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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Great gig if you can get it https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/01/donald-trump-schedule-white-house-executive-time/amp The schedule says Trump has "Executive Time" in the Oval Office every day from 8am to 11am, but the reality is he spends that time in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting. Trump comes down for his first meeting of the day, which is often an intelligence briefing, at 11am. That's far later than George W. Bush, who typically arrived in the Oval by 6:45am. Obama worked out first thing in the morning and usually got into the Oval between 9 and 10am, according to a former senior aide. Trump's days in the Oval Office are relatively short – from around 11am to 6pm, then he's back to the residence. During that time he usually has a meeting or two, but spends a good deal of time making phone calls and watching cable news in the dining room adjoining the Oval. Then he's back to the residence for more phone calls and more TV. Take these random examples from this week's real schedule: On Tuesday, Trump has his first meeting of the day with Chief of Staff John Kelly at 11am. He then has "Executive Time" for an hour followed by an hour lunch in the private dining room. Then it's another 1 hour 15 minutes of "Executive Time" followed by a 45 minute meeting with National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. Then another 15 minutes of "Executive Time" before Trump takes his last meeting of the day — a 3:45pm meeting with the head of Presidential Personnel Johnny DeStefano — before ending his official day at 4:15pm. Other days are fairly similar, unless the president is traveling, in which case the days run longer. On Wednesday this week, for example, the president meets at 11am for his intelligence briefing, then has "Executive Time" until a 2pmmeeting with the Norwegian Prime Minister. His last official duty: a video recording with Hope Hicks at 4pm. On Thursday, the president has an especially light schedule: "Policy Time" at 11am, then "Executive Time" at 12pm, then lunch for an hour, then more "Executive Time" from 1:30pm.
  2. On the subject of whether Trump will give an interview: great thread here
  3. I try to avoid taking anything. But if I get a bad headache or my knee (broke it in half years ago) flares up, Naproxen works best for me. I joke about Percs. But I was given them for the first time when I broke my heel or knee (cant remember which) and it was like a magical pill. Hospitals seem to horde them though, for good reason. But one time, I had an ear infection so bad, it was swollen closed and I kept getting brushed off at the local ER, I finally got a doc who felt sorry for me and gave me Percs. For an ear infection! I think I took two or three over the day or two it was bad and kept the rest for "emergencies". Which only happens when I ill-advisedly put my old ass in the ring for a match or something. Then I need a perc or two. ;-) Never felt an addictive pull with them either, just enjoy the sweet sweet feeling that comes with them. lol
  4. Apparently pregnant women taking it can decrease babies testicles. They expanded that study, very small sample size, but men taking it every day showed irregularities. They think it could have an effect on fertility over long periods of use. I never use it. My go-to is Naproxen unless its severe in which case I become a Perc junkie ;-)
  5. Great episode with some surprises ranging from "I knew it!" to "Whoa!" The interesting developments:
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/08/health/ibuprofen-male-fertility-study/index.html
  7. Hmmm, thats interesting. Ch 9? The guy that "controlled" that timeslot used to put us on there. But I actually asked him to stop because his production was atrocious to the point I didnt want our product shown that poorly. As I recall Adrenaline was taped for Neepawa TV on MTS so I assume they just give the same tape to SHAW. Actually as I write that I recall hearing about SHAW HQ being upset with something that aired. I didnt want to take over the timeslot because of the work involved in producing the TV to a reasonable quality and it doesnt sell a single ticket anyway. But its a great feeling to have TV. However, I have been wanting to air our "archives" on a 30 minute online show. We have tapes going back to 2002, sometimes sporadic (didnt tape every show), and often poorly taped (SD, One Cam). But there is a charm to the smokey, dark, fan cam visuals. We were very angle heavy, especially back in the day. So if you take a month of 2-3 hour live shows and edit them, add graphics and new commentary, you can create an interesting 30 minute weekly show that lasts a long time. Especially using a very young Kenny Omega as the hook. We are @pcwaction (twitter mirror of our Facebook) @pcwlegacy (twitter I generally control) PCWaction (on facebook) We have a show this weekend which reminds me, I better start hitting social media! lol If you ever want to check out a show, shoot me a message and Ill be happy to provide comps for you and guests to check it out.
  8. You see CWE on SHAW? I thought they aired on a rural MTS channel. PCW has been on SHAW. Maybe you saw us lol I dont think we have less visibility. Its probably just the case that people you follow run in the same circles. Since they run more out of town shows, they are pushing the same info in each town so it makes sense for them to be more active in that. On the other hand, for our last event, we made one FB post about Kenny and were sold out right away. They run more shows. Hence more activity I suppose. Their promoter also lives and breaths wrestling 24/7 online whereas I definitely dont. My social media is for me, not for PCW. Only very close to shows do I re-tweet or like or whatever. The only number that matters is paid asses in seats ;-)
  9. Interesting article about the 15th Amendment and how unlikely it is to be used to remove Trump against his will. http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/08/politics/25th-amendment-would-require-a-political-apocalypse/index.html
  10. They're probably going to have to. Will be interesting to see what form of questioning it takes. Can Mueller subpoena the President? I think he can, but Trump could decline citing Exec Privilege or use that to fire Mueller (or order his AG to fire him). Firing him tips the US into Constitutional Crises mode. More likely, Trump negotiates an interview where he isnt sworn in because the problem for Trump is he simply cannot tell the truth. His lawyers cannot protect him from himself. And if he provides sworn statements and lies in any way, he's in trouble. Its a no-win situation. Trump is likely the last person Mueller will want to question, once he has all other available info (unless he wants to broadside Trump...for example, maybe he questions him before questioning the family out of concern they'd tip Trump off, where as he could question Trump about matters relating to Don Jr, get Trump lying and then use that against Don Jr and effectively corner Trump into either confessing or throwing Jr under the bus). If Mueller comes to Trump near the end...Trump has to know Mueller has everything and is simply looking to trip him up and get him caught in lies. But if Trump declines to be questioned, he's really sending a poor message to the country. Its possible he uses that request for questioning as the final straw and tries to fire Mueller. I have a feeling Mueller wouldnt go quietly.
  11. Mayans MC (Sons of Anarchy Spinoff) gets a series order. 10 episodes.
  12. Yeah, he was a regular for us (PCW) for years and then went to CWE for...oh a year or so and then has been more sporadic. Been "threatening" retirement for awhile which would be unfortunate. There is a bit more cross-over of talent between PCW and CWE now, mainly because of an influx of rookies. CWE does far more road shows and books guys from outside Winnipeg. We run Winnipeg primarily and use a generally core roster (larger local roster). He's pretty active on social media so if someone is a local wrestling fan, he's a good follow. Atomic, are you a general local wrestling fan or specific to CWE? It often surprises people to learn how little crossover among fans there is. Not just our two promotions but any locally based indies. Its always been that way since I've been around (save for a few groups that go everywhere).
  13. Semi-retirement. He wrestled for me in December. I dont *think* he's working for CWE on their current string of shows but I dont pay that much attention.
  14. These guys are all living in a bubble. Trump is dumb to surround himself only with yes-men. It will come back to bite him. Spicer did the same thing and then seemed to regret it. They know what they're doing, they just dont care. Miller was very close with Bannon and now rips him. And notice Miller refused to answer if Trump knew or met the Russians? He could have asked what colour suit he was wearing and would have rattled off the same canned answers. He was there to say XYZ no matter what was asked. And he came across terribly. If Trump actually thinks Miller defeated Tapper in that exchange, he's dumber than he looks.
  15. On your second point, when you bring in "legends" or mainstream level wrestlers, they generally want the Intermission for photos/merch etc because the most people are there. But from a promoters perspective, you dont want the "name" to be seen until his match, which is usually last (or at least, second half of the show).
  16. Video was pretty funny. Winnipeg is dark and cold in January. Was it dark yesterday? Maybe when you go plane - bus - hotel - bus - arena, you dont see much of the out doors. They stay at the Fairmont so I can't feel too sorry for them but if the hotel doesnt have good wifi, I wouldnt be surprised. Maybe the local San Joe cell provider doesnt have a roaming agreement in Manitoba. The good thing about Jets in the playoffs, lets get to the final so opposing players arrive in parkas and become dehydrated when its 25 degrees.
  17. Yes he’s a pro wrestler from Winnipeg. Wrestled for me for many years. Had a WWE try out in 2005. Has a few matches in Japan. Mess our heavyweight champion. Worked Samoa Joe for us in 2007 (I think). been around awhile!
  18. It will be a lot but I bet it’s less than it could be. Laine will buy into the team concept and leave some money on the table.
  19. That’s Buff. Played for a contract. And can take over a game but more often looks bored and lazy. Makes bad decisions. We’ve been talking about it since day one.
  20. The mayor should concern himself with more pressing matters especially since it was the city that requested use of the chopper for the film. My only issue is why they contracted out for cost recovery only and didn’t make a profit off it.
  21. If they trade Buff I’d suspect a quality D comes back as well as picks, prospects etc
  22. Well rumours go both ways. Plus he didn’t sign this past summer when he could have. I predicted he’d re-sign. So I don’t disagree with you. But we won’t know until he signs or doesn’t sign.
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