilary's numbers were hit by the FBI thing after that. Had the FBI thing not happened, he probably doesnt win. But as you're 100% correct that polling was way off, who knows. I do think that there are Trump supporters who would drop off the bandwagon for various offences. How many is the question.
  8. I think it would have because to the people that it would matter, there is a line between "locker room talk" (as he put it) and actual acts. This is a Christian base (or self professed at least). It would have played poorly that Trump cheated with a porn star while his young wife was at home with their young son. And the story would get more sordid when the hush money came out. Recall that the Grab em story DID negatively impact Trump and he was all but out of it until the FBI/Clinton story re-surfaced. There is a certain number of Trump supporters who will never have their minds changed no matter what. But the story easily could have swayed enough to make a difference. Does it matter who he's banging? I dont know. Its a character thing and people can take it or leave it. But it plays right into the blackmail story. Can Trump be blackmailed by Russia? Well, he paid a porn star hush money so of course he can!
  9. I wonder if this story could snowball. We now have a mainstream magazine that, at the time, reported this affair. Unconfirmed reports of a payoff a month before the election. And reports now that FOX had the story and buried it. It would have sunk his campaign. Of course, he intended to lose anyway. But still.
  10. I dont think his medicals were interesting other than the mental capacity issue. But the chatter is all about how he seems to be lying about his weight/height and some of the absurd things the doctor said. Im with you in that Im not sure its really important news...I mean, the guy is fat. So what. But would lying be newsworthy? On the other hand, Trump made fitness a campaign issue when he relentlessly attacked Hilary and others so...
  11. Apparently the White House doctor does. But yeah, its not a perfect science because different people have different body types, muscle etc. But obviously its still something. If Trump was muscular it would be easily ignored. He's not.
  12. They're lucky she's only 11. I believe 12 is the age she could be charged. Imagine that scenario! But really, the girl is a victim...of her parents, school, media, politicians etc. Since when are child victims paraded around in front of the media? Minutes after a crime is reported? Ridiculous.
  13. Some interesting things about this medical exam. The doctor was appointed by Obama. So you'd think there's nothing partisan here. But Trump's height has apparently increased by an inch. And that weight is, as I recall, the same as pre-election. And there are many example of guys at similar weights that are much smaller than Trump. Some of the media have had their own medical experts look at the results and they come away "concerned". One of the numbers (cant remember the name), if its 100+ indicates a likelihood of heart attack or heart disease in 3-5 years. Trump's is 133. So how does a doctor, with a straight face, declare the president will be healthy into a second term and could live to be 200 if he dieted? Dont some of these remarks seem absurd? Prior to the medical I had read someone online saying Trump has, in the past, inflated his height to lower his BMI. Interestingly, his BMI puts him as over-weight but .1 from obese. That seems far too coincidental to not consider that the height or weight was fudged to avoid being called Obese. The question I have is, would this doctor lie if the President told him too? And finally...does any of this matter?
  14. Believed to be Adderall. Its possible it was for juice related to the above story (or they might spin it that way as they did for Orton once). But its a good point because he has one strike already. if he gets another, they are in a bind as far as pushing him. Though they have a magical policy of dropping a strike over a period of time so he might be back down to 0 strikes.
  15. This could become a story if any actual evidence surfaces http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-iron-addicts-gym-owner-arrested-by-dea-on-steroid-selling-allegations-9158010 Gym owner was busted by DEA for running a steroid distribution ring. The story is from last Feb but whats new is he gave an interview and named some of his clients, including Roman.
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