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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah. But it was the worst season. It’s unique because the final episode showed us the last season never happened and reality was different. This new season shows is that both the season and the final episode were not true. So it’s a double “Dallas”.
  2. His claim is that the situation was not as described and was a malicious attempt to screw with his parole.
  3. Miller looked nuts in this interview. Clearly his agenda was to try to impress trump.
  4. Yup. I’d he did her $100mm he’s be able to pay them off and still be very rich.
  5. Word is there were three more sealed indictments in December,
  6. There is now a federal investigation into the Clinton Foundation looking into whether donations were solicited in exchange for access to then-Sec. of State Hilary. I sort of cringe at it because you know Trump and his minions will scream this from the roof tops. If there was criminality, then great, find it, prove it and punish. But this sort of seems far too convenient to Trump repeatedly demanding the DOJ investigate the Clintons. Let's take one example of Trump - he spends most of his time the private club he owns where the membership fee was raised once he became President and where those fees allow members to interact with Trump. That money is money in Trump's pocket. How is that appropriate?
  7. I was surprised to see Trump claim he did not authorize access. I know he's trying to paint the picture that the author made it all up. But it also could be seen as Trump didnt want him around but he was around anyway. I intend to buy the book as an iBook tonight (which would be my first e-book as I prefer physical copies but given the sold out nature...) Saw someone on twitter post a screenshot of an Amazon gift order of the book to be delivered to Trump at Mar A lago. hahaha. If someone started a movement for all buyers to buy a second copy and gift deliver to Trump that would be outstanding.
  8. @Brandon Blue&Gold Maybe it was the time of year you visited. I went in August 2008 and it was busy. Not crazy busy (like we didnt wait in a huge line, just a short line). I do suspect lowering attendance is why it was cancelled. Their costs must have been high with the cast and effects. I thought it was wildly cool and entertaining. We ate at Quarks after and it was jam packed with people. It closed Sept 1st so it being busy when I was there might have been due to the impending closure and people checking it out. We took the monorail since we wanted to experience that as well, so killed two birds (and we were staying South Strip so it made sense). It was originally slated to re-locate to the Neonopolis (downtown) in time for the film in 2009. But it was eventually cancelled instead. The speculation is that Bad Robot was upset at CBS for marketing other Star Trek's and wanted everyone focused on the "new" Trek. I really thought the technology of the "rides" were impressive. Hopefully it re-launches eventually.
  9. Really?? Maybe with him being hurt they've spent TOO much time together lol It always sucks when WWE splits up couples. Being on different shows would have made it really tough to spend much time together.
  10. This is as random as it gets but I stumbled across this tweet today. I was fortunate to have visited the experience before it closed. Anyone else? It was really really great.
  11. Didnt Myers aggravate it though. I seem to recall he traveled on a Florida road trip and either played or was practicing and then was shut down. He also had a very sick child so its possible the Jets used the injury as cover to let him be with his family part of that time. Two things are certain. 1) you never know with injuries for sure (can aggravate or be slow/quick) 2) Scheif is fit as **** and an early return would not surprise me
  12. War Machine and Ricochet are as good as signed as well. Lots of talk of them for awhile. Metlzer confirms they are on their way in. One of War machine (Ray Rowe) is engaged to Sarah Logan. Imagine how tough that long distance relationship has been. And Ricochet is dating Tessa Blanchard who worked a lot of shots for NXT but was not signed despite being the daughter of a legend. Speculation was she had an attitude problem but I think she might yet make it. Teaming with Charlotte writes itself. New Japan usually has contracts expiring end of January but I dont think anyone else there currently (other then the aforementioned) is jumping.
  13. Could be a Rumble participant.
  14. To be fair, the "X" in XFL didnt stand for anything anyways. lol
  15. I was just about to say the same thing, I knew the main actor was the kid who played Andrew on Family ties, Brian Bonsall
  16. Before they announced the X-Files revival I always figured it would make for an easy "new cast" revival. The premise is excellent. You could easily have new agents take over the X Files just as Fox Mulder did. I was surprised but happy when they announced everyone was joining the revival. The biggest issue is that the most popular aspect to the show is also the biggest weight to carry - the mythology. I REALLY want to see Robert Patrick guest star as Doggett though. He's excellent.
  17. Funny you say that, I was JUST reading up on her because of that. She's currently going through the process (medicals, reviews, etc). I didnt realise she was from Winnipeg before today. Looks like she broke in around 2002 (I broke in in 2001) and she did the right thing by leaving Winnipeg to train, going to Cali, and never looked back. Good for her! She's married to Gargano. Unless something weird comes up, she'll sign for sure. It can happen though. Jazzy Gabert was also offered a contract but they found an issue on the medicals and she needs surgery and the contract was pulled. Nothing to indicate Candice will have any issues though.
  18. Alpha Entertainment's initial effort to trademark UFL was denied due to an earlier filing by a group called Urban Fitness League. Alpha can use United Football League, but not UFL.
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