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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Was just about to post this. Should make a lot of people happy.
  2. That whole first segment was awful for that reason. And it was weird hearing them use sort of “modern” comedy and verbiage. The interaction with Hux about waiting on hold, the mom joke. Someone said “we’re toast” at one point to and that verbiage sort of struck me as odd for Star Wars. The clmedy around BB8 didn’t bother me. I liked it in TFA too. But we need to believe Hux is formidable, not a goof. The entire bad guy side was gutted in this film. Episode 9 looks like the “long awaited showdown” of a lousy dark side user against an inexperienced light side user. Where do I sign up? someone might say that’s like Luke who was also inexperienced. But it’s very different. Luke had more training. But his entire point was that he would not fight his father. He would not defeat him with the force. He’d turn him. Yoda and Ben were desperate to train him to physically defeat Vader but Luke was right. In this trilogy they throw that away. “I can’t save him” or whatever Luke said about Kylo. Leia, who in TFA pleads wirh Han to save Kylo because she feels the good in him agrees he must be killed. So the whole point is different and Rey, who they now say is not special and has no emotional connection to the story is meant to physically defeat someone she already defeated. This film completely ignores TFA.
  3. Hall openly admits he falls off the wagon from time to time but gets back on. Hopefully he continues to get back on.
  4. Very good point. The two films don’t work together. Especially Rey. But also Snoke. For all the criticism of Jjs film as a rehash, it was way better.
  5. Jj was involved in the overall story. And he’s director and writer of 9 would be involved. Probably too much to blame him because the films were disjointed. TFA and TLJ don’t flow well. They tried to be different for different s sake. And it didn’t work.
  6. Feel so cheated. Maybe they can resurrect Luke. What they did to him is unconscionable. It was one thing when JJ ruined Trek cause he admitted he wasn’t a fan. But he claims to be an OT fan. Just awful.
  7. Must be different insiders than me ?
  8. He might have made the wrong choice. Hindsight being 20/20, Strike Force had a run with the strap and a good push. Can-am Connection likely had that spot But was fine in wcw. If I recall he was squashed by Rick Rude for Rude’s Wcw debut as the Halloween Phantom.
  9. Yes it’s a big problems. Im surprised the owner didn’t mention that as it would be a precursor to new arena chatter. They need a smaller home closer to home.
  10. Yes. Another in a long line of Minnesota boys. Brief bio at the link. He was talented. Athletic. I think he had some attitude issues or he jumped ship at wrong times or something. Meltzer will have a better bio later in the week probably
  11. Saw it tonight. Will have to see it again but I come away More disappointed than impressed. Actually very disappointed I loved seeing Luke in (limited) action. I loved Yoda. I thought Hamil was tremendous especially at the end. But it felt like they tried too hard to be different after fans felt TFA was a retread and that hurt what they did. Taking risks is great. Doing it just to do it isn’t. I absolutely hate that they killed Luke. Sure he’s almost certain to show up in the next film. But this trilogy now comes off as “let’s get the old fogies out of here” way too much. There was no reason to kill him other than he would always be the central character if you didn’t. I think killing Snoke was a cheat. Guess what fans, you shouldn’t waste time giving a heck about these characters because we might “shock” you with their deaths. Unless there is a reason to explain him in the next episode he was a totally manufactured bad guy with zero depth that they killed so they didn’t have to answer any of those questions. Ridiculous. Plus Snoke was shown to be so immensely powerful that the foreshadow was a Snoke/Luke confrontation or Kylo and Rey team up. Short term shock that hurts the long term. Reys parents. This is another cheat. Unless Kylo lied. Twists work when it makes sense. This one made no sense. Kylo clearly reacted to her in TFA and I believe it was the novel that had him exclaim “it IS you!” So this “twist” seems like a change. Again are these shocks because they had nothing to begin with? (Which would fit JJ actually) The force ability to appear over long distances and interact. Another cheat. You might say the whole idea of force ghosts is a contrivance but used sparingly it becomes an emotional plot device. What they did here was ridiculous. It robbed of us some really emotional things by “pretending” to give them to us. Luke and Leia reunion, Luke and Kylo confrontation and Luke in action. They stole all those moments we were waiting for. Sure they showed us Luke’s power by him being able to do it. But when he walked out to confront Kylo I thought we’d get full friggen Jedi Master badass Luke. Nope. We got a mirage. A few smaller nitpicks. Leia saving herself was awful. Just awful. Where were the other force Ghosts? Maybe they felt it would undermine the specialness of Yoda but I’d have liked to see Ben and Anakin appear to impart some wisdom on Luke. Also weird that Luke used a Blue saber in his Kylo confrontation. Why should we believe Kylo is a threat? He lost to Rey already and is constantly being out smarted. He killed his master through trickery not power. Is episode 9 really the showdown between the least powerful dark force user and the least powerful light side user? Not resolving Liea was a bad idea. Maybe JJ has a great idea but I doubt it. It will be General Leia is dead, in the opening scroll. The major plot point about the Skywalker line not being special seemed like too much of a corporate decision to move away from the OT. It undermines the OT and the entire basis for the franchise that the Skywalkers were all historically special. And the idea that Luke was this broken man just feels....it cheapens the OT. So....not good.
  12. He’s getting blowback for this. I appreciate he’s trying to make a nuanced argument and he’s right to an extent but doesn’t seem to really get it either.
  13. This seems more general sports than just wrestling so here it is It goes on to say WWE confirms Vince has started a separate company called Alpha to look into sports investment. It’s an interesting thing for Vince at his age. Perhaps it’s part of the transition process for him to oversee something else and move away from day to day wwe. He has amassed a tremendous fortune and investing it in sports he loves would seem appropriate. Pure speculation on my part but wonder if Alpha involves Shane at all.
  14. Should be interesting. It’s all about streaming for Disney. They will hit tjay ground running and be a legit competitor to Netflix. The amount of content Disney now has is mind boggling. And they have such incredible means to leverage that content across all platforms including the ever expanding theme park and cruise ship business. The Sky and Star purchase is big too. It makes Disney a big deal in the UK and India.
  15. Crazy deal. And really about streaming. They will be coming after Netflix in a big way. It makes Star Wars whole again too as fox had distribution rights for A New Hope. Now add the FOX fanfare back to the movies!
  16. His response to multiple sexual harassment allegations is to imply a senator was willing to “do anything” for campaign money Wow
  17. Yeah too soon to call petan a busy. I do think his future might be somewhere else. But someone will come along who values him enough that we get a good return. So be it. Then again he might get a call up due to injury and never go back.
  18. Incredible angle in Japan with Jericho and Omega. I’ll post the link when I time if someone doesn’t beat me to it. Jericho attacked Kenny and he was gushing blood. Fantastic! They had a presser and Kenny went after Jericho. Already on magazines in Japan
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