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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sounds like a fun game this afternoon. Other than injuries. 5-2 final for moose
  2. Yeah it’s very possible Roslo is just the extra forward. He’s earned the big paycheque.
  3. I admit, until I heard her pronounce it herself I assumed it was a silent T
  4. Couple of movies I saw over the holidays. Spider Man Homecoming. I really liked it. I disliked the Iran Man-ification of the suit though. But what Marvel does well is heart and Humor. And Tom Holland is a great Peter. He would have made a terrific **** Grayson too. Good cast. Zendaya was an interesting character too. Also saw Get Out. Knowing nothing about it other then it was supposedly a horror film that didn’t look like one and it had a strong cast, I really enjoyed it. Really good.
  5. Protests in Iran. One day the people will bring about their revolution.
  6. Hopefully Roslo gets some time with skilled players. I can see why they were reluctant to call someone up as you have to reward a guy like Roslo by letting him collect the big paycheque but essentially he’s be either not dressing or playing 4th line. But good players find a way.
  7. although I’m sure I heard TSN saying Ehlers was playing RW so swap him and Perreault perhaps.
  8. When watching it i really thought we’d see Ben and Anakin. Luke walks away from Yoda and I thought Ben would appear to him. He’s walk away and anakin would appear. Ewen is dying to reprise the role and did a voice cameo in TFA so why not? i like Kylo but without Snoke he’s a weak, frustrated angry kid. There isn’t a lot of steam behind Kylo vs Rey with these two characters. Luke vs Snoke? Sure. Absolutely. But they screwed that up.
  9. Rough. Not sure you can get much in a situation where they won’t want to give up much. I’d call up Roslo and bump Little to 1C. And hope Lowry and copp can take care of business. Wheeler has played centre as well. Perreault can also play C though is better on the wing.
  10. What’s this about scheif with a broken collar bone??
  11. Sounds interesting. Im going to check it out.
  12. Also watching season 2 of The Crown on Netflix. Very well done series. Many of us have British roots and it’s a nice touch of “home”.
  13. Saw it again. I dislike it less. Which is faint praise. And likely owing to a magnificent performance by Mark Hamill. Truly a great performance with lousy material. Plus I do like the cast a lot. But it remains very disjointed. It undermines the OT. I think the bad guy should have been Palps in some way. If snoke was actually Darth Plagius who survived Palps betrayal and Palps has a presence as a force ghost especially as a relation of Rey’s. It connects all three trilogies and it makes the OT connect to this Trilogy better. As it is, we had the happy ending of Return and how on earth did Snoke and the first order rise? Luke is critical of the Jedi from the PT era and rightfully so for allowing Sidious to rise and turn Anakin. But he did the same thing. He said he knew Snoke had already turned Ben so that means Snoke was a known bad guy back when Luke was training Jedi. Why would he allow that? Luke would never abandon the fight either. Knowing Ben turned, he would never run off leaving Leia and Han’s son to run roughshod with a band of Jedi trainees. It’s almost irredeemably bad of Luke. I can buy Luke hiding if he felt HE was somehow the problem. In Jedi he even says I shouldn’t have come, in jeopardizing the mission. But hide out of shame? Come on. It just makes no sense. Even small things seem designed to minimize the previous films in favour of the new kids. His line about not being afraid enough when he saw the same power he saw in Rey, it doesn’t make sense. Firstly he momentarily considered killing his own nephew. But imagine if that line was I saw this raw power before, in the Emporer...in my father. And I wasn’t afraid then. I saw it in Ben and I see it in you. And I’m afraid. Way meatier. Pays heed to the precious films. It’s a great line because Luke told Yoda one empire that he wasn’t afraid and Yoda replied “you will be”. They showed Luke’s ship on the island. That seemed like a foreshadow. Luke should have actually showed up. What difference does it make? To show us he’s so powerful he can force project? Great. Instead have him actually show up. Have him force repel all the blaster fire. Have him crush a walker with the force. Have him toss aside another. And then engage in an epic duel with Kylo. Show us Kylo gaining power through his hatred. Have Luke sort of lose because he won’t kill Kylo but is shocked and overwhelmed by the dark side in Kylo. Kylo escapes. Luke is hurt and then realizes Kylo cannot be saved. Even better have liea pleade with luke to save him and then she realizes he can’t be saved and her admitting this to Luke absolves him of his guilt. Get rid of the whole casino sub plot Maz admits she could do the job but is too busy with a union despite? Okay we get it funny funny but what’s more important? Pointless cameo or have describe someone they need and when they go on the mission to find him (maybe he’s in prison), it’s Lando. Del Toro is awesome minus the stuttering but that whole subplot was terrible This was a scrip with some good stuff but it was half baked and needed more time.
  14. Another vile cash grab by this city they change the rule, update their website, does not inform the public, does not update signage on meters and directs parking officers to issue tickets. And then tries to imply this has been the role all along someone needs to be fired
  15. The original was a really fun movie. Looking forward to the sequel. Cher!!
  16. Watching Manhunt: Unabomber on netflix. Really good series and a terrific cast including Chris Noth, Sam Worthington, Paul Bettany and Keisha Castle-Hughes.
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