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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is really stupid. We're to believe Trump has a lawyer with him every time he tweets? At all hours of the day and night? We're to believe these really stupid things he tweets are written by lawyers, vetted and sent to the social media team? To believe that is to believe everyone around Trump is as stupid as he is. I hope Mueller brings Conway in and asks her under oath if what she said is true. There is talk of bringing in Trump's lawyer who claimed he wrote the "fired Flynn for lying to the FBI" tweet and asking him if that was true. And if it was true, Trump should fire that lawyer because that tweet was an admission of obstruction.
  2. Thanks. That sounds familiar now. I know I read multiple places saying Zinger was the most strongly behind Moose. Warriors would have been a non-starter due to gang implications.
  3. Zinger wanted Moose. The only verifiable info on Chipman was when he went with Jets pretty quickly. If I recall he said they had not thought about it (though I find that hard to believe lol). And I base that one both Bettman and Thomson speaking positively about the name "Jets" at the purchase presser. But despite some people getting oddly upset over discussion of the rumors and speculation, it was a fun time and fun to think about all the behind the scenes stuff. The most fun incorrect rumors were that the team jersey was "burnt orange". And the day of the presser, a certain "fan" with a popular Jets forum declared it was "Manitoba Polar Bears, powder blue jerseys". And then later claimed he was kidding. hahaha I hope Chipman writes a book about it one day.
  4. Does one have to skate to have an opinion or knowledge on hockey?
  5. Its a CBS thing though. Netflix wanted Star Trek on Netflix in North America too. In fact, it was Netflix's interest in Star Trek that was a major driver of CBS reviving the series. Originally, CBS announced they were pulling Star Trek off Netflix completely and using it to leverage their own streaming service (like Disney announced they are planning to do). But the realities of launching world-wide and the deal Netflix offered made CBS think twice. They kept the US market as an exclusive because the whole point is to build up All Access. But they let Netflix have the rest of the world, minus Canada where they got too good of a deal from Bell to say no.
  6. You can't possibly think that someone write a letter and the network said "well, darn, fire him" with zero evidence or compelling information to back it up. I'd stro0ngly suspect in cases like that, the Network knows full well what they have on their hands are likely hoping beyond hope no one comes forward. Then they do, and they act. Again, YES, there are false allegations that get made. In this entire thing since Harvey, show me the false allegation that brought someone down. It hasnt happened. In most cases, the guys involved are either admitting it or laying low. In the few cases of stark denials, it rings rather hollow (Moore). I generally believe in the idea that better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man get convicted (who said that?) but this isnt that. Anyone who hears these stories and sees whats happening and immediately identifies with the poor men needs to take a look in the mirror. And yes, it is open season. On harassers and abusers. And whats wrong with that. There are WAY more men in media, politics and entertainment who have not been accused of anything.
  7. Have at 'er! Im really easy going. I usually fly WestJet when its my choice and always have a good time. My parents prefer Air Canada so in 2014 we did a Family vacation and did Air Canada. It was really good too. We were on a couple of small prop plans and they were spacious. The funny thing on that trip was, one of the routes, I think Quebec to Montreal, it was a small plane. Before we boarded they were asking for two people to switch to a later flight. No takers. They offered something ( I cant recall what). One guy was in a party of 3 and offered to switch if they extended the offer to all three of them but AC said no. They delayed us and basically said no one was boarding until two people volunteered to switch to a later flight. If it was just me, I'd have done so as it was no big deal. Finally, they pick two people and switch them. We board the plane and its less than half full. So Im thinking they had an engine issue or some massive cargo. Last guy to board gets on the the flight attendant says 'feel free to sit anywhere'. But then comes up to him and says "as long as it's on the right side of the plane". So Im thinking, wait, this 170lb guy needs to sit on a specific side of a nearly empty plane? Ended up being a fine flight but I was curious as to what the issue was.
  8. When the Jets returned the speculation was Chipman wanted a “bears” related name. Some chatter said they never got to a name/logo phase. Others claim they did. Many insiders able to tell us if this is a rehash of a proposed “Jets” logo?
  9. I sort of suspect it is. He was disappointed. Maybe angry. If he’s using that to inspire himself to this level, so be it. I’m sure his thought process is to earn a chance somewhere else and make us regret it. We won’t, surely, due to the talent we have. But good for him if he succeeds. And thank you to him for his effort and success with the moose.
  10. I don’t know about anyone else but it’s emotional looking at this and seeing the Jets in first place. It’s not the cup. It’s not playoff success. But there is no discounting the reality of the quality of team they are now. How many years. How many disappointments. And our team is in first place. A position they earned and deserve. Who knows why wil happen the rest of the way. But my goodness, how good does it feel? It’s hard to accept and believe to a degree. The Winnipeg Jets are for real. How long have we waited to say that?
  11. If the Dems fake control next year he’ll be impeached. If there is criminal wrong doing he might be forced out. Mueller will try to leverage his kids and see if Donald will let his kids go down. the talk of his mental fitness makes me wonder if it’s creating a scenario where he might resign or be 25’ed our due to mental issues and use that as a defence to crimes.
  12. The take away from this is that the Jets took a franchise with big holes and in a relatively short period of time have built something to be excited about. Not just what the Jets are doing now, but what we have on the Moose and the next wave of kids. You never know who will make it but it sure looks promising. There is a GM of the year award coming for Mr Chevy eventually.
  13. I worked in nightclubs for a lot of years. I have been touched, harassed, kissed, groped many times by women. The difference is the power dynamic. I was never at risk or threatened. It doesnt make it right but its something to remember. Also, in many of these cases its an employee/employer relationship (or at least, the man is in a power position). I suspect most women who rise to a position of power in the corporate world likely suffered their fair share of harassment along the way and are less likely to repeat that behavior. But Im sure it has happened. There are women predators in the world.
  14. Absolutely. I used to like FOX since Im more of a right-leaning person. But their coverage of Trump has been laughingly biased. But abusers and harassers come from all walks of life and political stripes.
  15. I think the biggest issue is that some people might have multiple things said where not everything is true or accurate. But that would put them in the position of saying "Yeah, I showed her my **** but I didnt send her a pic of it". Splitting hairs. The idea that everyone would say these things just to get people who are innocent isnt going to happen. Thats not to say it couldnt happen. We know false allegations do happen But need only look at the Moore case to see why the benefit of doubt needs to be given to the accusers. The story was properly vetted. Accusers are reasonable. As the story expands, it includes contemporaries that might not be accusers or witnesses but add layers to the accepted belief that Moore was a creep who pursued teenage girls. Add in Moore changing his story from "I knew two of them" to "I dont know any of them and they are all liars". The most important thing though, is is the right wing group that tries to set up the Post with a false story and was outted. It shows the media isnt just rushing to print anything. In the case of celebrities and anchor people and other assorted media/news employees that come forward, there is far more at risk for those accusers than whatever they might gain by making a false accusation.
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