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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He was really hyped up by his guys. Lots of tough talk so he was sort of in a no win scenario. It made for great radio! And like I said, I talked with him a couple of times about coming in so no hard feelings. The best part, and it’s not in that transcript snippet as it was a bit later, he admitted the booking did suck after all. Lol
  2. When they decided to quickly reshoot scenes to replace Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer in the film "All The Money In The World", it was stated that the actors all came back for "free" to accommodate the re-shoots. Turns out Michelle Williams who said she'd be there anytime, anyplace, was given an $80 per diem. Mark Wahlberg? $1.5 million. They're represented by the same agency and no one told Williams of the disparity. Booooo http://money.cnn.com/2018/01/10/media/mark-wahlberg-michelle-williams-pay-gap/index.html
  3. So the Australian government concluded previous searches were in the wrong area. They have a new area to search which this company, Ocean Infinity, will do. And they have newer and higher tech underwater drones to do it with. They can get $20 million- $70 million if they find it but have to do so within 90 days. They must be pretty confident. Let's hope it works out... The cockpit voice recorder likely will be of no help. But the Data recorder should be a lot of help.
  4. Not a work. I have a transcript somewhere. It was hilarious. I was too much of a jerk to those guys back then. I did later offer that guy (D-ick Walker) a spot but he didnt like the idea and declined. I had two ideas for him. His partner was named Bugsy Slugliano so I said we'd change his name to Balls and they'd be **** Walker & Balls Slugliano - **** & Balls. Didnt like that. We also had a young kid named Jay Walker so I wanted to bring in **** Walker as his Uncle. Jay even cut promos referring to his Uncle ****. Didnt like that either. boooo haha, I found the transcript. I'll only include the part where the fight breaks out because its long. This was around 2009 live on the air on U of W's radio station. Andrew is me. **** is **** Walker, local wrestler for RME. Mike is Mike Arnott, host of the radio show (still works for PCW). Wayne is Wayne Stanton, long time local promoter (River City Wrestling). That makes me laugh. Every few years I send it to people and we laugh and laugh. lol By the way, the show airing after us had already come into the station and were sitting in an adjoining room with a window into the studio. So they saw the whole thing and called security. Security came and wanted to call the cops but Mike convinced them it was a work to hype the show. lol Mike did get suspended for salty language. Also, I fully admit I was a jerk at times. I would handle the debate totally differently today. I think this was the 3rd or 4th time people had "challenged" me to debate wrestling live on the air thinking since I wasnt a wrestler I shouldnt be in the business. So I was generally ready to be on the defensive. But I mean...yeah people take it seriously. This was the first actual fist fight I'd seen over wrestling although I know of, and been involved in, a few heated exchanges and near fights. But you also have to remember this isnt like two small business minding their own business. Locally, there used to be a TON of dirty tricks to screw your competitor. Doesnt happen anymore, fortunately. Also, can we change the moderation so **** isnt screened out? Its a name! lol
  5. The reason the idea of Kylo and Rey teaming up also works is if you look at the whole saga as one story...which Rian really hurt with TLJ. But the whole idea of the PT is the stupid Jedi and their "Chosen One" nonsense bringing Balance to the Force. People tried to say Vader killing Palps leaving only Luke is "Balance". But if a not-quite totally dark Kylo and a not-quite totally light Rey join up to defeat the most power evil entity...they bring real balance. That the evil would not be defeated without the combined forces of both the dark and light. So the saga begun in the PT didnt end in Return of the Jedi and now we have a new one...it continued. Its why Snoke should probably have been Darth Plagieus as well, to connect him to Palps as a greater evil who cant be killed. Then we can look at the saga as the story of this universal evil and the prophecy of the chosen one being about Rey and Kylo. Anakin is still critical, as is Luke because it's Anakin, born out of the dark side who eventually has Luke & Leia. Luke redeems Anakin and brings Han and Leia together. Han and Leia have Kylo, the dark and Rey the light. Together they are the prophecy of the Chosen One...the Chosen Ones, who bring balance and destroy the evil that first began in the PT. Snoke begets Palps who betrays him and begets Anakin who begets Luke who redeems him to kill Palps. Snoke, who is too powerful to be killed returns. Anakin begets Leia who begets Kylo who is turned by Snoke and begets Rey who is trained by Luke and together they kill Snoke. Proving that evil ends up destroying itself in the end. Saga is wrapped up nicely. And people will say oh no thats a rehash. Its not a rehash when its a narrative that flows through the saga with the same story beats of fate and destiny and prophecy. As it is, the ST is so disjointed from the previous six.
  6. I agree about your last line. But since Snoke was there, he had to have a role with someone. And I never really felt it was Kylo vs Snoke. Maybe in the shadow of Vader taking out Palps we might think that. Leia and Han both discussed how Snoke turned Ben. In TLJ, Luke explains how Snoke had turned him. We see how Snoke has taken over the galaxy. We see how powerful Snoke is. Maybe its not a great narrative connection but on paper the powerful Jedi was Luke and the powerful Dark Side user was Snoke. Luke should have wanted 'revenge' (or to defeat Snoke). That was one of the weaknesses, that Luke just ran away and abandoned everyone to Snoke and Kylo. I see why Rian wanted Luke out of the way...because otherwise he HAD to be in the fight. But I think there were better ways to do it. My preferred was Kylo and Rey together taking down Snoke. Snoke was too important to be sidelined the way he was. Im not sure if I could bring myself to have Luke's death be at Snoke's hands when Kylo really needed the kill, if the intention was to make him the big bad guy. Kylo beating Luke in an epic duel would cement him as powerful and leave us thinking Snoke had truly manipulated circumstances so that he could never be defeated...very hopeless. And then ofcourse either Rey beats them both or Kylo turns back.
  7. I thought the swerve would be Kylo turning back and he and Rey needing to work together to defeat Snoke. And that Luke would be opposed to the idea and in Rey disobeying him and helping redeem Kylo, it redeems Luke with the "new" idea for the Jedi being that balance is actually both the light and dark. Kylo being the dark pulled to the light and Rey being the light pulled to the dark. And the end result being a realization that they need their inner darkness to be truly powerful. That also works better if Kylo and Rey were related but it didnt have to be. So you could have Luke go after Snoke and lose...and Kylo seeing Luke struck down and Rey's pleading, he finally accepts the lightness in him. I think from a Disney marketing perspective, its not worth turning Rey. And I agree with that. The trend right now is way from the damsel in distress female hero to the Wonder Woman/Jedi Rey hero. And thats far more interesting. And lucrative.
  8. Yup. Thats the only reason the trade happened because they gave up assets and got back a really good player in Kane who was injured and thus, could not help them win.
  9. Trump aired his negotiation session with Republicans and Dems over DACA and the Wall, clearly to establish that he is a "very stable genius". I didnt watch the whole thing, just clips and the analysis on news shows. But he seems to have goofed. It reenforced what everyone says about him, that he is easily swayed and generally just goes with the opinion he hears last. The whole idea was he would not support DACA unless Dems agreed to fund the Wall. Then he openly agrees with Dems that he will do DACA first, get it done and then discuss the Wall. So a horrified Republican chimes in to "clarify" what Trump meant that DACA had to have The Wall funding and Trump's like yeah, sure. And then flip flops again. He clearly had little idea what anyone was talking about and his own people were trying to manipulate his thought back to the direction they wanted. The other big news is the Dem who released a transcript of Fusion GPS CEO's testimony before Congress. Clearly establishes the Steel Dossier as legitimate research and not a Democratic conspiracy. Steel went to the FBI out of genuine concern that Trump was being blackmailed and the Russians were hacking the election. FBI told him "yeah, we have someone on the INSIDE of the Trump campaign cooperating and we already know this". Hmmm... Plus, its stated that the fact Trump was mobbed up in Russia was common knowledge there and required little digging to connect him. That seems to confirm what Trump's own guy, Bannon, found out when he did Opposition Research on Trump in 2015. Trump stinks!
  10. Yeah, I originally was writing how weak Kylo was, but JJ did show his very strong Force power with the blaster shot stoppage. I agree they could have cut back the casino sub plot and spent more time on Luke/Rey and Kylo/Snoke. As it is TFA ended with Rey going to see Luke and Snoke demanding Hux bring Kylo to him to complete his training. TLJ opens moments later and yet its like everyone forgot that. The way TFA ended, you couldnt do a time jump...but really, you could. They could have used a montage to show Rey training with Luke. For Kylo they really only need show something negative that empowers the dark side within him to make him stronger. I think the organic narrative set up in TFA was Luke vs Snoke. And it seems clear they wanted these films to be about the new kids, which is to the detriment of the story really. I dont think Rey will turn. They had that option in TLJ. She's the female hero that little girls will look up to. No way they turn her.
  11. The problem with RME is Im not sure they ever scripted anything... Jokes aside, Im friendly with their former owner EZ Ryder as he works for PCW now. But yeah, I forgot about RME, thanks @bigg jay lol RME would slide in around 2002. They actually started up almost the same time we did, just after I think. in the US, ROH and TNA also started up the same time (trivia note). I recall sitting in our offices on Pembina HWY when RME announced they were starting up and we thought "oh boy, here's some competition". Their owner has inherited some money (or so the story goes) and bought a fantastic ring and custom made belts. And we thought, these guys look really professional. Then they announced their roster and it was basically...the promoter was friends with certain guys and regardless of how good they might be, those were going to be the guys they pushed on top. So we werent concerned about them at that point. They had some good talent sprinkled throughout the roster but just not enough. And their promoter was a really nice guy but even his friends in the locker room said he was completely clueless about wrestling. I was really critical of them for a time because I felt, any fans they draw will never be convinced to go see anyone else because they'll assume this is "wrestling" in Winnipeg and not worth it. Eventually I realized they werent going away so I offered to do a joint show with them and they declined. It all climaxed when I was asked to do a live debate with one of their guys on a local campus radio station. The night before, RME had a show and the talk was about what this guy would do to me on the radio so he arrived all hyped up, barely able to speak he was so adrenalized and basically after a few minutes threatened to fight me. I laughed and he physically attacked me in the radio booth. We brawled for a bit and then he sat down and said now I can shake your hand. lol So maybe there's an example of someone taking it too seriously ;-) RME eventually just ran less and less shows and then no shows and quietly disappeared. I got together with their owner, EZ Ryder, and we made a deal for him to come to PCW and that was that. As I recall, RME had one footnote concerning CWE. The core CWE group was made up of four guys that had been PCW regulars. When we switched venues in 2008 and took a couple months off in the process, they asked to renegotiate their deal to stay with PCW. It didnt work out and they went to RME where they were by far the best talent RME had. They went in under the assumption that they'd have freedom to re-invent RME in their image...better work, more athletic, etc. But it didnt happen. So they decided to start their own promotion, CWE. The behind the scenes stuff is really interesting and not just locally. Its literally the same, just on a different scale, in WWE and everywhere else.
  12. We are the least hardcore promotion in Manitoba and always have been. In fact, we rarely even have a DQ! lol They must have only shown up to a specific show that featured a Fans Bring The Weapons match, which we have done....2-3 times in 15 years. But the idea of a weapons match is that the fans bring amusing or unique things. For example, I've seen French Bread, Pumpkin, keyboards (always explode nicely), old Nintendo, that sort of thing. Not ECW style violence. Or they confused us with someone else. Since 2003, we've been the "worker" promotion where its more focused on ROH/X Division style athletics and work (not everyone is that good, so Im not saying we're that level, but you know what I mean). Im not sure what you mean by "non-pro" locals. Do you mean guys that never trained and do backyard shows? Virtually everyone that appears for a legitimate local company is considered a "pro" (unless its a guest spot like Troy Westwood, Doug Lunney etc) and even then, they train for the match. I dont think guys take it anymore seriously than any small business group would take their business and competition. Some crappy wrestlers have thought they were better than they were but you can probably say the same about most industries. lol
  13. Friedman 10. Don’t have any problem with Dustin Byfuglien telling Winnipeg reporters, “I think I should be out there. I would rather play big minutes than sit there” 24 hours after the Jets beat Buffalo last Friday. For one thing, all great players should want to play. For another, he didn’t do it after the win, but waited until the next day. (I still have my 1979 copy of Sittler at Centre, where he rips players who complain after a victory.) But this is a story to watch. Byfuglien played 17:53 that night and 18:48 Sunday against San Jose. His 2017–18 average is 23:23. In those games, Tyler Myers went 23:43 and 20:32, Jacob Trouba 21:18 and 22:01. Until the Jets know Trouba’s future, I can’t see them moving Byfuglien, but this road has a lot of potential paths.
  14. I will say that there can be a change in behaviour as one deteriorates mentally as a normal by product of aging.
  15. With the depth the Jets have the way they're playing, they can afford to use spots on "character" guys. Sometimes its the character guys that make the difference.
  16. Yup. They needed to show Kylo rising to the power level where he could kill Snoke if they wanted to go that route. Who knows how the creative process worked. I find it very hard to believe that Rian could do whatever he wanted with no input from JJ. And if they really are making three films with little idea of where they were going from the beginning, they're nuts. JJ made that mistake with Lost. As it is, I thought JJ did a great job with TFA. Rian screwed it up.
  17. Another quote from Rian showing he didnt get it Narratively it might be tidier for Kylo to have been the main bad guy to showdown with Rey. But you cant pretend TFA didnt exist. If you try to create a world where Snoke simply doesnt exist, you have to explain why the First Order exists and why Kylo turned. That is the function Palps played in the OT and why he wasnt needed until Jedi. The ST followed the same basic path as both previous trilogies, that of the student who turns on his master and needs to be redeemed by the newer model of Jedi. But, in the effort to not "rehash", they decided to change the story beat AFTER it had already begun. Cant do that. At least, not the way they did. Because JJ used Snoke as the reason he could create a more complex Kylo. Kylo is shown to be weak in many ways. Strong with the force but was beaten by an untrained Rey. He's angry, bitter, petulant. Not the makings of a strong main villain. JJ knew this which is why he had Snoke. Because thats who we feared. Rian wanting Kylo to kill his master is a nice idea except he doesnt defeat him through strength, he does it through sneaky means. It doesnt make Kylo stronger. So now we have a weak main villain. Its akin to Anakin killing Palps in Attack of the Clones. It just wouldnt work. Lots of good stuff in TLJ makes me think RIan will craft a great trilogy of his own. But he didnt respect the fact he was working on some one else's material.
  18. Some are saying two weeks time. Should still make the Cena house show tour. Hopefully. He's been snakebit.
  19. And because Return of the Jedi ended on such a high and we picked up the story 30 years later and all hells broken loose, we need an explanation. Especially because Luke is critical of the Jedi for allowing Palps to rise to power and then seemingly does the exact same thing. Snoke's power is too critical to ignore. I have a feeling JJ will revisit this. Its simply to clunky to the narrative to ignore.
  20. And Joe is hurt again. Tough break. No details. Update: plantar fascia rupture
  21. I disagree. I dont the issue is that we never got the back story per se. Its that the whole state of the Star Wars universe is predicated on the existence and incredible power of Snoke. The existence of the First Order. The destruction of the Republic. Kylo's turn to the dark side. Luke's exile. Han's split with leia. Its all because of Snoke. And then they get rid of when because he doesnt serve the narrower narrative of Kylo vs Rey anymore. Its an anvil of a plot hole. And the story NEEDED explanation and justification. Its different from the original trilogy where we learn nothing about Palps because in that story we pick it up mid-story. As far as viewers knew, Palps was always there. The real crux of the conflict was Luke's father being "betrayed and murdered by Vader" and joining the dark side to make it so powerful. Thats what sent Luke on his journey. Palps only mattered in Return of the Jedi because Vader needed something to do to redeem himself. In the Sequel Trilogy, it all springs from Snoke. Sidelining him was lazy and irresponsible and one of the reasons the narrative doesnt work.
  22. Hmmmm. Roseanne knows the character far better than me, but I wonder if its true to the character. Weren't they sort of hippies? Barr says its realistic because the working class voted for Trump. Okay, but if they play realistically she's either batshit crazy, a racist or very sorry she voted that way. But in the interest of creating drama, it should be fun to watch.
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