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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I dont agree. I think Broken Matt achieved a cult following but it was still just TNA. Its amazing that 300,000 or so watched Impact every week but when Matt walked out at WM, the entire building is chanting delete, delete, delete. So the gimmick transcended TNA for sure which is surely why WWE is willing to go with it. To me, the bigger issue is not whether Matt is played out but whether WWE will ruin it. Hopefully they are behind it in a big way BUT let Matt drive the creative bus. I wasnt a fan at first as it seemed stupid but then I really grew to love it because its so unique and different. I thought that video above was the best thing on a good RAW. Matt is tremendous. And its worth it for WWE as well because I think it could be a merchandising cash cow, of which the Hardy's always sell big anyway. But its another stream. But...good or bad, it will likely be spectacular either way! lol
  2. Good list. Of course it doesnt paint the entire picture. Jets have a ceiling as an NHL franchise but as part of True North, its the economic driver of a lot more revenue than that. I do enjoy seeing the Jets make money though given how many said it would be impossible.
  3. Trump has been accused of far worse. Look at Moore. Everyone is climbing back on board. Its disgusting. Weather the storm? These people are steering right into it and laughing all the way.
  4. I havent seen too many examples of a one off situation sticking to someone in a major way. All these instances now are multiple accusers, well vetted etc. Look at Spacey, it wasnt the first one that did him in. Look at Takei, who seems to be weathering it okay. How long did it take for Cosby to have issues? I think most people understand the difference between a joke, a stupid comment and a legitimate example of harassment. Not everyone, but most. But if a guy is making sexual jokes right now, he might not be a predator, but he's pretty stupid so theres that.
  5. I hadnt heard of this but it sounds intriguing: Robert De Niro is a producer as well. Bryan Singer was just canned as director though.
  6. Broken Matt is back. And it's delightful. Notice the silence for Bray and the pop every time Matt appeared on screen.
  7. QT is interested enough that he's taking the time to pitch a story and sit in a room with other writers. If he's a fan, he might do it. It would never be R rated. QT is a big fan of the episodes "City On The Edge Of Forever" and "Yesterdays Enterprise". So its possible its along those lines. JJ already announced just before Beyond came out that he had Chris Hemsworth attached to a sequel reprising George Kirk. The easy answer is some sort of time travel story where George survives but maybe James Kirk has to fix things and in doing so, let his father die. I love QT though not all his films. If someone else wrote a Trek film and I heard QT did a punch up, I'd be super excited (like what he did for Crimson Tide). This sounds sort of like that in the sense QT has an idea but JJ is assembling other writers to make it happen. It would vastly improve the dialogue which was an issue on the previous Trek films. Paramount is broke though so who knows. They need to bring the budget way down. QT can do that too.
  8. Don Callis is now a Vice President of Impact. Its interesting because jericho had teased some positive news for Impact in 2018 and Don has contacts with New Japan. Word is talks continue between Impact, ROH and New Japan. Mostly, I cant see it amounting to much. But Don is a smart guy. And he has the right friends (ie. Jericho & Omega).
  9. When we get de-iced but have to wait, I always think 'how long can we wait before we need to de-ice again?'. But I also watch Mayday religiously so Im pretty sure I can handle the plane in a pinch. It's always a stall and you should never throttle back! Nose down! Nose down!
  10. Imagine thinking Helle isnt better this year than last. lol We'll see how things go as he plays more but obviously he's better, the D is better and the back up is better. But Helle is certainly better. He made the effort to work on certain areas and it has worked out for him.
  11. About the only thing that could revive interest in the current Trek film franchise would be someone like QT driving it. Good for him.
  12. Manafort isn’t the brightest guy
  13. Charlee's is great! Really good. Had a buddy that worked there for awhile or I would have never considered going. But the good is delicious and Charlee is good people.
  14. I think they are just trying to create enough confusion that Trump can order Mueller be fired and as many people as possible will say "I dont know whats right but this whole thing is nuts so it sounds reasonable that we should just end it". The question is, when Trump gets to the point (and I think he will) of ordering Mueller's dismissal, will THAT be enough to finally turn the Republican against him?
  15. Couple more airline stories: - Im a nervous flyer (havent flown too often and my mom is a VERY nervous flyer). I flew when I was 3 years old and didnt know any different so no biggie. Fast forward, Im 14 and doing a family vacation to California. Air Canada. Plan is Winnipeg-Calgary-Los Angeles. Just out of Winnipeg we suddenly turn around for a "technical issue". My mom is freaking. By the time we get back in the air we will have missed our connection in Calgary (I had the chance to visit the cockpit and asked the pilot why we turned around and he said the Stall Warning was coming on but they werent stalling). In Calgary, we can either wait several hours and fly direct to LA or get an earlier flight, but on Delta, and connect through Salt Lake City and arrive in LA earlier. Well, we opt for the Salt Lake option. We get to Salt Lake and three successive aircrafts have issues. We didnt end up landing until nearly 13 hours late. - Coming back from Las Vegas last year on WestJet. We get to Vegas airport early as usual and after awhile decide to grab some dinner before the flight. I can see our gate from the restaurant. Suddenly, I hear an announcement and see people lining up...but way too early. I walk over to find out the Captain wants to leave early, like 40 minute early. Great! So our food hasnt even arrived. It finally does and we're wolfing it down. I run back to the gate and the agent says there are 4 people left (we're 2 of them). So I run back, we eat what we can and throw the rest away and run back to the gate. We board and get comfy thinking we're going to get home nice and early. Captain comes on and says "we're waiting for FIFTEEN more people" and if they get on board early we'll leave early. If not, he'll have to wait. Well...we waited and ended up leaving ten minutes late. My buddy is still complaining about not finishing his food. lol Bonus story - 2008, first time I'd flown in awhile. Me and a buddy going to Vegas. We're at cruising altitude and a little old lady walks up to the Flight Attendant and asks where the bathroom is. The FA was busy and sort of generally waived "over there". The old lady turns around and reached, with both hands, for the main airplane door handle. Both my buddy and I are micro-seconds away from doing a front flip and tackling the old bird before the FA grabs her and leads her to the bathroom. Also, Sunwing has a bad rep. Flew them once to Jamaica and back and they were great.
  16. One thing that struck me was the story of Helle and Mason going out for dinner before the season and discussing their roles. It seemed they both made the point of creating a positive relationship in wanting to work together for the benefit of the team. Both seem like real pros.
  17. Im not sure I agree about Cassie. I heard her once and never gave it a second thought (which is good). But she played hockey at a high level so does playing high level hockey matter less than playing hockey with the letters NHL? I think calling the action on the ice, she's perfectly able to. I didnt notice any point she made where I could argue she doesnt know what she's talking about because NHL hockey is fundamentally different from Olympic level hockey. Maybe if I heard her more often it would bother me, but in that role, I certainly respect her talent and accomplishments at hockey, which is the sport she calls when doing Flames games.
  18. I can agree with that. But Elliot is a good example of a guy, I have no idea what level of hockey he ever played, but when he speaks I listen. He is respected. Maybe because he defers to others in a respectful way. For our purposes, the vast majority of us have no pro hockey experience so we're all of similar experience and insight levels. The original point about speculation concerning the return of the Jets was funny because while there was a lot of rampant and incorrect rumors, there were nuggets of truth there too. So to pretend people had lousy insight because they werent in the room is just silly. I remember the day someone connected the dots about David Thomson and how that speculation was actually deleted from message boards because "it was too close to the truth". Well, that just made it more interesting. Oh and true too! That was a good one by whatever fat basement dweller figured it out.
  19. Nah, the "you've never been there" excuse is lame. And its an insult to journalists, many of whom get assigned to areas they never worked before. I certainly agree that working in a certain profession or sport can provide a certain insight, but to imply a person simply doesnt have a clue is just wrong. And in general my point was a tongue in cheek response to someone who is very often critical who used a silly and pointless reply in the first place that didnt actually make much sense in the context.
  20. So I see now Trump's lawyer is claiming the President cannot commit obstruction under the constitution. Im not sure that argument worked out for Nixon. My question is, if you have a legal strategy, especially if you think it has merit, why wouldn't you keep it to yourself? Is this a form of "chill", an effort to warn off the special counsel? Because if Im Mueller now, I know I cant come with simply an obstruction charge. He will come at Trump with more. I think its more likely an effort to create acceptance on the part of Trump's base and some Republican's that Mueller needs to be "reigned in", ie. fired. Trump will fire him. Or more accurately, he will order Sessions or his Assistant to fire him. Will they comply? What a firestorm that will be.
  21. Maybe Im of the right age that the first thing I think of when I hear Warriors is the street gang (that I dont think is around anymore). So I could be entirely wrong that the gang connection would be off-putting. But either way, it would wade into some cultural stuff. That could be a net positive but they'd have to deal with it appropriately. As Rich pointed out, and we've heard Chipman say, he only wanted to go with Jets if there was a real connection to Winnipeg other then it being named after the New York football team. Chipman was involved as a junior member of the Save the Jets movement but I dont get the impression he was emotionally in love with the name. I DO get the impression Bettman felt it was sort of a no-brainer as he mentioned several times that True North could have the name and logos with no issue (which would be an odd thing to say if TN preferred to go in a different direction). I think the media really picked up on the emotional connection of the fans to the Jets name and made the effort to push that narrative. Who can forget Thomson being asked about it and replying "Jets is a fine name". That practically sealed it in the minds of many people even if it was just the smart answer by a smart guy.
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