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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. White House claiming this is a win for Trump. Hahaha
  2. Im hoping Plus is available when I check in. Ill make the investment!
  3. NHL tweets positively. Soon to be followed, Im sure, by a letter from NHL legal. lol
  4. He might come out unscathed because he went through the harassment storm a few years ago when he ran for Governor. So assuming he's been on good behavior since he returned to Hollywood, he might be ok.
  5. Thanks @FrostyWinnipegthats what I was thinking to. We'll probably keep the Aisle/Window assignments we have on the Wpg-TO and Mexico-WPG legs but if someone does get stuck between us, we can offer to switch. Im tall-ish (6'2") and big-ish but I generally dont have issues myself. My girlfriend who is actually quite tiny flew to Amsterdam a few years ago via KML and she was so cramped in their econo seats she actually upgraded to a plus seat on the flight home (and she's also notoriously cheap). I had one smaller plane coming home from Vegas a few year ago. It was still a Westjet 737 but an older one I guess, and it felt cramped. Looks like we're scheduled for all 737-800's so hopefully decent aircraft.
  6. I have a question for frequent flyers but I figured I'd make a general Airline thread for discussion, reviews etc. I fly every year or so and am fine (more or less). But Im flying in 10 days with a friend (no really this is for my friend) who is very large (wide, not tall). She sort of freaked me out to day by saying "hopefully I fit and they let me fly). Now, she has flown twice before. The first time was in the first class designation on Air Transat and the second was Air Canada. She flew WPG to TO in a regular seat she described as "tight" and then the premium from there which she said was roomy. She required a seat belt extender in all cases. We are flying Westjet and are currently booked into Economy. Im a sucker for a Window seat so I did pay for seat selection and the Westjet person originally booked us into a Window and an Aisle with the idea most flights are not full and someone wont take the middle. But Westjet changed our outbound flight from direct to connecting in TO and on the TO to Mexico leg we have Window and Middle. Im considering upgrading to Plus if its available at check in but on Westjet 737, that eliminates the third passenger but does nothing for the width. Thoughts? Also, anyone flight West Jet plus?
  7. Roseanne was really really good and ground-breaking in its portrayal of family dynamics, at least for that era. Often compared to All In The Family.
  8. I dont. When I was ready to try Netflix, I signed up for the free trial. its worth it so I kept it. I actually argued with someone over this "sharing". If people do that, so be it. But some guy was whining on a different forum about how Star Trek should be on Netflix because it's "free" because he uses a friend's account and he got some blowback about stealing. His position was Netflix encourages this. The only thing I found online was Netflix encourages family sharing but their intent is kids move out and get their own. Dont be cheap. lol
  9. I agree. it was way ahead of its time and was so realistic. I had a friend who's parents were very much identical to Roseanne and Dan to the extent even THEY recognized it. Barr got too in the Hollywood bubble and the show became a parody, unfortunately. But supposedly they realise this and the revival is to be more like the first few seasons. The actress who played the second Becky, Sarah Chalk, is also going to be on the show in a different role, which is a pretty neat thing to do. If I recall, there was one episode where they both appeared (or both appeared in the credits in a gag or something).
  10. And the alternate reality version: But even fox has a little something worth considering:
  11. Flynn accepts a sweetheart plea deal in exchange for...? Well he knows where many of the bodies are buried. I guess we know why trump went nuts this week...
  12. Yup I just checked. Mark Healy and David Healy. If I recall, the gag at the end when it was revealed that the series was just an exaggeration of Roseanne's life that she wrote as therapy after Dan died was that Darlene was married to Mark and Becky was married to David. Or something like that. Anyway, brothers.
  13. The White House said they would not support Moore when it wasnt clear if he could move forward. Since it seems the Republicans dont care about this sort of things and supporters will do backflips to explain it away, they have decided to support him, but in a way in which they can deny it. Such as having a campaign rally "near" Alabama and by attacking his opponent. Keep in mind, the highest profile celebrity and politician accused by multiple women and on record as admitting harassment is President Trump himself. So why wouldnt he support these guys? As for when will it end? This behavior went unchecked for decades. This could be simply the tip of the iceberg. I dont want to speculate. But when it was asked for a prediction, one name that jumped in my heard was a guy who loved making jokes about this for years...makes me wonder why he thought it was so funny.
  14. Not surprised. He and Sara Gilbert are close and she's an exec producer. Interesting that the characters of their children are named Harris and Mark. I guess that means they will definitely write Mark out as having died. Mark and David were brothers on the show, right?
  15. I thought I had heard American Gods had been renewed already. I just did some googling and surprise surprise, Fuller left over clashing with the production company. Hes going to get a bad rep for this. They have a $10 million per episode budget and wanted more and also had creative differences. Similar thing happened with Star Trek forcing him out. Its great to be a creative guy but if you cant play nice and you cant deliver on time and on budget, you wont get to see your creativity used to its potential. The first two episodes (collectively, the Pilot) were rough in my opinion. And I'd chalk that up to Fuller leaving. They wasted a lot of money with the On-Location shoot for no reason and you could see the vision was sort of all over the place. But starting with Episode 3, it's been really smooth in my opinion.
  16. Mindhunter os great!! havent seen American Gods yet but if it’s cancelled I wonder if Fuller will have wished he stuck with Star Trek.
  17. Conyers and franken have to resign. I was a Franken fan. I saw a story online about people facing the fact that perhaps their heroes are guilty of these acts. Franken was not a hero but I always liked him. But because of Trump if not just good sense, Conyers and Franken have to quit to send a message. If this is unacceptable then they need to fall on their swords. My two cents.
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