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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah it seems odd to me that Brandon's experience is so different from mine and everyone else I've talked to. Ive not met one person who loved it. The best was my "nerd" friend who "liked" it but immediately said "I dont think you will". So even he completely understands why so many people dislike it. The idea that the backlash is from fanboys who didnt get what they wanted is silly. And in fact, if you're making the 8th chapter of a saga and you purposely make a film that disappoints your core fans, then you deserve to be ridiculed. Liking the movie is fine. But I havent heard anyone defend the film AND provide reasonable counter points to the criticism. "Cause you're a nerd" isnt a reasonable response. In fact, it shows that the criticism is valid. @JCon Im with you. The film just doesnt fit. It was going to be really hard anyway because of the passage of time between ROTJ and TFA but I think JJ did a really good job of setting up the new trilogy. The Last Jedi was arguably way easier to make since all Rian had to do was continue JJ's obvious story threads. And he didnt.
  2. Ronda has to win if she's going in. And I suspect she will. It makes sense for WWE too as they will get some Pub for it. Emma seems like such a nice girl it would be cool if she got the one night payday.
  3. That was a weird scene, almost played for laughs. As if JJ created this uber powerful villain and Rian just thumbed his nose at it. Snoke was so over the top in proclaiming how powerful he was and how he can never be deceived and can see everything Kylo is planning...and then doesnt see it. Or more accurately, he did see it (he describes it, even using the awkward verbiage "he kills his true enemy") but thinks its Rey he's going to kill... Just seemed so weird. Unless Snoke is still alive and it was part of his plan.
  4. Good list. I bet the Bella's return there (or at least Nikki). Maybe some of the unsigned Mae Young Classic women too. I like Tessa Blanchard (apparently an attitude problem though). I saw someone suggest Kharma as a promo for GLOW.
  5. WWE confirmed on RAW that the women's Royal Rumble will have 30 entrants and have the same rules as the men ie. Over the top rope to the floor. Im a bit surprised on both counts, though the "rules" aspect is definitely the right call. I thought they'd go with 20 entrants. I didnt do a count but read they have just over half counting both RAW & SD (which seems a bit low). So add in some NXT and maybe a couple of surprises (Ronda Rousey, maybe Lita etc). I'd like to see Gail Kim. Sarah Stock and Sara Del Rey would be great but I doubt it (they are trainers for WWE).
  6. Yeah, I'd be surprised to see Mason rotate in if Helle continues to play this way unless its back to back. Maurice doesnt like to go too long without starting the back up and the back to backs would seem to be the right timing. Cant be surprised Helle starts again after posting a shut out and having a day off.
  7. Thats possible. But it would be an example of poor writing. Unless Im mis-remembering. Snoke stated to Kylo and Rey that it was he who brought them together (I think it was in response to Rey saying she had seen Kylo's future or something). So the direct implication was Snoke connected them and provided them opposing views of each other's future. The reason Rey was willing to go was because she had "seen" Kylo's future (she tells Luke this and he replies it wont end the way you think), she tells Kylo this and he replies something about seeing her future too which gives us a confusing opposition until Snoke clears it up. I think it was meant to show us how powerful Snoke and Luke were that they could both use the Force in that way. But Rian's cheat was Kylo's throw away line of "you cant be doing this, the effort would kill you" as the tell that using the Force like that was so incredible. And in retrospect, since it killed Luke but had no apparent harm to Snoke, it shows us how powerful he was. Which makes his death all the more disappointing.
  8. I agree. Its also silly to imply people that disagree are "nerds". Firstly because those that the term was meant to imply would wear that proudly. And secondly, Im not a Star Wars fanboy at all. I like the movies. I dont watch the cartoons, dont read comics etc. Whereas I have a friend who does and he liked TLJ. I dont think the like/dislike thing is split down the line between casuals and fanboys. My unscientific poll (and I didnt survey the entire theater like Brandon apparently did), it seems the majority opinion is disappointment. The few gatherings I've been too since first seeing it, inevitably someone mentions Star Wars and it has been 90% thumbs down from everyone I've talked to. Those that do like it, sort of like it on its own as a stand alone effort and dont really consider how it works within the Saga. I felt the same way about Star Trek Into Darkness - those that liked it, great! People pointing out legitimate, reasonable and relevant issues should not make someone else enjoy it more or less. But liking a poor film is sort of the shallow end. We all have guilty pleasures. I use Battleship as an example...I really liked it but I know it wasnt a great piece of cinema. The Last Jedi wasnt very good as a film. I liked it more the second time. I can watch it. Its watchable, which is different than, say, Attack of the Clones (I have a friend who's favorite Star Wars film is actually AOTC). But it doesnt change the very rational points people have made about the movie.
  9. Thats one of the awful things about this film. It was fine in TFA to create mystery, it was the first movie of the franchise. But JJ served up a dish of potential to Rian and he just flipped over the table, stormed out and picked up drive thru. TLJ is so disjointed, from both the OT AND TFA. So, I dont expect to ever find out anything about Finn. And really, that would be okay if it wasnt the same for everyone else too. Rey? Nothing. Snoke? Nothing. The guy who somehow got the map to Luke in TFA? Nothing. When he did try to give reasons, they werent adequate (like why Luke would turn his back on his friends). And its not just the character bios. Rian pushed the characters backwards to create arcs for them in this film. Poe had a nice arc, but they had to manufacture this storyline about him and Liea to have him become a leader. Its what happens when "name" directors take on projects like this. They always need to put THEIR twist on things, when their responsibility should be to serving the franchise. Especially in a Saga like this one. Thats why, for me, TFA works a lot better. Its not a rehash. Its a chapter in a Saga where the generational trilogies all play off the same story beats. Thats the point of it.
  10. I got that more on the second run as well. Though it felt less like a foreshadow and more of a line shoe-horned in to explain Luke later. Snoke also admitted he had been the one connecting Kylo and Rey and providing them both with fake images of the others' future (Im not sure this was very clear though).
  11. I know what you meant. I agree. I don’t mean jets are better without Buff and Toby. I mean they are better then the oilers while missing two significant D veterans.
  12. No excuses not to sign. Lots of minutes. Key playing time. Top D pairing. Right side. Winning team. And team looks good for the future. Wanting to leave makes no sense. So we shall see...
  13. Read a crazy report that Apple might buy Netflix Apple has over $250 Billion in cash, mostly overseas. The new Tax bill allows a one time repatriation so they could use that cash for a major acquisition. They apparently grow their cash reserves by $50 Billion per year. Outrageous money.
  14. Hard to feel bad for Oilers. An embarrassment of riches for years and poor management. You always want to have a McDavid but then you have to pay him. Jets won Laine but everyone else was good scouting and good development. Good contracts too, leaving room for everyone. @kelownabomberfan it’s funny how D was so much better with is missing two of the top four. I’ll say this, Trouba has no excuses now.
  15. Love the technology. I bought a 65” LG OLED earlier this year and it’s great. I actually went qualify over size as there was a 75” one I was looking at too. I saw Visons had an 82” 4K on sale for boxing week for $3000 I think it was. Outstanding. By the time i get around to Reno’ing the basement those 80+ will be well priced
  16. One thing I can agree with Trump on. Although he probably doesn’t why he’s right this time.
  17. Building leadership and a winning attitude in the farm.
  18. I don’t buy it. What is likely a boat load of money for a limited series? Sounds like posturing to me.
  19. @JCon thanks for the recommendation on The Toys That Made Us. I’m really enjoying it. I read there are another four episodes coming eventually. Transformers, Lego, Hello kitty and a Star Trek.
  20. I agree that they can go in multiple directions and will. I’m not as exited for rian getting his own trilogy now as I think he failed in some basic story telling ways. But within the Saga they shouldn’t be going in a new direction. It’s a saga for a reason. I think TLJ is the least cohesive chapter of the saga and that’s too bad.
  21. It’s possible to present a different opinion without tying to insult and belittle people first. As it is, you’ve undermined your position. Blah blah blah. Glad you enjoyed it.
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