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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Agreed! I think we had a spoiler thread for TFA. I’m on vacation so might not see the film til Christmas Eve and the thought of seeing Spoilers is driving me nuts. Cause I love spoilers but want to go in cold.
  2. The article (and I) are talking about cross walk lights, the flashing over head lights that only operate when you press a cross walk button.
  3. This is interesting. And one of my pet peeves of driving. People who walk out into traffic without pushing the crosswalk button. Also happens a lot when drivers see someone approaching and stop before the button is pressed leading the pedestrian to think they don’t have to. I’ve seen it happen many times wheee cars stop too soon, pedestrian walks out and car in third lane doesn’t see them and nearly hits them.
  4. swan was suspended by WWE (and will likely be fired though they generally don’t make snap decisions). Victim is his wife, also a wrestler. Second charge is a felony.
  5. Some speculation it was a trade but looks like an injury. Oh well
  6. What a gigantic deal this would be. Makes LucasFilm seem a little undervalued.
  7. There are few words to describe how vile Trump is to support Moore and call the victims liars. It’s just so gross. And apparently FOX tweeted that she forged the year book and deleted the tweet because she could sue them. This clown is going to win. Disgusting.
  8. Nashville media has their panties bunched over a tweet by Vegas. Apparently the tweet, now deleted, read that Nashville scores and their media clapped (I guess to imply they’re biased).
  9. Isn’t this sort of the same thing that Franken resigned over? I guess we can expect Trump’s resignation any day now
  10. I agree and disagree. I guess more accurately it would be residuals. But if guys gave up residuals for cash so be it. Which ofcourse is not entirely fair since no worker outside of a very few top stats could refuse to go to WWE if they don’t get a residual forever. WWE probably could come up with a formula that paid residuals if they really wanted to. So on that I agree.
  11. I guess the idea is massive, rich corporations have the power and usually the desire to make things worse for the worker. And we can dove tail into minimum wage for fast food workers and whether the public would pay a buck extra for a Big Mac to support higher wages (I would by the way). But ultimately, Uber (and the like) are so popular because they serve the consumer. I've seen some negative reviews from Ride Sharing drivers (same with Skip The Dishes etc) but also VERY positive ones. So its like anything else, it seems. I do feel for hard working cabbies, many of whom are immigrants that might have trouble gaining other employment but are perfectly capable and pleasant drivers. But their companies didnt care for too long.
  12. Yeah, it would be easier for me to cut & paste it but I assume that is not allowed and I understand why. Summarizing the article though should be fine.
  13. From Mr Meltzer: Could have had interesting ramifications for other workers who felt the Network should be treated like DVD's in paying royalties. They dont pay royalties on Network airings.
  14. I enjoyed Big Little Lies, great cast. The entire first season was based on the only novel about the characters so it was thought it was a one and done. Nice to see its coming back and season 2 based on a story by the original author.
  15. Recounts a personal story about waiting hours for a taxi on a cold night, alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, being told repeatedly by Duffy's and Unicity that the cab was on its way. She gave up and called a friend to come get her. Mentions many Winnipeggers have stories of poor service, racism, safety concerns etc with local taxi's but that Ride Sharing might not be the greatest thing ever. Mentions: and Talked about how the new Uber CEO is working to change their image and improve things. etc etc Also mentioned how Ride Sharing can leave out seniors (and others who are not tech savvy) and lower income folks who might not have a credit card, smartphone, paypal etc. Personally, I dont use cabs often but when I was on vacation last year I used Uber for the first time and LOVED it. I think the opposition from some local politicians and the taxi companies claiming they are concerned with Uber driver safety is absolutely BS on their parts. They dont care about safety, they want to force Uber driver's to have to spend money on shields and lights, which I dont believe are necessary at all. Taxis had a huge head start on Ride Sharing and havent done nearly enough to improve their own service. There is a reason so many are excited about Uber coming here.
  16. Balanced story on Uber coming to Winnipeg
  17. Stewart was asked about reprising Picard for a Tarantino Trek film and said he’d love to work with him and would embrace it if given the chance.
  18. Id love to know the details of the not guilty verdict because thats as close to a clear cut execution as I've seen. If Im on that jury, the only out for the cop is I might consider manslaughter if I felt his training led him to that absolutely horrific action. What many in the public dont understand though is "follow directions and you dont get shot" is wrong on many levels. Firstly, disobeying a cop should not immediately result in death. Not all circumstances are the same. Someone with a gun, yes, you defend that position differently. But when you add adrenaline, fear, booze, confusion etc suspects are not always going to follow explicit instructions through little fault of their own. This suspect was all but secure on the floor and could easily have been handcuffed. There were multiple cops there. Very very wrong. The officer was rightfully fired. But acquitted? Yikes.
  19. Yeah I dislike the office pool mentality as well. It sucks for everyone involved when something like this happens. As for the moderation, I almost always eally like the moderation here (I once got banned from a similar forum when one of the mods was homophobic on religious grounds and I disagreed vehemently lol). I do disagree with deleting posts though and I thought the people here were giving as good as they were receiving so a warning and advice to raise the discourse a bit would have been appropriate. But thats above my pay grade. Its a complicated and emotional topic. Im glad our little "sports" forum has so many intelligent and passionate people to discuss all manner of topics with, whether we all agree or not.
  20. I liked Justice League. But it still had issues. But DC's reaction doesnt correct any of that, in my opinion. And I dont think they can really do anything that will reset their universe to the extent it can ever compete with Marvel. Although getting away from a Justice League sequel probably would help. If they are willing to go younger with The Batman, then thats cool...tell those stories (Nightwing, Jason Todd etc) and you could have Wonder Woman in the film too, though it wouldn't explain how they "met" in BvS. Batman in Flash makes sense too but the real story element there, I think, is Bruce's relationship with Barry in the shadow of his failed relationships with Grayson and Todd. But I bet they wont go there at all.
  21. There were lots of issues. I cant remember them all and too busy to loop up but there was some speculation about how Bad Robot used the money and a bad feeling of how much JJ took off the top of what amounted to under-performing films. But I believe Paramount re-upped with Bad robot so they couldn't be that upset. They have other series' with him. I think part of the problem was JJ's loyalty to his pals. Orci was all wrong for Star Trek, at least as the creative driver. And the studio didnt provide enough oversight to JJ. To me, it sounds like the same thing could happen here except its JJ over-seeing QT. At least QT is a Trek fan. Star Trek has been a cash cow for Paramount so they will never really abandon it. My hope was Discovery would be successful enough that Paramount would work with CBS to produce the next film (keeping it in the prime universe and uniting the film and tv divisions). I like most of QT's work and what he does best is what Star Trek needs - characters, drama, tension, smart dialogue, even a sense of nostalgia. So Im more excited for this than the usual Bad Robot dreck. And the writers they are looking at to craft the screenplay all seem much better than anyone who worked on the previous films. Bow get Shatner and Stewart involved!
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