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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. They're actually spinning this into Trump standing up for Americans and speaking the truth. He's a racist and quite possibly losing his mind. These goofballs in the White House will literally do a Weekend at Bernies with him if they had to, to keep power.
  2. For most people, an innocent slip of the tongue. For Trump, hilarious.
  3. "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met yesterday.
  4. Sure. And if it was me or people I cared about, it WOULD upset me the things people say. Social media etc. Which doesnt mean black players dont have wonderful experiences here. I dont like the guy but lets be reasonable. Both can be true.
  5. Trump says no to bipartisan DACA deal. Which is weird because Im sure it was just two days ago that he pledged to sign anything they put in front of him... http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/11/politics/daca-deal-obstacles-flake-white-house/index.html
  6. The only cool thing about this is these are players that would never have a chance to play for the Country in the Olympics. Its a pretty big dream come true for them, I imagine.
  7. I suspect the Vegas team wins. There is no reasonable confusion and they are in different businesses. Maybe Vegas can make a donation to the Army and be done with it.
  8. Kane did experience racism as Im sure all black players do. One only need to look at the comments section of any major story about him. Disgusting. But I'd agree the general fans in Winnipeg did not dislike him because of race. They disliked him because he's a jerk. Everyone seems to like Buff just fine.
  9. Old Canad Inns express location The story says demo would begin in two weeks but its actually underway now. The old "Scandals" is gone. I worked there back in 1995, 1996
  10. Here's another article on it. I dont think its so much that THIS is a pay disparity (we'd need to know what both were paid for the entire role, assuming they were comparable rules - I believe Williams was the top billed actor but Im not sure). http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/11/opinions/williams-wahlberg-pay-gap-opinion-alaimo/index.html But it will trigger talk about the very real issue of pay disparity:
  11. Id think Williams was paid pretty handsomely for the role too. She's an acclaimed actor. I think it was Mark not wanting to donate his time. And the narrative that "all the actors came together to quickly do these reshoots and donated their time to make sure we could do it successfully" is something the studio liked. Mark did not. His right to get paid. But if they all kept that from Michelle and made her think they were all donating, thats not cool. Im biased because I LOVE Michelle Williams, BTW. lol
  12. They're represented by the same people. Wahlberg is well known as being a tough negotiator and a "pay me" type. Which is totally his right. And Williams immediately offering to work for free is her right. What is a bit stinky here is the appearance that the agency representing both actors were more interested in protecting Wahlberg from negative backlash of getting paid when others donated their time rather then making sure Michelle got paid. The right thing to do would have been to insist that both get paid and Michelle is free to donate her pay. BUT...that would then lead to the public known Mark did not donate his time. Its not a huge deal to me other then Ridley Scott gave interviews where he said they all donated their time for re-shoots (except the crew and Plummer since he was new to the role). So it seems Mark was "protected". Williams did a really nice thing of her own volition. I dont think this is so much a pay disparity as an attempt to protect Mark from negative pub.
  13. Save On Foods is matching the Loblaws gift card thing. Get a $25 gift card if you're a More Rewards cardholder. https://www.morerewards.ca/25
  14. This guy is really stupid http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/11/politics/president-donald-trump-fisa/index.html Basically whomever speaks to him last (even through the TV) is his position. There really is something wrong with him.
  15. Meltzer summarizes the WWE TV situation. Their contract is up next year but they want to finalize a new deal by spring. And Hunter has had meeting with FOX. The speculation is FOX wants WWE if they dont re-sign UFC. The talk is they'd move RAW back to 2 hours but put it on the main FOX network with SD on FS1. And with Fox behind it, it would push the Network higher. The other option is FOX might be interested in buying WWE outright so they never have to worry about TV rights fees again or losing a product they invest in. They were interested in UFC until the bidding went beyond $3.5 Billion. I dont know what WWE would command for a sale price but it would surely be beyond $2 Billion. I'd suspect in the $3 billion range. If they got a UFC-level offer, they'd almost surely sell because they're obligated to be responsible to their shareholders and its ridiculous generational money for the family. Viacom has always expressed interest in owning wrestling but not necessarily WWE (Im not sure what that would entail because if you were going to buy any of the smaller brands like TNA or ROH there Im not sure there's a ton of value in buying them rather then starting from scratch other then 16 years of video library to use as content). In 2004 the non-compete Ted Turner had on him expired and he explored starting up. He was always a wrestling fan and had a special affinity for WCW feeling it was the foundation upon which he built TBS. Which is why he kept WCW even when it lost money and was willing to invest when Eric Bischoff presented a vision to beat WWE. He lost power in the series of Turner mergers and had no control over WCW when it was sold. His people estimated a $50 million loss for start up and losses in growing a wrestling promotion from scratch and that number made Turner walk away. If I was an executive with FOX or Viacom or whomever and they wanted wrestling but not WWE, I'd suggest buying ROH if the price was right because of the content (tons of WWE stars). But Sinclair Broadcasting is a massive media company themselves and unlikely to sell ROH. Impact would be virtually useless to buy, again, outside the video library but there is negative value to the TNA brand in my opinion. Speaking of Impact, there TV tapings are happening this week under the new leadership of Don Callis. Back to the 4 sided ring (thankfully, six sided ring is stupid) and Also, as discussed previously, Winnipeg's Candice Le Rae has signed with WWE after passing medicals. And two names rumoured for the Women's Rumble are Kenny Omega signed a new contract with New Japan. They sign one year deals so he's locked up til Jan 31 2019 now. I joked with him last year that he should make his contract expire the day before the Rumble instead of a few days later just to watch the Internet go insane. Cody Rhodes announced the Bullet Club show "All In" for September 1st. This came about because Dave Meltzer said no indy promotion could draw 10,000 in the US and Cody took the challenge. The Bucks, Omega, Stephen Amell (TV's Arrow) are all confirmed and rumours have it as possibly the first Kenny vs Cody match in the main event. Rumoured location is Chicago (one of the placed Omega got added to an ROH show and massively increased ticket sales). Its interesting timing because its also the weekend of PWG's BOLA tournament which always draws big for Indy fans and has a lot of big indy names working. But Cody had to clear the weekend when ROH and New Japan had no shows. Its a long weekend allowing for travel for fans easier as well (Im interested in going myself). And Daniel Bryan's contract expires at the end of September. Thought had been they'd wait til his contract expired and his appearance would be the big draw.
  16. Omega/Jericho received 5 Stars. The opening to the Observer newsletter this week, which is always worth subscribing to if you like news, behind the scenes and especially analysis of the business:
  17. Grapes was Teemu’s favourite place here. I saw him there a few times when I worked at Grapes on Main. Grapes was the place to be back in the late 80’s and early 90’s especially on Sunday night for drinking and dancing. Im sure nhl players stay at then fairmont they have to stay at a Starwood’s property that is 5 stars or closest to it. If I recall correctly. So Alt wouldn’t qualify.
  18. If it was a true all star game the best players regardless of how many from each team would go. But for marketing purposes I understand why they don’t. Especially when players have bonuses based on all star nominations.
  19. That’s true. In this case I believe Williams has top billing. She’s an accomplished and acclaimed actor. I can’t tell you who is a bigger box office driver though Wahlberg does maybe more tent pole film like transformers and was the highest paid actor last year. But id certainly argue Williams is a better actor and as big a star. But I don’t think the issue is who got paid more to make the movie. It’s that a big deal was made about the fact the actors were willing to donate their time to reshooting the scenes. And mark was quietly paid a lot and Michelle wasn’t. If she was led to believe they were both donating their time then it’s wrong. If mark wasn’t willing to donate his time then her Agency should have secured her the same pay and she’s be free to do whatever she wanted with it. I think on its face it smells a bit.
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