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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There is no way kelly Anne is this stupid. It shows how stupid she thinks trumps base is.
  2. Trump is scapegoating. He praised China too. So if we accept his position on WHO then we have to accept he is also to blame. Not to mention his twiddling his thumbs for over a month. In terms of Manitoba. We’re doing very well. Could be that Covid is nothing. Could be that the lockdown worked. Logic tells us the answer.
  3. Trump makes W. at his worst sound like Bill at his best.
  4. Because when you're trying to unite a party you dont pick one person in a competition. You can see that already as Trump's campaign person went nuts saying Obama never supported Biden. Obama is too smart to play their game.
  5. He'll be a great lightening rod too. Trump hates him (for obvious reasons) and will probably have regular melt downs about him.
  6. You really think Obama chose to wait until there was one left standing to make his endorsement because he just didnt want to endorse Joe? lol He was always going to. Everyone knew that. He's the leader of the party. In a critically important election. He'd have endorsed whomever the candidate was. That's what a good leader does. Why today? Because Bernie dropped out and endorsed Biden. There is no longer any opposition. Obama is showing leadership and setting an example. Everyone must rally around the candidate.
  7. I agree. They are stupid. They know what they're doing because it benefits them. When there is a Democrat president, they will whine about the President having too much power. But the majority of GOP members hate Trump too. They wont be happy to lose the White House, but they wont be sad to see him go. Look how many opted not to run again. They know the jig is up.
  8. I simply dont believe a raving lunatic will convince the Secret Service and the Armed Forces to follow his orders when he's no longer president. He wouldnt be dictating in a vaccum either. Congress would be against him (unless the Dems lose the House). Many states and their governments would be against him. Every living President would be against him. He can cheat and he can lie and he can shout into the abyss. But he can't declare himself emperor and get away with it.
  9. That doesnt matter. He can't will the constitution away. And if he loses, he is no longer the President on inauguration day. Biden will be. The military, the secret service, the DOJ etc, would all answer to him. The only thing that changes that is a military backed coup. Not going to happen. They can argue (or launch law suits) over the finer details, but it wont happen. And the alt right are cowards anyway. If there was a military uprising it would be to support the rule of law and constitution, not to ignore it. I agree Trump loses and will start saying stupid crap. And there likely will be violence from his cowardly base. It wont go anywhere.
  10. Whats the issue here? That JT spent time with his own family? Gee, string him up.
  11. Winnipeg really would be an idea place for the NHL to play games. I could see Vegas too although as much as players like Vegas, its awfully hot in the summer months when they'd be playing. Im not sure I can believe there will be no gatherings til fall 2021 but this year, almost surely sports returns in front of no fans til at least fall this year. The NHL will have to play empty arena games. But they'll want to because the article above mentioned a $1 billion shortfall in the budget. Imagine what those escrow cheques will look like. Like, really, i wonder if the PA will negotiate a salary reduction because the cap for the next couple of seasons is going to be much lower than the escrow will be massive. And players hate the escrow for some reason. But the NHL needs that TV money. They could also operate in Florida right now due to the "WWE is essential" mandate. Which might be part of the plan between Trump and the Florida governor, to provide a soft landing spot if he can convince a sports league to open. Certainly for MLB
  12. The governor won by a slim margin. Linda McMahon, who served in Trump's cabinet, heads a Trump superpac who plans to be very active in Florida. I think we know what happened here....
  13. Well thats not entirely accurate. It was the election of 1876 between Hayes & Tilden. Grant was the Incumbent. There were allegations of voter fraud on both sides. Hayes won the electoral college by 1. To settle the controversy, Congress formed an Electoral Commission. made up of 5 members from each house and five members from the Supreme Court. This resulted in 5 Republicans, 5 Democrats. They chose 2 Justices from each side. The Democrats then tried to buy off the deciding Justice by having the Illinois legislature elect David Davis (who both sides had agreed on as the 5th representative from the Supreme Court) to the US Senate. The Dems assumed Davis would side with them as a result. Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court to take the Senate seat. All the remaining Justices were Republican so the commission agreed on the one deemed least partial. Each disputed state submitted their cases, arguments were heard from both sides. The commission decided that Hayes had won by 1 electoral college vote. There was no issue when Hayes was inaugurated two days later. Its important to note that at the time, the Democrats were the party that was seen as racist and lobbied for concessions for their Southern States. The Democrats accepted Hayes due to a compromise that pulled the feds out of the south as well as a number of other concessions. So its a poor example in context. Its probably better to look at Bush v Gore to see how any dispute would be handled today, which would be lawsuits up to the Supreme Court. There is no mechanism for Trump to refuse to leave office and simply remain President unless he simply abolished the Congress, ripped up the Constitution and somehow had the backing of the military to do so. If he delays the election, or there is some prolonged dispute, by the constitution, this term expires on inauguration day. The power to direct the Secret Service, armed forces etc would no longer be his. The powers would reside with the winner (presumably Biden) who would obviously have Trump removed. Realistically, Biden, if he won, would be President on inauguration day even if Trump barricaded himself in the White House. If the election results were contested, Trump could lean on Congress not to tally the votes. That could only really happen if the GOP won both houses. And again, if you dispute the results, how can you accept the congressional votes? He could order Pence not to cooperate with the tallying of votes. He could launch lawsuits. But on inauguration day, Trump ceases to be President and the new President begins to serve. If this is disputed, its still the end of Trump's term. And then the fun begins. Would there be a compromise to extend until the matter goes to court? Almost impossible. The Dems would never agree to waive that part of the Constitution. The issue would be who, in a dispute, becomes President. Right now, it would be Pelosi. The GOP would argue that its actually the highest ranking member of the admin (Sec of State). Its hard to believe congress would go along with it. It aint gonna happen. But it also demonstrates why the Dems dont just want to win a narrow victory. It needs to be overwhelming. And remember, most of Congress hates Trump. They're just stuck with him. Him trying a coup wont fly with them either. EDIT: Just to circle back around, one of the demands made by the Dems to support Hayes was the right to deal with black citizens in their southern states without interference from the North. So, probably not the best example to hold up to favour the Dems over the GOP.
  14. Its always a **** measuring contest for Trump. And you know what that means (Stormy can confirm).
  15. This tweet tells me that trump has never seen Mutiny on the Bounty or didn’t understand it. Although it’s a good comparison. I suppose he would look favourably on Captain Bligh. Lol. Also he seems to think state governors work for him. And he’s basically tell them to play nice if they want anything from the federal government. He’s extorting his own governors for positive press.
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