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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is horrific. The entire video paints the picture but the key exchange takes place starting around 4 minutes. Very hard to watch. Some back ground: On 18 January 2016, Mesa Police Department officer Philip Brailsford, age 26, shot and killed 26-year-old Daniel Shaver of Granbury, Texas. Shaver was allegedly in possession of an air rifle while he was staying at a La Quinta Inns & Suites hotel. Hotel guests near the pool notified the front desk that someone was pointing a rifle out a fifth floor window. The hotel immediately notified the police. Following an investigation, Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder. Controversy emerged surrounding the release of body camera footage of the event. According to a police report, Daniel Shaver, a pest-control worker and resident of Granbury, Texas, had been staying at a Mesa La Quinta Inn on business. He invited two acquaintances to his room for drinks. There he showed them a scoped air rifle he was using to exterminate birds inside grocery stores. At one point the gun was pointed outside his hotel window, prompting a witness to notify the front desk; the police were immediately called. Upon arrival, police gave Shaver and his acquaintances detailed orders for various minutes, with frequent admonitions that failing to comply with them would get them shot. Eventually, Shaver was ordered to crawl on the floor towards them. While complying with their request, Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, notably distant from his waist. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. For unknown reasons Shaver then reached his right hand back towards his waistband again at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.[1][2]
  2. Is he? I think its in development hell with director and script changes. The whole basis for the problems with DC were choosing to base it on the Man of Steel universe, aging Batman and forcing the Justice League together. And Im not really sure they undo all of that because they're all so linked together, without doing something crazy like having Flash change the timeline.
  3. I definitely think the NHL was wrong for their interference in Calgary's election. But I guess as a business they can do that if they so desire. As I recall, the only area I really had an issue with Bettman during the Save The Jets thing was his reluctance to allow a large group ownership structure but then allowed it for the Oilers. I DO believe Bettman really really wanted to relocate a couple of Canadian teams to the US as part of his US expansion plans. No doubt. But the Jets were dead man walking anyway.
  4. The NHL usually (by my very casual checking) ends by the second week of June. lets even say June 15th. Moving the CFL schedule up just two weeks doesnt overlap and allows two normally poorly attended late season games to be played in June instead where they very likely sell a lot more tickets. Plus, you might have teams more likely to be open to weekend games in June since most kids are still in school (or finishing up) as opposed to July/August when everyone is off and at the lake. Even if there is one weekend of overlaps between the NHL and CFL, for it to be a real negative, it has to be a Canadian team in the final and even then for it to be a real problem it has to be a Canadian team in a CFL market. It might be possible for the CFL to anticipate the schedule (ie. does the NHL always play the Cup final in the evening and can the CFL schedule some saturday/Sunday afternoon games instead). There is an inherent draw in the first games of the CFL season that would not be impacted by the Lightening vs the Coyotes Cup final (or something of that ilk).
  5. I've always felt it made a lot of sense to move up. How often are those cold October games empty? And yet the weather in June is usually beautiful, sometimes spectacular. The idea that -25 and snow is "so Canadian" is fun and all, but wouldnt we ideally love the Playoff games to be played and won on merit and not weather? I do think the concern of being too close to the MBL playoffs is a reasonable one though. And on the June side, mixing with the NHL playoffs but that one is rather minor. Im curious about the idea this would help a US TV deal. Is it a matter of eyeballs or is there a real possibility of increased cash from a TV contract? Pros and cons must be weighed and if money comes in and the risk is that the stars and planets align every few years to where the Jays and Argos play key games at the same time, well, is that a risk worth taking?
  6. I think the Panthers are a real possibility to move eventually but like you said, as long as they have a building and an owner, its the Meatloaf Standard - two out of three aint bad (especially when one of the two is the most important - a building). To a degree, the NHL should be commended for its loyalty to existing franchises and markets. The battle in PHX was about two things - asserting their right to decide (and not letting a rich guy come in and force the issue) and creating precedent that when the NHL lobbies local government to invest in buildings, they will move heaven and earth to make it work.
  7. To take the other side, Bri Larson made a tweet some weeks about about a TSA agent asking for her phone number and she made the dramatic claim that being a woman means always living on the defensive and I thought she did a real dis-service to the real issue by connecting those two things (ofcourse, we're not privy to the way in which she was asked). I think a TSA agent asking someone for their phone number, presumably because she's a beautiful woman, in the context of his duties was highly unprofessional but not an attack on her in a sexual way (again, without knowing how he asked). But I think incidents like that can be filtered through the spectrum of common sense.
  8. @Wideleft Im a right leaning conservative and while Im not super religious, I come from a religious family, I wear a cross and I *occasionally* go to Church. And I agree with you. A good example is the reports that Moore began dating his wife while she was married. The vast majority of the time, the vast majority of us would laugh at that report and say who cares. And for the most part, I still dont care (especially compared to all the other Moore stuff). But because he has a politician made his faith such a cornerstone of who he is as a politician(and has a history with the Ten Commandments), its absolutely fair game to ask that question. because if you stand in judgement of everyone else, you have to stand ready to be judged.
  9. Sort of akin to being worried an airplane will drop on your head. I mean, I get what you're saying but its rather odd to be worried. A quick "real life" story. A few years ago I was promoted to a lead position at work. While at an unofficial work function at a local bar, a newer female employee asked me how they can get ahead and expressed a desire to take on new responsibilities. I said keep doing what you're doing and expressing your desire for more and "we'll help you get to where you want to go". A week later Im called into a board room by my boss and said someone complained that I offered to help this employee get ahead in return for "favours" and that I was "too friendly with the young attractive women in the office." My first reaction was to burst out laughing and my boss sheepishly said he had to ask. I simply said, absolutely Im friends with some of the young attractive girls in the office just as I am friends with the older men too. And recounted the conversation as being the first and only conversation I had with the employee in question. Whats interesting about office dynamics is I found some of the older, more established people had an irrational dislike of the younger people, especially if they were attractive and I found myself defending them more on the basis of their merit. The point being, the idea that anyone can say anything is true and has always existed in our society and will always exist but the idea that it always means its taken seriously is not. In fact, the whole point is that real, legitimate acts could not be brought forward BECAUSE people didnt believe them and BECAUSE the women were treated awfully. Some of the weird stuff out there such as "how are we ever going to flirt with a woman now" or "I guess dating a girl at work is now out of the question" etc is so absurd. There is so much ground between flirting and dating....and harassing and abusing. My entire point is pooh-poohing the "what about the men" is not to pretend false allegations dont happen. But the driver of some of that in THIS thread had a clear agenda and thats the fear. The 98% of legitimacy should be encouraged, embraced and celebrated for its bravery rather then the 2% of "something something maybe maybe what if-ism". Thats all.
  10. One thing that should have become clear since the Jets returned and the emotion of losing them faded away is that Bettman is not the enemy and never was.
  11. 1) what makes you so concerned about this now? 2) what does it have to do with the topic of the Hollywood scandal? 3) what has changed to suddenly make false allegations rampant and damaging as opposed to pre-Harvey? 4) regardless of veracity of hard numbers to support or dispute, the stances of false allegations are comparably low. Shouldn’t we focus on ending the lousy behaviour?
  12. Paramount is pretty broke. So while it’s exciting and Jj and QT have stroke, I doubt they will green light until they see what it will cost. If they allow it to be R rated I can only imagine it comes with a much reduced budget. Curious if this had anything to do with QT needing a new studio and if Paramount are leveraging this to entice him.
  13. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. But reportedly they will recast Batman for the stand alone Batman film but keep Affleck or the Flash film. Ugh. They really seem to be missing the point.
  14. That’s the point. We’re talking Hollywood, media, celebrities etc
  15. Perkins? I know they used to. Used to blow my mind. Like pancakes came with everything. I'd usually get the Eggs Benedict which came with hashbrowns and pancakes. Tons of food. We had good times there (and broke up a few post-bar fights).
  16. Yup. Our go-to used to be Perkins, back when I worked in the nightclub business. Southdale Perkins was the place for us for ages. In fact, I dated a server from there, thats how often and much time we spent there lol Then Perkins on Pembina but once it closed there werent many other options outside of Sals, fast food or pizza.
  17. Go there between midnight and 3am on Fri or Sat... It does remind me of my grandparents though so it was always a place that skewed older. Wasnt the one in Headingley an attempt to go with a "lounge" vibe? Also, the newer one on pembina and stafford was always busy and younger (looked great inside too) when I was there. Im usually at the one on St Annes now when I visit and by about 4am, the older folk start shuffling in.
  18. Carolina was mentioned a few times for possible relocation, speculation only of course. And Florida. The NHL will do anything to avoid it. As goalie said and is quite right about. People in Winnipeg hated to hear it but Bettman said the same thing about us. No building and no owner. He always said Winnipeg had fan support but you cant exist with one out of three. The only reason there was no fight in Atlanta is because the team owners controlled the building and there was no convincing them to keep hockey in their building even if someone else owned it. So they had leverage. They were simply not going to have hockey games at their building anymore. Period. So the NHL had no option but to consider relocation. And Winnipeg was not only the best and most capable soft landing spot, but everyone wanted Chipman to succeed. He dd the NHL a major solid by being the leverage for the NHL to play hardball in Glendale (and came within minutes of getting the Coyotes the year before they got the Thrashers). Probably the easiest thing to do is find an owner because the NHL uses creative accounting and revenue sharing and other things to make it worth it. So if they have a building, thats probably the biggest issue. No building = doesnt matter if you have an owner and fans.
  19. Steve, if Im being condescending, its only in the face of people like basslicker taking a ridiculous approach to this. He's hiding behind a serious subject to essentially defend the men who have acted badly. His remark about women not coming forward is as close to calling them liars as it gets. Thats one of the reasons so many women dont come forward and it has to stop. My point is, Im really surprised that anyone (and its very few) would take this time to raise the very real issue of false allegations. The reason I am surprised is because it is true that defenders of the bad acts will use that as a deflection technique (co-opting a serious perspective), its addressing the more minor of the two "sides" and really, its sort of addressing something that really isnt in evidence. Its essentially saying we have to stop this because mens lives are being ruined. On the contrary, we should be encouraging victims to come forward and happy this movement has begun where so many can feel safe about doing so. The issue of false allegations is a real one, but so very small in comparison to the legitimacy. My point was not to belittle the real impact false accusations can have (I've seen it and felt it myself). It was more an expression of surprise that anyone would really pick up the mantle of defending innocent men in the face of little to no examples of that happening in this particular wave of #metoo movement. And then it snowballs from there. Make no mistake, we can discuss it. But it seems like really poor timing and insensitive to the larger issue. And anyone who calls into question the veracity of victims because they didnt come forward immediately has no credibility and is NOT engaging in a serious nuanced discussion.
  20. Sheamus is rehabbing spinal stenosis which ended the careers of Edge and Steve Austin (and I believe Sting as well).
  21. Also true. As Logan said, there is the nostalgia factor with Sals for some of us. I do really like their nips as they taste quite different from the usual fast food burger options. But I also agree they often over-cook them nowadays. But those grilled onions and that BUN, mmmmmm to die for.
  22. There are people mentioning an office pool, which in itself is clearly a tongue in cheek thing, that Dutch would be outted as a creep based on a physical assault from 15 years ago where he fought someone at a wedding? First of all, one has nothing to do with the other. Secondly, I think the sarcasm inherent in "office pools" and such predicting who's next is going over some people's heads Thirdly, it actually disproved your theory that Dutch got into a fight at a wedding 15 years ago and has done just fine since and literally ONE person mentioned him as a potential "next creep" BEFORE someone else mentioned the wedding fracas. So in truth, it has zero to do with each. To wrap this silliness up, the issue of false allegations is serious and real. But let's not pretend a certain someone in this thread was making a serious and nuanced argument rather then being a Moore/Trump level supporter with the "if a woman was really assaulted, she'd have come forward before" outrageous argument. And while its easy and convenient to ignore the facts that disprove this "what about the men" narrative, again, THIS particular issue which is the widely reported speaking out against this behavior in the wake of the Harvey story has shown us examples of people doing just fine after unsubstantiated allegations were made. Others admitted wrong doing, apologized and were fine. This is absolutely not a situation where "anything" said is being treated like a guy did the most heinous thing imaginable. Different scenarios are seeing different reactions and consequences. Im still waiting for the list of all the falsely accused men in the wake of Harvey to be posted. EDIT: And for the record @StevetheClub I dont mean to make it sound like Im lumping in you with that other person. I appreciate your perspective, just countering some of it...
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