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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. April 28th is a weird date. I figured they'd go to May 1. I guess it's a two week extension.
  2. Its also been well established that the Obama admin had a pandemic response drill planned for the transition and Trump admin didnt want any part of it. In terms of the local announcements, glad to hear MPI looking at a rebate. Makes logical sense and a way to return some money to manitobans.
  3. Rangers willing to listen to offers for trouba? lol
  4. Funny how the GOP unabashedly want to make it difficult for people to vote. I wonder why.
  5. Apparently wwe has provided all of its talent with a corporate letter to provide to police if they are stopped which declares them “essential media”.
  6. Oh for sure. That’s not even in doubt. We all heard about this weeks ago. Long before trump pretended it was something no one knew. And when he did finally speak on it, it was “cases will be zero”. “It will disappear”. Etc
  7. Trump will be on a rampage today. If not this than his latest awful polling.
  8. Doesn’t impact me as I haven’t been in a million years but he’s this moron was all over social media yesterday. Maybe it’s just me but one thing it seems the trump era has allowed is people with opinions they’d normally keep to themselves feel emboldened to share. Like, you’re a business owner and you write those things? How stupid. And if you don’t believe viruses exist how committed are you to the cleanliness of your business?
  9. Well one big question is how they’re even allowed to operate in Florida in violation of the gathering rules. Only essential businesses are allowed to be open. Someone’s palms were greased.
  10. There should be an IQ requirement for president
  11. That’s certainly a possibility. They’re good as long as the tv deals remain. $2 billion over five years. But Vince sold a lot of stock. And fired his two presidents. Not a good look. No house shows isn’t even that bad for wwe as they lost money on house shows.
  12. Interesting. UFC was told to cancel live shows. Well wwe was planning to take several weeks of RAW &SD but Vince abruptly changed his mind today after they taped SD. He wants to air raw and SD as close to live as possible as long as possible. Speculation being that it’s in the network contracts that they can only air X amount of taped shows. So If they aired more than that, USA or FOX could hold back money or use it as a breach and re-negotiate.
  13. Probably when crowds are back. That’s the best time to debut them. But for sure they’ll end up there. One of the revival was about to expire anyway. The other had his contract extended due to injury. But reportedly neither was being paid by wwe since they already made their downside guarantee for the year. Probably not a coincidence that wwe releases then now
  14. What’s taking so long for them to adjust the CERB as they said they would. Hoping people forget maybe. Funny how our liberal MP was so quick to reply to an email telling people they’d be covered and how great it was but no reply since. I think the government has done a good job. But they did screw up CERB to a degree and are being awfully quiet about the changes they said would be made.
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